Sentences with phrase «change things»

Because of course you can not prove either that it does not change things for a pray - er.
In other words, if you are claiming that prayer changes things in our world then it easily falls within the realm of scientific investigation.
I didn't change a thing in terms of calories or exercise.
Now, at 75 and extremely healthy, I can look back and see what really changed things around for me.
Since «Prayer really changes things», perhaps the other boys prayed for some divine wrath.
Most reading devices and apps display e-book files differently and provide individual users with the option to alter their reading experience by changing things like text size, font and line spacing.
They like the option of changing things as needed but also value a routine that helps both parent and baby know what comes next.
Obviously they're upset about everything about government and most want to just change things as much as they can, and I think that's really what's happening today.
Let me sum up, they didn't change a thing on the car, offer you less choices and increased the prices.
They are always changing things so it is fun to see it now!
Don't reject an otherwise awesome vintage piece — you can always change those things by taking the item to a tailor, or just making a few alterations yourself.
Then you'll see the code, but be careful about changing things if you don't know what you're doing.
I wouldn't change a thing from my previous totally supportive review, other than like a fine musical instrument, it seems to be getting better with age.
We are constantly changing things at our schools as we continue to modify our spaces for enhanced learning climate and instructional possibilities.
I didn't really change a thing when I finally cooked this last night, and it came out even more delicious than I could have imagined!
It's important to know there are no new ingredients in our new formulation and we still only use the highest quality natural ingredients, we've just changed things around a bit.
At the practice level, I don't see this is going to change things much for the average foreign worker or employer.
Believe in your own mind and don't fall for the false saying prayer changes things because the experts have proven their claims are false.
No set of F1 regulations has ever been perfect but the sport is constantly changing things in the hope that it will hit the nail on the head.
Timing changes things and later on down the road, they might be ready to sell.
Energy companies are rolling in so much cash right now they don't care and they could just absorb any new tax without changing a thing.
Some traits don't change things too drastically while others can prove beneficial to you.
I love that look, I love changing things around for the seasons and holidays.
If you want to change things now how about you meet you're neighbors become friends and maybe just maybe you might learn the truth about other people.
This climate change thing means lots of money to certain groups who have positioned themselves to gain from it.
I'm with you — only a covered «landing» on the front... there is a patio in back, but no roof, which changes things significantly.
You can also change things like background color, and whether you want a notification indicator.
What kind of prayer actually changes things if Muslim prayer does not?
I know I did with my first because I kept changing things based on what I saw / heard someone else do.
Regardless, the cat is out of the bag and the Catholic church better move fast to change things drastically and correct this age old problem.
How about changing things up every day with watch faces from artists and designers?
This combination — advances in biological tissues and further integration of humans with machines — has the potential to really change things over the next few decades.
Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't go back in time and change a thing even if I could.
Sadly, that will last about a week before I decide to start changing things again.
Personally I don't think he will do it but it would be both good and bad, unless it forces us into changing things slightly.
I've heard life changing things about the whole process and I think it's what my daily routine is missing!
I didn't change a thing except added a little almond butter to top of the hazelnut butter.
It appears the studio behind the HD version is changing things quite a bit, and for the better.
The pair decide that they shouldn't let their moment of sex on camera change things between them, but of course it does.
It's not so prudent to give examples of current takeover offers, as price volatility and news flow can change things all too quickly.
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