Sentences with phrase «one's pollsters»

«There is strong overall support from voters for the governor's proposal to increase the minimum wage to $ 15, however, there are wide partisan and geographic differences,» said Siena pollster Steven Greenberg.
But he and other pollsters said that it's likely a combination of small factors that led to the shocking final result.
«If Hawkins does that well on Election Day — something third party candidates often don't do — then it will almost certainly make this year's race closer than four years ago and keep Cuomo well below his total vote from 2010,» said Siena College pollster Steve Greenberg.
«The most important thing looking at any election is who the candidates are and what the likely turnout scenario is,» Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg said.
Such comments may also antagonize college graduates, who tell pollsters by overwhelming margins that they don't want to associate with a white nationalist party.
asked Siena pollster Steve Greenberg.
Nearly three - quarters of those questioned by pollsters Survation for the Mail on Sunday said that Mrs Miller's 32 - second apology to the Commons on Thursday was inadequate.
A poll conducted by a republican pollster for an incumbent republican shows the republican in the lead, despite the republican being fingered for corruption in five seperate plea deals.
The British history of polling misses does seem exceptional however when compared to the track record of pollsters in some other countries.
«You have to give the Republicans kudos for how they've shaped ACA and the» $ 716 billion cuts for to pay for Obamacare,»» said one influential Democratic pollster who surveys across the nation.
The Q pollsters didn't ask the job approval question, reasoning that the newly - minted governor hasn't yet been in office long enough to have much of a track record.
When pollsters ask voters about their priorities, employment is always at or near the top of the list.
This new attack strategy, focused on Sanders» fitness for office, dovetails with focus group findings from Republican pollster Frank Luntz, who has seen voters raise age as a potential problem for Sanders.
«As Republicans rally in Cleveland and Democrats prepare for their Philadelphia convention, Hillary Clinton seems to have her adopted home state votes safely locked up,» said pollster Mickey Carroll.
Albany, NY — Host Alan Chartock welcomes John Zogby, President and CEO of Zogby International, one of the most respected pollsters in the United States today.
A survey of the public from pollsters YouGov found that if either side breaks up they would attract almost the same level of support, with one in five voters sticking with whoever retains the Labour brand.
WRVO's Catherine Loper spoke with pollster Steven Greenberg, who explained why.
The closest contest is between Clinton and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, where pollsters found Clinton would take 49 percent of the vote compared to the moderate governor's 42 percent.
«The reality is that the names carry weight because they send signals,» said Democratic pollster John Anzalone, who has worked for a number of candidates from political families.
A slew of wildly varying public polls in key primary and general election contests are adding to the sense of chaos in the 2010 cycle, as pollsters grapple with trying to predict which members of the angry and unpredictable off - year electorate will come out to vote.
«The beginning and the ending of the speech will be the political take - away,» said Marist College pollster Lee Miringoff.
The other pollsters don't give us much help — Populus also had Labour in steep decline, Ipsos MORI had them recovering.
And, how do pollsters get at the «grey area» of public opinion?
When pollsters told voters that otherwise high - scoring policies were Tory policies their popularity fell.
But, as Q pollster Mickey Carroll wisely noted, the campaign has only just begun.
«He's getting more numbers right now than two city - wide office holders and someone who just lost narrowly for mayor,» said Marist Institute for Public Opinion pollster Lee Miringoff.
The British election has come and gone, and the results have confounded the expectations of most pollsters.
Update: YNN's Curtis Schick sat down with Marist Pollster Lee Miringoff to further explain the latest numbers.
Peter Kellner, the former President of pollsters YouGov said that if the exit poll was wrong, as suggested by results from Newcastle and Sunderland, the Tories could still have a majority of 80 - 100.
Meanwhile, 47 % of Labour voters were dissatisfied with Mr Corbyn, while 29 % said the same about Mrs May, according to the survey by pollsters Ipsos Mori for the Evening Standard.
Last month, when political pollsters at Siena College drew up a likely voter pool for the district, they included nearly as many white voters (24 percent) as black voters (28 percent).
Yet, in today's day and age few people use landline phones and few people respond to anonymous phone calls from pollsters on their mobile phones.
When you listen, you'll hear how pollsters in the most recent presidential election didn't get it wrong.
Whit Ayres, a veteran GOP pollster who advised Rubio during his presidential bid, believes that voters will be far more discerning in assessing blame in the election.
Dan quotes the opinion of pollster John Zogby: «McCain has changed the dynamic of the race heading into the two conventions.
FiveThirtyEight Editor - in - Chief Nate Silver picked apart a theory that Democrats have already won the House majority in 2018, arguing that many pollsters predicted former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would beat Trump in a landslide in 2016.
The Legon electoral area holds the highest number of registered voters in the constituency and has been tipped by many pollsters as an important area in determining the ultimate winner of the seat.
Different pollsters use different survey questions but they can be combined to generate pseudo-probabilities.
The rise in the «other» support, the proximity of the local elections and the contrasting Liberal Democrat findings from different pollsters make it difficult to draw any firm conclusions about how party support is fluctating beyond noting that the last week has, unsurprisingly, seemed to give Labour's support a reasonable knock in the week leading up to the local elections.
«Despite all the hoo - hah in the media about Police Commissioner William Bratton's «Broken Windows» theory of policing, black, white and Hispanic voters approve of Bratton and want their windows fixed,» said Quinnipiac pollster Maurice Carroll.
«Every demographic group goes for him,» said Baruch College pollster Doug Muzzio.
But what's what pollsters Charapedia asked their readers to do this week, and... Read more»
The campaign has paid $ 2.6 million for polling to Tulchin Research, a firm run by San Francisco - based pollster Ben Tulchin, who worked on the 2004 presidential campaign of former Vermont governor Howard Dean.
Chris Perkins worked as lead pollster for Burton's successful campaign in 2014 and will return in the same role for her re-election effort.
The bottom line however is that most phone pollsters like ICM and Populus believe that without specific political weighting phone samples will contain a higher proportion of Labour supporters than in the population as a whole.
, Will M. Gervais and Maxine B. Najle, both psychologists at the University of Kentucky, contend that there may be far more atheists than pollsters report because «social pressures favoring religiosity, coupled with stigma against religious disbelief..., might cause people who privately disbelieve in God to nonetheless self - present as believers, even in anonymous questionnaires.»
Meanwhile, Labour spent thousands of pounds procuring the services of American campaign expert David Axelrod and American pollster Stan Greenberg.
One of the country's most respected pollsters tells me he predicts the referendum will be lost by quite a wide margin.
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