Sentences with phrase «human decision»

With neuroscience methods and techniques, the results are more reliable and provide a better understanding of human decision making in various circumstances, researchers said.
But underlying all this, the authors claim, is a process of human decision making that can be studied, and can be modeled.
My own interest is in the phenomenon of wisdom, or rather the lack thereof, in human decision - making.
Human control would require that any use of violent force be initiated only by human decision and kept fully under human control.
For the good of the spouses and their off - spring, as well as of society, the existence of the sacred bond no longer depends on human decisions alone.
Taken together, they risk placing moral responsibility onto sophisticated tools rather than on the shoulders of human decision makers.
The real concern lies with futuristic technologies that will rely on artificial intelligence and no longer require routine input from human decision - makers.
It is based on subjective human decisions as to which scenarios to include in the model, the discount rate to apply to future costs and benefits, and how to deal with uncertainty.
Next, the researchers conducted a set of experiments to determine whether prototype - based machine learning could actually improve human decision - making.
The team is expanding their research to explore how the elusive feelings of confidence are based on objective predictions that influence human decisions as well.
It denies the free human decision to create the bomb.
HR analytics are great, but people are the ones who make the important human decisions regarding employees.
To believe in human freedom is to believe that conditions do not control human decisions.
It is the requirement that for the reality of love human decisions must enter into the determination of the future.
Nevertheless, there is overwhelming common sense reason to suppose that conscious human decisions have effects on bodily behavior.
Again, this is hardly science fiction: in the domain of computational finance, algorithms have already partially substituted human decision (and judgment) in the activity of trading.
This model incorporates economics, energy, agriculture, land - use changes, emissions and concentrations of greenhouse gases to understand how human decisions interact with natural processes that control climate.
I am interested in the psychology of human decision making, particularly as it relates to important issues of our times and the way in which they are debated.
If this radical change could be implemented by human decisions, other decisions could effect other changes.
Under the directive, human decision makers are charged with responsibility for ensuring compliance with laws of war when the machines they set in motion are unable to ensure this.
The actual construction of experience is a matter of human decision.
What we are starting to see is the shift from human decision - making around legal consequences to machine - oriented decision - making.
But according to a recent study published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, confidence is the real key to leadership which gets people wanting to follow.
Macro and Micro economics assume a model for human decision making and impose those assumptions on the economic system.
«Richard Thaler has pioneered the analysis of ways in which human decisions systematically deviate from traditional economic models,» says cognitive scientist Peter Gӓrdenfors of Lund University, Sweden, a member of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee.
As Peter W. Singer's argues in his seminal book Wired for War, this prospect does not belong to the realm of science fiction: we are amidst a revolution in military warfare, with digital and robotic technology increasingly replacing human decision in contemporary warfare.
«Human decisions about energy will be important in determining how much the sea rises and thus how much damage we face, and accurate projections of storms will help in minimizing the risks.»
But getting to that city also included human decision - making, and my wife a job and me a job (and a second change of jobs) and a lot of other details as well.
I would define «quant» or a «quantitative system» as a strategy that does not require human decisions (discretion) at the level of execution.
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, who studies human decision making, helped build the new tool at Google.
Algorithms, with enough inputs, can mimic human decision making.
«There are automatic guns in the demilitarized zone that can target and fire without human decision,» says Colin Allen, a cognitive scientist at Indiana University and coauthor of Moral Machines: Teaching Robots Right From Wrong.
But rather than discuss the impossibility of predicting or modeling human decisions or capabilities, the authors choose not to address the issue at all, and this undercuts the seriousness of their undertaking.
Intrade was a predictions market, something originally developed by academics to gain better insight into human decision - making, but operated as a business.
Not that the arrival of systems with more human decision - making processes means the obsolescence of the human brain.
There is plenty of confusion about these terms in the media, but for our purposes it's probably best think of AI as a broad technology category whereby machines carry out the kinds of «smart» tasks we associate with human decision making.
From the Garden of Eden to David's adulterous affair with Bathsheba, from Jesus» sin - filled genealogy to Peter's denial of the Christ, we will challenge and encourage people of faith to tell the whole truth revealed in the Bible about foolish human decisions and the consequences of sin.
In this way Wesley gives a large role to actual human decisions.
Even when human habits are most ideally attuned to the divine call, human decision remains.
In a very real sense the birth of God, on our planet at least, awaits the outcome of our own human decision for entropy or emergence.
First, it is based on «irrevocable personal consent» and, once this consent is given, God ratifies the bond of marriage such that «the existence of the sacred bond no longer depends on human decisions alone».
That the current system isn't simply the natural order of things, but the product of active human decision - making, and that it's within our power to alter how society functions.
While human decisions will always be fallible), that might be a chance to step away from somewhat Panglossian tone defending of everything in this case, and perhaps acknowledging there might be things to learn from it for the future.
Still, DeepStack is a few years away from truly being able to mimic complex human decision making, Bowling says.

Phrases with «human decision»

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