Sentences with phrase «to change with the times»

But because our host was also not changing with the times, our website started to perform less and less.
Exactly how fashion trends change, jewellery also changes with time.
The point is the «optimum» portfolio changes with time as well, and quite significantly given the recent movement in markets.
Ideally, a succession transition would be an orderly change with time for a thoughtfully planned and executed process.
What hiring managers expect to see in a resume keeps changing with time.
Of course your baby's nutritional needs change with time, but did you know his or her interests are changing at this point, too?
A good lab is never static; your lab will constantly change with time.
You may continue to lose weight as your postpartum body changes with time and during breastfeeding so don't go overboard.
It's about how a relationship changes with time and with children, and how two artists balance family demands with their creative pursuits.
As always, you should take this information with a pinch of salt as a company's plans could always change with time.
People change with time and circumstances but love remains the same.
This finding was based on very limited data and it was unclear whether its importance changes with time.
It shows a relaxed attitude to continuity, a confidence sufficient enough to change with the times without worrying about losing your identity.
The surrender value of the policy changes with time, which is something to pay attention to when accessing the cash value.
Customers are advised to consult independent tax consultants as the tax law changes with time.
Resume formats change with the times and whether or not to include physical address is one of those questions that would not have been asked even a few years ago.
It was interesting to see how opinions changed with time.
It provides a perfect fit and will stay securely even as the mother's breast shape changes with time.
We understand changing with the times to keep our communities strong is important.
He also used math to understand the evolution of disease - causing cells, violence during conflicts, and the way language and culture change with time.
To model a growing snow crystal on the computer, researchers must accurately simulate how the crystal surface changes with time.
That is, their properties change with time, often over very long time scales.
We also find that the spatial structure of the flat - fields change with time.
In all yoga poses, levels of experience change with time spent in them.
You must try to create a mindset for change with no time limits.
But as a few of you are already experiencing hunger disappears and taste buds change with time and the cravings that you may have for sweet stuff just disappear.
Men's jeans change with the times, just like women's.
Looking back, it's interesting to see how much my eating habits change with time and season.
How you perceive intimacy changes with time and a person who can provide you the level of intimacy which can make you happy and love is a great addition to your life.
Often, the needs of historic buildings change with time and therefore occupants of the buildings will require differing levels of building services.
We live in a world of transition and change; students change with the times, and often with the days.
The background colours of the reader sitting under the tree apparently change with the time of day, a nice touch.
The demand of the market changes with time and you must have multiple skills to stand strong in the market.
The demand of the market and customers change with time and to cope up with the market companies use product development as an effective tool.
As with any book with specific details, the details change with time and some have changed already.
And yes, even the returns you earn on your savings account change with time.
That's why we offer wellness care packages for puppies, kittens, and adult cats and dogs — their needs inevitably change with time, and it's our responsibility to address them.
Do you still have the same relationships to all your artworks now as when you first bought them, or have the feelings changed with time?
Develop and implement earthquake forecasting to provide communities with information on how seismic hazards change with time.
Thus, continued release of excess nitrogen to the environment will probably accelerate climate change with time and will also lead to the formation of more ozone holes in this century.
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