Sentences with phrase «observational record»

Over land, values of the relative humidity of surface air are determined quite directly from observational records for regions where plentiful observations of surface air humidity were made.
The scientists then verified the indices using available observational records.
He said this study tried to build out a stronger observational record by using daily weather data and found a «really robust» relationship.
However, attribution assessments of these types of events pose unique challenges due to the often limited observational record.
Of course plotting accurate instrumental or observational records becomes progressively less feasible as it is taken further back in time.
But from an email conversation with Francis, Vavrus, and several other atmospheric scientists this week, it became clear that there may be more questions than answers at this point, given the large amount of natural variability that affects winter weather patterns, and the very short observational record of how the atmosphere responded to extreme losses of sea ice (only five winters of records since 2007).
The possible two - year gap in coverage due to the delayed launch of the JPSS, says Trenberth, will cause critical discontinuity in observational records vital for monitoring global climate trends.
The study was based on observational records by a team around Irene Bender and Matthias Dehling of the fruit choices of birds in the Manú Biosphere Reserve on the western slopes of the Andes in Peru.
But from an email conversation with Francis, Vavrus, and several other atmospheric scientists this week, it became clear that there may be more questions than answers at this point, given the large amount of natural variability that affects winter weather patterns, and the very short observational record of how the atmosphere responded to extreme losses of sea ice (only five winters of records since 2007).
Observational records show that anthropogenic - influenced climate change has already had a profound impact on global and U.S. warm season climate over the past 30 years, and there is increasing contrast between geographic regions that are climatologically wet and dry - the hypothesis that the «wet gets wetter, dry gets drier» is seen in a new paper by Chang et al..
Co-author Nerilie Abram, from the Australian National University, said: «In order to better understand climate change in Antarctica, we need continued climate measurements in the Antarctic and Southern Ocean, and extension of these short observational records with past climate reconstructions and climate modelling.»
The 29 year observational record of September sea ice extent has zero autocorrelation, zero skew, and zero correlation with the [prior] May extent.
We've narrowed the uncertainty in surface warming projections by generating thousands of climate simulations that each closely match observational records for nine key climate metrics, including warming and ocean heat content.»
Observational records indicate that 11 of the past 12 years are the warmest since reliable records began around 1850.
(The average lunar day is about 51 minutes longer than the solar day because of the moons rotation around Earth and this allows scientists to reliably separate the two tides in long observational records.)
For such empirical forecasts regionally depth - dependent damping rates \ (\ lambda (x, y, z) \) could be derived from the lag - 1 autocorrelation of long term observational records of water storage and soil moisture.
This makes August 1.23 C warmer than the 1880 - 1909 baseline (when observational records commence).
According to Stone, cases where the link between human - generated greenhouse gas emissions and local warming trends were weak were often due to the fact that the climate observational record was insufficient in those regions to build a clear picture about what has been happening over the past several decades.
by Judith Curry The demand for climate information, with long observational records spanning decades to centuries and the information's broad application for decision making across many socioeconom...
Created and used observational records of each child to engage him or her in activities aligning with individual needs
With the availability of multiple years of data from new and improved passive instruments launched as part of the Earth Observing System (EOS) and active instruments belonging to the A-Train constellation (L'Ecuyer and Jiang 2010), a more complete observational record of ERB variations and the underlying processes is now possible.
We lack the unimpeachable observational records necessary for this task.
Talk to me in another 15 years — Based on advances in modeling technology and on the additional observational record, I guarantee that I will have modified my opinion several times during that period.
The more extreme nature of U.S. warm season climate in the recent observational record and two «well - performing» dynamically downscaled CMIP3 models (Journal of Geophsycial Research - Atmospheres)
Working under the supervision of Dr. Toby Ault at Cornell University, our most recent project uses the CESM Large Ensemble (LENS) project [1] and Extend Spring Indices Model (SI - x)[2] to understand the risk of March 2012 - like (earliest spring in observational record [3]-RRB- springs through the end of the 21st century.
The 16 July low was the lowest in the satellite observational record and coincided with 97 % of the ice sheet surface area melting.
However, as mentioned in the earlier paragraph, it is difficult to make a strong statement saying that global warming is responsible for stronger hurricanes, due to the high natural variability of these storms and the poor observational record: «multi-decadal variability and the quality of the tropical cyclone records prior to routine satellite observations in about 1970 complicate the detection of long - term trends in tropical cyclone activity.»
First, the algorithm assessed the adequacy of the available climate data — the so - called observational record — related to the particular regional impact over the 40 - year period.
There are scant precedents for this situation in the United States observational record.
I mentioned in my last post that he would have a problem in formulating a response to the likelihood that 2013 will turn out to be the warmest year in the Australian observational record.
Pepijn Bakker and colleagues combine observational records of iceberg - rafted debris with climate models to show that the climate fluctuations seen during the Holocene may have been driven by small variations in the discharge of freshwater from the Antarctic Ice Sheet, amplified through the climate system.
«What causes the observed changes in precipitation and temperature is not something we have addressed because of the difficulties in doing so just based on observational records,» Villarini says.
«The long - term observational record of main components of the hydrological cycle — rainfall, evaporation, river runoff and soil moisture — is woefully incomplete, particularly in sensitive semi-arid regions, and this study is a significant contribution to support this record.»
Detecting trends takes time, particularly when observational records are rare or even missing in certain regions.
Co-author of the study Professor Ian Hall, from the School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, said: «Our results highlight the challenge of basing our understanding of the climate system on generally short observational records.
Results obtained so far are preliminary because observational records of the change in satellite orbits are relatively short (Nerem and Klosko, 1996; Cheng et al., 1997) but they will become important as the length of the record increases.
Finally, some important apparent inconsistencies noted in the observational record have been largely resolved since the last report.
Now Rebekah Dawson and Daniel Fabrycky at the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Massachusetts, say gaps in the observational record meant the planet's orbital period — originally thought to be about three days — was miscalculated.
For a start, observational records are now roughly five years longer, and the global temperature increase over this period has been largely consistent with IPCC projections of greenhouse gas — driven warming made in previous reports dating back to 1990.
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