Sentences with phrase «one's model projections»

Previous climate model projections of climate change accounted for external forcing from natural and anthropogenic sources but did not attempt to predict internally generated natural variability.
Several media outlets are reporting that new research shows climate model projections of rainfall extremes may be «flawed» or «wrong».
As the basis for the chapter to follow, we provide summaries of the scaled - down global climate model projections for each of these climate variables below.
«This important source of atmospheric methane is not currently considered in modeled projections,» it said.
I realize that «we» put a lot of «faith» in computer model projections here, but surely they're not considered facts just yet.
Climate model projections suggest that by year 2100, both intense drought and flooding may increase in frequency by at least 50 percent.
Model projections show that climate change will impact water resources availability and will increase water temperatures in many regions of the world.
... virtually all climate - model projections indicate that warmer springs and summers will occur over the region in coming decades.
However, when comparing model projections to observed temperatures over just a decade or two, the short - term noise can play a significant role.
The individual model projections range from reductions of 9 to 17 %.
Do you think knowledge of «absolute truth» global average temperature would help to evaluate which model projections are closer to reality?
His reading of climate model projections also doesn't mention the persistent uncertainty about how much warming a given rise in greenhouse gas concentrations could produce.
The dangers of comparing smooth ensemble model projections with real data can work both ways, of course.
Model projections conducted by other studies expect much higher carbon release rates — from 100 to 900 times greater — for its release during the upcoming 90 years.
Model projections serve as personalized achievement markers for individual students to outperform.
Given the uncertainty in climate projections, there can be surprises that may cause more dramatic disruptions than anticipated from the most probable model projections.
What would a more realistic model projection look like?
This was found to largely reconcile model projections with global temperature observations.
Do model projections tend to show us areas that will see more storm activity over the coming century as global temperatures warm?
Not the theoretical ones based on speculative model projections.
I have posted three tables with model projections for all six model runs for 2018, 2022 and 2030.
I mean the individual model projections themselves and not the average of the average of the average of the data.
The IPCC model projections of future warming based on the varios SRES and human emissions only (both GHG warming and aerosol cooling, but no natural influences) are shown in Figure 6.
The paper is, as it says, all about increasing skill: making better projections of future warming with narrower ranges by constraining model projections with observations.
Given the fact that observations have continued to move away from model projections based on a sensitivity of 4.2 C per doubling of CO2 (Scenario B), to what extent can we rule out, or at least consider as highly unlikely, sensitivities of 4.5 C or higher?
The IPCC modeled its projections over different scenarios — business as usual, minor increases in voluntary action to curb emissions, major economic transformation to clean energy, and so on.
Using modelled projections on temperature and rainfall, the study's results could also be further aggravated by unpredictable factors such as crop pests, severe droughts and water shortages.
The extra data spanning many thousands of years that this study uncovers will go a long way to matching model projections with past observations, helping scientists identify the most accurate models for making predictions of future climate change.
Figure 3: Observed global temperatures since 1980 compared to IPCC AR4 model projections for the business - as - usual A1B scenario.
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