Sentences with phrase «one's physical and emotional health»

Infant feeding has a profound impact on physical and emotional health and wellbeing, lasting into adulthood.
The effects of animal assisted therapeutic activities have been well - documented and proven, including improved physical and emotional health.
Clients also indicated improvement in physical and emotional health, work functioning, and children's ability to get along with others.
In general, egg donors need to be between 20 - 29 years old and in good physical and emotional health.
We are a volunteer - driven organization dedicated to restoring the dogs and cats under our care to physical and emotional health as they await placement in loving, responsible homes.
It's no secret that breastfeeding provides both a mother and her baby with numerous physical and emotional health benefits.
Balanced blood sugar is associated with physical and emotional health, as well as, and of course, longevity.
In holistic nutrition it is believed that we need a certain balance of protein, vitamins, and other nutrients to help our bodies reach maximum energy levels and overall physical and emotional health.
Providing a safe environment to express feelings and a helping hand can make a difference in this person's physical and emotional health while grieving the loss of a marriage.
The negative physical and emotional health effects of divorce are larger for men, perhaps in part because men depend more on their spouse to encourage healthy behavior and provide emotional support.
Over the last 25 years, scientists have credited melatonin — a natural hormone — with promoting the type of deep, restful sleep that is so vital to maintaining physical and emotional health.
Looking after yourself Some kinship carers have high levels of depression and anxiety and also physical and emotional health problems.
The others include physical and emotional health, social skills, work ethic, appreciation of the arts, and community responsibility.
Take care of your own physical and emotional health so you're ready for the demands of day - to - day single parenting.
Feeling anxious and stressed at work can cause negative physical and emotional health effects for employees, resulting in lost productivity and higher health costs.
Your marriage is a partnership, but to have a healthy, successful marriage, it's important that you each build your own confidence and maintain optimal physical and emotional health.
There is a lot to be said for environment, as well, in influences physical and emotional health, which is necessary to grow a developing child.
Even if there can be some difficulties, most mothers find breastfeeding to be extremely fulfilling, especially because it results in the best possible physical and emotional health for their children.
One way to encourage healthy physical and emotional health in infants is through infant massage.
They offer a detailed map of the human mental / emotional landscape, and provide a different perspective on how we can approach physical and emotional health, and spiritual growth.
Early experiences lay the foundation for life long physical and emotional health and success in school and life.
The couples physical and emotional health is evaluated by their physician.
Overall wellbeing is at the heart of her training and she continues to work with clients to improve physical and emotional health.
We are a volunteer - driven organization dedicated to restoring the dogs under our care to physical and emotional health as they await placement in loving, responsible homes.
You'll be saving a life and gaining a friend that can enhance your own physical and emotional health.
Gardens are crucial to the mental, physical and emotional health of our City's residents and play an ever increasingly important role in our City's environmentally sustainable and socially just future.
Yang yoga provides enormous benefits for physical and emotional health, especially for those living a sedentary modern lifestyle.
«This survey, along with other research in Canada and abroad, shows that legal problems have a serious impact on a person's physical and emotional health which, in turn, has a significant impact on health care and social service programs.»
Dear sweet Jessie, I admire you for taking the space you need, and for digging deep to restore physical and emotional health.
a) potentially disastrous environmental transformations b) adverse economic impacts c) profound social problems d) compromised physical and emotional health e) reduced security f) problematic and destructive foreign policy... The New Amsterdam Project aims to improve the transportation experience by encouraging and facilitating movement that:
Dr. Northrup sends clear and empowering messages to women, encouraging them to take responsibility for creating physical and emotional health in their lives.
The goal of the program is to positively enhance physical and emotional health throughout the campus and is spearheaded by the University's First Cowgirl, Ann Hargis.
This risk analysis allows stakeholders to develop initiatives to address the upstream social determinants of downstream physical and emotional health outcomes for children experiencing adverse events.
An exceptionally educated, skilled and experience person with wide pool of knowledge about physical and emotional health looking for a job profile of a health educator in a health centre where I would be given a chance to impart health education to as many people as possible and thereby help improving the health knowledge of a large population of people.
We believe that understanding and supporting positive attachments during all stages of development will deepen our awareness of how physical and emotional health interact and will enhance and help to underpin social policy planning and health strategies that will help individuals and families.
We believe that understanding and supporting positive attachments during all stages of development will deepen our awareness of how physical and emotional health interact and will enhance and help to underpin social policy planning and health strategies that will help individuals and families.
a) is less destructive to the natural world b) enhances economic security c) is pro-social d) optimizes physical and emotional health e) is consistent with American energy independence f) repairs the credibility of the American people and the nation at home and abroad.
Laughter is also part of the way we naturally release stress and tension from our bodies, and there are many physical and emotional health benefits too.
Project Abstract: This project focuses on injured workers» mental and emotional health, and in particular: experiences of stigma, and the needs, supports and services required by injured workers that promote physical and emotional health, and that foster participation in community and work life.
One excellent example is Mother - Daughter Wisdom: Creating a Legacy of Physical and Emotional Health by best - selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup (Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom).
The most religious Americans show the highest levels of well - being as measured by factors ranging from physical and emotional health to self - evaluations of life to perceptions of work environment, according to a Gallup report released Thursday.
Enrichment helps dogs maintain their mental, physical and emotional health so that they remain good adoption candidates and don't become behaviorally at risk.
Since its inception in 1979, The Center for Mindfulness has taught mindfulness to more than 16,000 people with a wide variety of physical and emotional health challenges.
Balancing blood sugar is important for optimal physical and emotional health regardless of whether you have diabetes, hypoglycemia or blood sugar management issues.
It is an extraordinary herbal tisane that was used by people all around the world as a cure for various physical and emotional health concerns, for centu..
Monitor herd health and well - being and propose options for increased physical and emotional health
And while they have the capacity to deliver many wonderful physical and emotional health benefits, they have no legal access to places where pets are normally not permitted (for some exceptions, see «Emotional Support Animals»).
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