Sentences with phrase «number of muscles»

You want to train your nervous system to contract larger numbers of muscle fibers to develop higher levels of strength.
The push up is a full body exercise, and when performed properly, it will activate a large number of muscle groups in your body.
However, lifting heavy weights isn't the only way to put a large number of muscle fibers under tension.
You can get the best strength gains by performing heavy sets of 1 - 5 reps which will activate the greatest number of muscle fibers available.
This enables your body to recruit a bigger number of muscle fibers and provides a better overall muscle development.
We are born with the highest number of muscle fibers we will ever have and that will never change.
One of the big reasons why this exercise is so effective is that it hits a big number of muscles with one simple movement.
These allow for intense work on a maximum number of muscle groups in a minimum amount of time.
The novelty of this technique is that it generates a larger number of muscle stem cells without using genetic modification, which is required by existing methods for making muscle cells.
While we are born with a set number of muscle fibers (in other words, we can't grow new ones), we can build up the ones we have.
When you normally do a push up you are only using a certain number of muscle fibers to complete the movement.
These help in a superb grip so that you are in a state to target a greater number of muscle groups.
This is an additional burden on a greater number of muscles.
The goal is to contract the maximum number of muscle fibers in the minimum amount of time.
A large number of muscle groups are engaged in providing the spine the strength to support the body.
There are isolation exercises included in the routine, but the core of it are big compound movements which engage a large number of muscle fibers.
Xiao's team first used AAV8, a strain of adeno - associated virus, to carry a gene for a marker, green fluorescent protein, into an unprecedented number of muscle cells.
However the reverse may be true in the eccentric portion, where lowering the load more slowly increases muscle damage and metabolic stress within a selected number of muscle fibres.
(A) The total number of muscle fibers in laminin - stained EDL muscle sections from IL - 15Ra — KO mice was greater compared with B6129 control.
The main benefit of using dumbbells is that it requires you to engage a greater number of muscles compared to the barbell and machine variant and actually activates the lower fibers of the chest press better than a barbell press — since your hands are free to move across your body when you use dumbbells, the lower pecs get a better workout.
However, multifidus is distinctive for the unusually high number of muscle spindles it contains.
No other exercise recruits the sheer number of muscle fibers and stimulates as much growth and adaptation as a correctly performed...
Street Fighter is a 1994 attempt to fictionalize the adventures of the characters in a videogame series that was held together by different men and women with an impossible number of muscles punching each other to death.
Because it's a compound exercise, it naturally works multiple muscle groups, but of all the compound exercises, the deadlift works the biggest number of muscle groups.
The new method, described in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine, could be used to generate large numbers of muscle cells and muscle progenitors directly from human pluripotent stem cells.
While many fitness professionals and instructors tend to favour one o over the other, the truth is that both types of squats work a large number of muscles with only a slight difference between the two — while the front squat puts a greater emphasis on the quads and upper back, the back squat places greater emphasis on the glutes and the lumbar spine.
(E) The total number of muscle fibers counted in laminin - stained TA muscle sections from IL - 15Ra — KO mice was greater compared with B6129 control.
We are fortunate in that all dogs have the same number of bones which are tied together by the same number of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Bill Amonette of the University of Houston — Clear Lake found that Rogers could recruit an abnormally high number of muscle fibers.
Considering all this, it is obvious that the best investment for someone with limited space in their home would be a machine with a proven track record of great results, and one that can offer a comprehensive and convenient workout which encapsulates the greatest number of muscle groups possible.
Hardgainers have a limited recovery capacity, so they should spend their energy on exercises that stimulate the greatest number of muscle fibers at once.
The dip is a complex push exercise which works a large number of muscles in your upper body.
This way you can engage a bigger number of muscle fibers and fully exhaust the muscle.
The increased economy of movement helps by reducing the number of muscles that need to activate for a given movement pattern.
In long distance running muscle damage could interfere with muscle contraction, and limit the number of muscle fibers taking part in muscle contraction, which in turn limits performance.
«The number of muscle fibers is believed to be set by term birth.»
Hence, myostatin appears to play as least two distinct roles, one to regulate the number of muscle fibers that are formed during development and a second to regulate growth of muscle fibers postnatally.
The number of neurons in the brain's motor areas vastly exceeds the number of muscles, meaning that many different patterns of neural activity could be responsible for the same movement.
This, of course, decreases the effectiveness of the exercise, since the limited range of motion will reduce the number of muscle fibers recruited, so why would you want to do it?
Like the back squat, the front squat is a champion lower body exercise and uses a large number of muscles.
It is an increase in the number of muscle fibres in the muscle.
Simply put, as the resistance increases and the range of motion lengthens, the number of muscle fibers activated in the muscle increases as well, resulting with insane growth and strength gains.
It combines two moves in one to up the number of muscles you're working while cutting back on the time you spend working out.
If you're one of the guys who want to be as powerful as they look, you should stick to progressive overloading and doing fewer reps with maximum weight and use «the pump» only as an indication that you're activating a large number of muscle fibers and you've successfully targeted the working muscle.
Once you master the basic push - up, you can up the intensity and the number of muscle fibers trained with this challenging push - up variant.
Rightfully named the upper body squat, the dip is a highly efficient exercise for training a big number of muscles, including the triceps, chest, shoulders and core muscles.
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