Sentences with phrase «one's understanding of language»

The elegance of figures painted on flat backgrounds displayed a deep understanding of the language of abstraction.
With that being said, no matter where you go, the people who work in the tourism and hospitality industry always has a good understanding of the language.
She doesn't have a solid enough understanding of language for us to be able to explain the things that cause her anxiety and fears.
And keep in mind that one apology for your limited English skills is a courteous act, but don't use it as an excuse if you have an advanced understanding of the language.
Understanding of language also improves — most toddlers understand much more than they can express.
People who were English majors and have a fundamental understanding of language.
Let alone the general understanding of the language, it's not the easiest to follow for some.
Throughout the book, definitions and explanations are clear so that readers share a common understanding of the language.
If we lose the real meaning of a language, we lose the real understanding of a language.
Unlike videos or television, interactive book apps develop language comprehension — background knowledge, academic vocabulary, reasoning skills, and understanding of language structures.
Wearing's intimate understanding of the language of documentation explores the gap between public and private experience.
Postmodern hermeneutics, left to itself, devolves into relativism, fragmentation, and subjective perspectivism, a trajectory that challenges the historic Christian understanding of language as a reliable medium of truth.
March saw his landmark debut with Nosei: Jeffrey Deitch praised his «ability to merge his absorption of imagery from the streets, the newspapers and TV with the spiritualism of his Haitian heritage, injecting both into a marvellously intuitive understanding of the language of modern painting» (J. Deitch, quoted in Jean - Michel Basquiat, Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York, 1999, p. 326).
But while switching languages back and forth (code - switching) feels messy and participants get anxious when they do not understand some of the language use, it is preferable to the other options.
Tim Etchells» recent exhibition MORE NOISE at Bloomberg SPACE: «Etchells» practice explores the breakdowns and new understandings of language and syntax — how to play with and disrupt meaning — through three neon sculptures.»
Our boss has a great understanding of language and is an all round clever dude, I know he could manipulate and coyly play with words if he really tried to and I for one would like to see a more sly side to his personality on the big occasions.
Through a variety of professional development opportunities over the course of 2 1/2 years, participants were invited to consciously juxtapose their personal understandings of language arts content and pedagogy with the state standards, and the state standards with other already - developed principles and models.
Thus even if Funk goes on to criticize Ogden's metaphysical bent on the basis of a Heideggerian understanding of language, he has nevertheless linked his critique to a rather traditional understanding of the sense of New Testament christology.
The question is whether this lure is best served by a univocal understanding of the language that embodies it.
On the other hand, as this citation reveals, Whitehead still maintains a connection between speech and presence and a representational understanding of language — both concepts that Derrida repudiates.
Janel Umfress is an educational therapist with an in - depth understanding of language - based learning disorders, a Master's degree in Communicative Disorders, a California Speech Language Pathology license, and a special education teaching credential.
Breastfeeding for a longer time improves a child's understanding of language measured at age 3, and their scores on intelligence tests at age 7, according to a new study published (2013) in the journal JAMA Pediatrics.
For the parents to remain with their children though, they would have to go through the gruelling understanding of language, laws, customs and whatever is necessary in order to become a legally Chinese - American citizen.
Her literal understanding of language has often left her baffled by metaphors and figures of speech like «you're a square peg in a round hole.»
«In this sense, heavy social media users have an especially nuanced understanding of language, since they maintain multiple linguistic systems.
The Spy That Never Sleeps Turning guesswork into a true understanding of the language of bioluminescence will require much more data.
A more thorough understanding of the language, beyond basic vocabulary and underlying architecture, would require knowledge of the culture, Everett told Live Science.
Recognizing the diversity in bilingual populations, beyond English proficiency, is imperative for gaining a comprehensive understanding of language and cognition in emerging or fluent bilinguals.
It's through concepts that students will be able to go beyond passing the weekly math test and build to a sophisticated understanding of the language of math; hence taking students to the level of achievement needed in fast tech times.
Schools and teachers with limited or no connection to Indigenous peoples can use the materials in the classroom, and those who have connections can also use these resources to support or develop relationships and incorporate knowledge directly from Indigenous authorities --- leading to further exploration of opportunities for connection with local knowledge custodians, research into culture and language of the local area, and understanding of language maintenance and revitalisation.
ELPA21 offers a suite of ELP assessments that incorporates the latest understanding of language development to provide concise instruments to support students and educators.
Our curriculum and instruction develop students» global awareness and competencies, including understanding of language and culture.
At Dearborn STEM Academy, students graduate with deep understanding of the language, concepts and ideas represented in STEM fields.
It takes hard work, ideas, a basic understanding of language and dogged persistence.
The two weren't completely helpless thanks to their time in Japan, but the intricate instructions were far beyond their elementary understanding of the language.
Upon completion of the Master of Fine Arts degree or Certificate Program, the student will depart the Studio School with a fine understanding of the language of art; an awakened imagination; a dedicated work habit; and a direct ambition for artistic production.
This exhibition reveals how Finlay plays with our presuppositions and undermines our very understanding of language.
As then art critic Jeffrey Deitch said in 1982, «Basquiat's greatest strength is his ability to merge his absorption of imagery from the streets, the newspapers, and TV with the spiritualism of Haitian heritage, injecting both into a marvelously innovative understanding of the language of modern painting» (J. Deitch, «Jean - Michel Basquiat: Annina Nosei,» Flash Art 16, May 1982, p. 50).
Towards the end of her five - decade career, she continued to push the boundaries of her practice with the Solstice Series, revisiting and cannibalizing older works and processes, while demonstrating an acute understanding of language as an integral element of the self.
And with the ever expanding international market, it makes sense for law firms to have a wide understanding of language, cultural and religious influences.»
A teacher of Chinese language must be equipped with a sufficient grasp of the language itself and also have a fair idea about the culture and history of the country with which he or she is dealing in order to impart a complete, accurate and holistic understanding of the language.
* Understanding of the languages like Java / J2EE, HTML, CSS, JSP, SQL, PL / SQL, Bootstrap.
Hiring agents or staff that have a solid understanding of the language, cultural and preferences of the countries will be important to the success of a multi-country strategy.
This intuitive understanding of the language of TV is shared by people whether they can read print or not — and therefore brings about a kind of levelling between those who can read print and those who can not.
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