Sentences with phrase «tumor suppression»

"Tumor suppression" refers to the natural ability of our body to prevent the growth and development of cancerous cells or tumors. Our cells have mechanisms that recognize and control abnormal cell growth, helping to protect us from the formation of tumors. Full definition
The results found tumor suppression was 50 - percent higher in the grape extract group than in the control group.
We have examined the involvement of p21 in tumor suppression by following a large cohort of p21 - deficient mice for an extended period of time.
More recently, we elucidated an additional mechanism of tumor suppression mediated by canonical ephrin - induced EphA2 signaling (Figure 1A), which leads to inhibition of the AKT - mTORC1 oncogenic pathway through interplay of EphA2 with a phosphatase that dephosphorylates the AKT serine / threonine kinase.
While the function of the small differences in DNA in the three lineages today is not yet known, the Max Planck team sees clues that some may be involved in parts of the genome that regulate immune responses, tumor suppression genes, and perception of social cues.
«In drug development, it's easier to turn that growth function off than it is to switch on the cell's defective tumor suppression mechanism
«Most other tumors have a mutant p53, but in these testicular cell tumors, the p53 is functioning properly, and the drugs used for testicular cancer appear to work in concert with p53's tumor suppression function to kill the cancer cells.»
Understanding molecular mechanisms underlying tumor suppression mediated by the RB1 and TP53 genes
Ongoing work in our laboratory focuses on characterizing the functional effects of Eph receptor mutations in cancers such as melanoma, and investigating whether the mutations shift the balance of the Eph receptor signaling activities from tumor suppression to tumor promotion.
Ten studies identified chemoprotective effects, and 15 showed tumor suppression in groups fasting for 48 or 72 hours.
Mechanisms that link tumor suppression and the development of cancer to aging and the major diseases associated with aging
«And thus, maintaining internal physiological homeostasis is really important for liver tumor suppression
Overholtzer says tumor suppression may be one function of entosis.
Thus, upon activation by ActD, AKT becomes an inducer of p53 tumor suppression instead of being a survival factor, as consistently shown in human embryonic kidney cell lines (293 and 293T), human hepatoma cell line (HepG2), and mouse hepatoma cell line (Hepa - 1c1c7).
Excitingly, our study points out that condensin plays an important role in cellular senescence, a major tumor suppression mechanism.
In the journal Nature on Sept. 6, three science teams reported a major link between tumor suppression and stem cell division.
Latest discoveries of the team «Genetics of Tumor Suppression (CNRS, Institut Curie)» managed by Franck Toledo, University Pierre and Marie Curie Professor, recently published in Nature Communication should enable to better understanding mecanisms at stake in the Fanconi Anemia.
A recently developed genetic screening technique using RNA interference identified Myh9's protein, myosin IIa, as playing an important role in tumor suppression.
But some of the tumor suppression genes didn't recover and remained forever altered.
«The implications of these results are not only how normal T cells develop, but that tumor suppression is regulated through this mechanism, at least in part,» said Murre.
Cell detoxification, airway inflammation control, and tumor suppression were dampened while cancer - causing gene activity increased.
The researchers devised a strategy to reactivate p53 in these cells, and showed in vitro that tumor suppression was restored.
Lloyd Trotman Molecular mechanisms of tumor suppression; cancer modeling and treatment; molecular cancer visualization; PTEN regulation
These genes play an important role in tumor suppression; their mutations can increase the probability of developing metastatic cancer.
Subsequently, the role of p21 in mediating tumor suppression has been examined in a number of murine models for tissue - specific tumorigenesis.
However, it remains to be elucidated which is the relative contribution of the different p53 - transcriptional targets to tumor suppression.
As an assistant professor at the Boston University Medical School, she became interested in the control of cellular senescence and its role in tumor suppression and aging.
The p16INK4a - RB pathway: molecular link between cellular senescence and tumor suppression.
In recent years, therapeutics aiming to restore the tumor suppression function of the immune system have shown impressive clinical results, but not all cancer patients benefit from these.
TIC10 stimulates the tumor suppression capabilities of TRAIL in both normal and tumor tissues, including in the brain, and induces tumor cell death in mice.
Studies by ours and other groups have shown that a number of EphA2 and EphA3 mutations inactivate Eph receptor canonical signaling by disrupting ephrin binding or kinase activity, consistent with a role of canonical signaling in tumor suppression.
Latest discoveries of the team «Genetics of Tumor Suppression (CNRS, Institut Curie)» managed by Franck Toledo, University Pierre and Marie Curie Professor, recently published in Nature Communication...
Trevor Carden and colleagues at the University of Alabama showed the first evidence of a micro-RNA's role in mitochondrial - nuclear signaling and tumor suppression.
For the first time, the researchers showed an upregulation of this tumor suppression gene as they added more and more of the blended apple peels to each of the cancer types.
Mice that were given sulindac also showed a tumor suppression effect similar to that noted in the grape extract group.
But then, in 2006, researchers in Canada working with breast - cancer cells found that metformin increased the activity of an enzyme involved in tumor suppression, suggesting that the drug might fight cancer by working directly on cancer cells.
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