Sentences with phrase «character speaking»

This version, which has been available only in some video editions, has longer stretches during which the Austrian characters speak in German without subtitles as well as better pacing throughout.
Characters speak with Nordic accents that feel realistic and refreshing.
It was engaging to hear the full cast of characters speaking to me, instead of having to read through a script to get what was going on.
Motion occurs only in key parts of the frame, such as mouths moving when characters speak or body parts moving when action calls for it.
When presented with the latter scenario, you must select which character speaks.
The main character speaking would be cool and it would make him feel more involved and feel more like an actual person.
Furthermore, the two central characters aren't French in the way that term is typically understood, though they and the other characters speak French throughout.
Characters speak in typical military jargon and reference planets and organizations as if you're supposed to know what they mean.
Some sound files when characters speak are repeated again for a few seconds even after the scene is finished.
The English - language screenplay, in which new dialogue by American voice - over actors had to painstakingly match the mouth movements of the animated characters speaking Japanese, was written by Karey Kirkpatrick.
Human translators are trained to catch the way characters speak and what actual meaning a thing has.»
If you've seen his earlier work — Dogtooth or The Lobster, perhaps — you'll have some idea of his unsettling style where characters speak in monotone platitudes.
The dogs» barks have been «rendered» in English, as has Courtney B. Vance's booming, ominous narration, but all the human characters speak in their native languages, without subtitles.
At his best, Hughes depicted a fully developed universe grounded in visual details and populated by characters speaking in a teen argot of his own invention.
Zemeckis has apparently determined that audiences will no longer support the fiction that a group of foreign - language characters all speak to each other in English, so he's forced to invent all sorts of pretexts for Petit to speak primarily in the language of Hollywood: he's going to New York so he must practice; Annie speaks good English, so she's happy to establish their relationship in that language.
Fortunately, it redeems itself with irresistible characters, kick - ass pacing, and a cast that knows how to keep a straight face as it takes the stock characters speaking seemly stock dialogue into the rarified, amped up atmosphere of a slick and deliberately self - conscious parody of the action genre.
In Animal Crossing: City Folk, if the player sticks to the main story, Pelly is the first character spoken to (which is not started automatically), besides Rover.
Though I should point out that a friend of mine with Asperger Syndrome asked me to note that he didn't like both the way other characters spoke of River's Asperger Syndrome or the way one of the other characters, written to also be an Aspie, was just part of the «proud asshole with Asperger syndrome» media trope.
Set in this futuristic Paris (though not many characters speaking in French accents), Remember Me, formerly known as Adrift, offers a unique third - person action adventure game set in the familiar French city.
Moe is the closest to having been a locker room issue and he showed tremendous character speaking to the team apologizing for not being a better teammate.
Prom Week characters speak in text - based English, thanks to dialogue templates for around 1000 scenarios based on characters» relationships: particular details are filled in using past experiences or personality traits.
I'm a god fearing genuine person.Im in excellent health, all blessings I give God the glory.Financially secure and spiritually on solid ground.My actions and character speak fo... Read More
I'm absolutely against violence, but the rage of Ben Fosters character spoke to me.
But taking a cue from its low - key characters, the general feel of the movie is so humane and friendly it's easy to overlook that stuff, especially since «Penguins» spares us the common practice of having its animal characters speak with voices provided by washed - up comics.
«Coco,» which has the twists and turns of the kind of black - and - white melodramas Ernesto starred in, is in some respects as old - fashioned a story as they come about the close bonds of family; the many zestily - drawn characters speak entertainingly to the push and pull of tradition within that bubble and across generations.
But some preschoolers (and their parents) might not be as easily impressed: something about this show just feels off, from the eye - catching but vaguely sterile CGI artwork to the way many of these familiar characters speak to each other.
The key characters speak to the camera in the present day, reflecting on and often correcting contradictory accounts of Harding's marriage and the punchline incident.
Even the subtitles, used when characters speak Spanish, get into the act, certain key words being made larger or the whole lines jumping around the screen as the people talk.
Hostiles gives its Indigenous characters speaking roles with dialogue in Cheyenne and English, while including folklore and rituals as part of the greater heritage wiped out by colonial genocide, although one wishes the film gave them the same depth and complexity as Joseph and Rosalie.
Individual sections focus on writer Paddy Chayefsky, the film's casting, the sequence in which the Peter Finch character speaks his famous line («I'm mad as hell...»), the film's rehearsal process, camera and lighting issues, and reflections from Walter Cronkite.
ERIC KOHN: No major American filmmaker has flaunted his autonomy from the Hollywood system more than Quentin Tarantino, whose characters speak and whose movies move in ways that are forever connected to his name.
The Quintana character spoke with a thick accent, danced backwards and referred to himself as «the Jesus.»
While that main mystery is fairly compelling, The Following is held back by dull, unlikeable characters speaking to us live from the uncanny valley.
Characters speak over him with boring monologues of exposition, lumping down the next phase of the plot.
The film is also a love story, dabbles in feminism, and is the third film this year with a major character speaking in sign language.
In that way, Code Unknown shares a similar style and treatise with Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing, where the unspoken tension between characters speaks far more than their words and actions.
And Slumdog could hardly be more cross-cultural: a romantic adventure set in India, financed in Europe, made by English filmmakers, featuring Muslim characters speaking Hindi, with a climax hinging on the answer to a question about a French novel.
The cast is uniformly excellent, but to be honest it's hard to be bad at the kind of understated monotone many Anderson characters speak in.
I left airtime in the dialogue where male characters spoke.
It's too nineteenth century with the lower class characters speaking in sentences like «He was willin», so long's I «greed to be careful about fire, an» well... there's nothin'to keep you from comin» down to - night and seein» it» and «I s» pose we'll have a high old time between now and mornin», «cause that kid, sweet as she's lookin» jest now, ain't goin'to be quiet.»
Neither of the games titular characters speak, the story instead progresses through visual cues and a gibberish language allowing for an immediate sense of player interaction and engagement.
Yet there are some quirks that are hard to explain away, like the fact that various characters speak Japanese, English, Italian, and Chinese, all interchangeably, and with everyone understanding what the other is saying.
The order of exchange is quite important, as the first few characters you speak with increase their trust level with Kasugai.
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