Sentences with phrase «plaque forms»

The phrase "plaque forms" means that a sticky substance builds up on a surface, often causing harm or blockages. Full definition
The truth is the hormone help protect the body against prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease, loss of energy and plaque forming on the brain.
There may even be patches of plaque forming that look just like psoriasis.
, and help build strong jaw muscles and help to eliminate plaque forming bacteria.
Don't worry about the inside of your pet's teeth — most plaque forms along the outer gum line.
Gently brush side ways or in a circular motion to remove plaque formed between the gums and teeth.
Less plaque forms and the level of acids attacking the tooth surface is lowered.
As on human teeth, plaque forms on a dog's teeth after eating.
Rather than being a secondary effect of these protein pathologies, as experts had previously thought, this process may begin well before plaques form.
Heaps of plaque formed from amyloid - beta that accumulate in afflicted brains are what stick out under the microscope in tissue samples from Alzheimer's sufferers, and that eye - catching junk has long seemed an obvious culprit in the disease.
Plaque forms into calculus or tartar in as little as 1 to 2 days.
Scientists are beginning to find some clues, through genetic fingerprints and with technologies that allow researchers to watch plaques form.
Secreted by certain brain cells, APOE is known to regulate cholesterol metabolism within the brain and can bind to A-beta peptides, suggesting that the different forms of the protein may affect whether and how toxic A-beta plaques form.
They may pave the way for better diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, in which plaque forms from the amyloid beta or tau proteins.
Patients with Alzheimer's disease have elevated levels of the peptide amyloid beta in their brain and amyloid beta plaques form outside their neurons.
In one dental sample, the team characterized 15 taxa and assessed their density and spatial distribution, giving some new insight into how plaque forms.
«An iron plaque forms on the surface of the roots that does not allow arsenic to go up into the rice plant.»
The analytical sensitivity of the assay was evaluated to be 32 genome - equivalents and 0.05 plaque forming unit (pfu).
Plaques form inside arteries in locations where the artery was, at some point in the past, acutely damaged by deposits of highly irritating pro-inflammatory fats that splatter on the insides of your arteries.
Heart Healthy Benefits: Coconut oil, like other healthy oils can shift the ratio of goood HDL cholesterol to the sticky plaque forming LDL cholesterol, thus lowering the formation of plaque in the arteries and lowering the risk of stroke and heart attack.
Embroidered headrests and serialized underhood / interior plaques form the rest of the standard package, although Brembo brakes (front and rear), a suspension lowering kit, and 22 - inch wheels with performance tires are all offered as options.
Bacteria - filled plaque forms on your pet's teeth within 30 minutes of eating.
More plaque forms and the wastes dissolve away the ligament holding the tooth in the socket, creating a periodontal pocket.
A precursor to plaque forms within 30 minutes after the teeth are cleaned, and plaque bacteria start to inhabit the tooth surface within 8 - 24 hours.
After removing the plaque, we apply a dental polish to smooth any roughened areas and decrease the chances of plaque forming again on the teeth.
Plaque forms daily on your cat's teeth and if you do not remove it as it builds up, it can mineralize and turn to concrete - hard tartar.
Plaque forms naturally after eating and can easily be removed by brushing.
Plaque forms when bacteria attach to teeth, and over time, this plaque hardens to form calculus (tartar).
Personally, I would use dentistry to correct any rotten or painful teeth, followed by a good quality raw diet, and an all - natural water additive called Healthy Mouth (which kills off plaque forming bacteria).
Therefore, that is where MOST plaque forms and builds up (and as a technician that has done plenty of dentals, I can attest to that!)
The disease occurs when plaque forms on the teeth and at the gumline.
Alzheimer's plagues primarily the elderly, but scientists haven't been able to figure out why because they lacked a good animal model of the disease; in earlier mouse models, amyloid plaques formed but the brain cells survived.
«If you wanted to target APOE to affect the amyloid process, the best thing would be to start before the plaques form,» Holtzman said.
Research suggests that accumulation of the plaque forming amyloid - beta protein is crucial for development of Alzheimer's.
Amelyoid beta is a plaque forming protein thought to be a result of brain inflammation and neuronal death.
So something has to cause the initial arterial wall injury be it high insulin levels or the effect of hypertension, and the atherosclerotic process is nothing more than the body's reparative response to the initial injury and lipid particles and the plaque forming process are nothing more than the firemen and fire trucks trying to put out the fires.
As Dr. Samuel E. Gandy, a professor of neurology and psychiatry at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, explained, there was a long and persuasive body of research laying out the Alzheimer's pathway: Plaques form and set off the formation of tangled threadlike tau proteins.
Without good oral care, plaque forms on a dog's teeth and will eventually give the dog dental problems.
When small bits of food are wedged between the teeth bacteria proliferate, plaque forms and eventually it develops into calculus (tartar).
Without brushing, plaque forms on your dog's teeth and will eventually give your dog dental problems.
Plaque forms every 6 hours and the only effective way of removing it (other than professional treatment) is by brushing your dogs teeth.
Plaque forms when food and bacteria collect along the gum line.
The first stage of dental disease begins when plaque forms on the tooth, and within days the plaque hardens and produces calculus.
Plaque forms and sticks to the dogs teeth.
Plaque forms on clean teeth surfaces which is why humans brush regularly.
(Topical beclomethasone with antibiotic [eg GentaSpray, etc] can be somewhat helpful in the miliary and plaque form of EGC when excessive licking is the only sign of an early flare up if you can keep a cat from licking it off and when the alcohol base of some of these spray products does not irritate their skin too much)
Finally, plaque forms on teeth within 24 hours, and therefore homecare is a critical part of periodontal care.
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