Sentences with phrase «to get more done»

Blogging productivity is about getting more done in less time — and that's essential, if you want to win the online marketing game.
From day one, we've been on a mission to help people get more done with less hassle by building a smart calendar that works like an assistant.
Now that my life with two kids has settled down a bit, I wonder why I didn't get more done when I just had one child or why I complained at all.
Many studies find you don't get more done by working longer hours.
Generally, you don't get more done by dragging your heels.
For me, I can get more done on a tablet than an e-reader, because I just don't read novels.
You won't necessarily get more done at the end of each day.
I was able to get more done while fasting, it felt like there was more time to work with when I didn't have to worry about food.
Nobody can function in business without a smartphone but most could get more done if they paid it less attention.
Why would people get more done out of the office?
You'll be more focused, more motivated, your energy level will be higher, and you'll actually get more done.
He wanted some help again, trading kills and getting more done faster as a team then alone.
When it comes to getting more done during the day, morning people have the right idea.
This will allow you to get more done without working extra hours and losing time for rest and sleep.
On some days, working from my home office means getting more done.
= / I'm trying to get more done as it is healthy for me, its just so damned hard to get started sometimes!
Then you'll get more done more effectively which will relax you at the end of the day so you can sleep better.
To boost productivity and help employees get more done, HR professionals believe installing automation and smart technology can help.
Who doesn't want to get more done throughout the day?
Not only does this make it easier to fast (no time to think about food), but I also get more done.
On our website, you are able to get more done because we hire experts in a variety of fields.
You'll not only get more done, you'll likely produce higher quality results.
Meanwhile many countries are struggling with employee productivity, with people working longer hours but not necessarily getting more done.
It's about getting more done with fewer resources in less time.
She is very efficient and I can get more done knowing she's handling the floors!
The bottom line: Technology tools can accidentally be the barrier that is preventing you from getting more done in your day.
Guess who got more done at the end of the day?
In your experience, could some start - up teams sometimes get more done by spending less time together?
Chat is great for exchanging ideas, sure, but how you actually help your organization get more done?
Regardless of who you like, which era got more done?
Who is he to say that working early is better, or that such people really get more done?
You will get this time back through getting more done after the break.
Build skills that help your customers get more done at work.
They build systems and they build daily rituals that help keep them motivated, and help them work less while still getting more done!
Brokers who want to get more done away from the office need to have the right combination of tools.
Quick — take the time to find out how to get more done in less time.
You can get more done when you choose this truck for your work.
I believe that we would get more done with less and our student outcomes would substantially elevate regardless of whether we deep - six standardized testing or not.
If you're aiming to get more done on the go, adding some apps to your mobile device can be a step in the right direction.
Unfortunately, many teens fall into the trap of thinking they'll get more done if they stay up late.
Or it might mean saying no more often, so that you can actually get more done.
In short, as you need to get more done during your day, tablets are essential to helping you to do just that.
I could say to you: because of those years she has, you wouldn't think she'd use the latest tools to get more done without traveling.
They understand that achieving great things means getting more done, taking excellent care of their bodies and thinking in ways which promote greatness.
We think we're getting more done by eating at the computer but our body doesn't know what to do, if it should get in digestion mode or not.
This hearty breakfast will delight your taste buds and help power up your energy and focus, so you can get more done throughout your busy day!
By eliminating the allure of social media channels, website pages and your smartphone, you can get more done faster.
Nearly 40 percent of workers believe they're more productive at the office, while 29 percent claim to get more done at home.

Phrases with «to get more done»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z