Sentences with phrase «one's crunchiness»

The products are specifically designed to add crunchiness in confectionary and chocolate.
We started our meal with an appetizer of shredded crab, which was sweet and tasty with just a hint of crunchiness from celery.
If your child likes crunchiness, replace a bag of potato chips with roasted kale chips or baby carrots.
However, I decided to make these fudgy hearts extra special by adding some seeds for crunchiness.
I would recommend blotting them on paper towels before serving, and I would heat them in a skillet rather than the microwave for a hint of crunchiness on the exterior.
I usually flour my muffin tin with semolina, which creates a little crunchiness on the sides of the cupcakes.
But using yeast creates more than mere fluffiness — it adds serious crunchiness in every bite.
I baked the asparagus fries for about 22 minutes and made sure to taste test for desired crunchiness before turning off my oven.
It's not absolutely necessary, but the slight crunchiness is nice.
This ensures an even bake and perfect crunchiness all around!
Even though there are different levels and varieties of crunchiness when it comes to granola moms, there are a few basic repeating themes, many of them just part and parcel to being a run - of - the - mill hippie.
It has less sugar than similar bakes, but its nutty crunchiness will have you coming back for more.
Just remember to add the onions at the last minute for maximum crunchiness.
One little trick that I usually do with my homemade granola is to toss the coconut on the tray (I use a metal sheet tray) at the very end, turn the oven off and let the tray cool down along with the oven... extra crunchiness without burned coconut.
The sweetness and crunchiness balances out everything and they are a must add - in.
Keeping the work on a high heat add the peppers and other vegetables and cook until they reach a good heat yet still retain some of their fresh crunchiness.
The next time I make this cake I will try adding some toasted walnut to the batter to give it a little more crunchiness.
In addition to being pretty, the truffles are also very tasty, combining the subtlety of avocado, sweetness of mango, a touch of citrus, and finishing off with a pleasant crunchiness of the coat.
May your life be filled with everlasting crunchiness and creamy aioli.
A word about crunchiness: I have both regular fitted diapers and hybrid fitted diapers, and I truly prefer hybrid fitted diapers.
DELICIOUS CRUNCHINESS; freshly picked from the best Californian trees, these whole unshelled walnuts are tasty and full of good natural nutrients.
The simplicity of roasting brings out the richness of the beets and cabbage in this dish; the kale addition lends crunchiness due to it's roasting.
Something about the sweet crunchiness is so satisfying.
As a curly haired person, i was excited to finally find a mousse that gave me curl definition and volume with out crunchiness.
And the granola gives this a nice crunchiness so you feel full and satisfied when you're done with this bar.
Once they were cooked to full crunchiness, there was no hint of that Earth Balance taste, which is why, I think, vegan sugar cookies tend to be a little gross.
I can still taste them in my memories; the hot oily crunchiness, the cinnamon sugar rain that would end up all over everything.
There isn't much better than the creaminess of chocolate mixed with the salty crunchiness of peanuts.
The onions gives the salad the biting taste while crunchiness of the peanuts, the coriander and garlic (not too overpowering) lends its wonderful flavour to the salad.
Spinach and nuts add so much crunchiness.
Cucumber may not be a very flavorful veggie but when combined with other ingredients it gives that tasty crunchiness to be desired.
Add walnuts or other nuts for additional crunchiness.
I used a 9 inch metal pan, and the resultant crunchiness was delicious!
These are like a yummy chocolate chip cookie with some extra chewiness and crunchiness mixed in.
The addition of the roasted chickpeas adds a fiery crunchiness, the contrast in texture is what makes this salad super special for me!
Here's how to make the crispy tortilla strips that give this soup its addictive crunchiness.
The pretzels add tons of good crunch and give it a little bit of a salted vibe, the dried fruits contribute that perfect tart - but - sweet thing that's going on, and all the nuts & seeds up the taste and crunchiness factors to the max.
So yeah, this salad has it all — you have the earthy sweetness of the beets, the slight bitterness of the kale, which I turned into chips, so it adds crunchiness too, the tangy, pungent kick of the horseradish, and the aromatic toasted hazelnuts.
My comment is that rice paper is a clever idea, if what you're searching for is the delicate crunchiness of thin sliced bacon, but rice paper has no food value at all.
For a long time, I was a slow convert to carrot soup, unsure how the sweet, astringent crunchiness would translate to liquid form.
And the sparkling crunchiness of the sugar in which they were rolled before baking?
Add the red wine vinaigrette right before serving to keep the salad from wilting and losing its trademark crunchiness.
We went for slices of toasted sourdough as it provides a pleasant crunchiness against melt - in - the - mouth beans.
Chips are great at picking up ceviche and the combination of tortilla chip crunchiness with ceviche is the most satisfying.
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