Sentences with phrase «teacher someone know»

A good teacher knows what resources to use to solve these kinds of questions quickly and effectively.
But how many teachers know how to plan lessons that are purposeful, coherent, and rigorous that also take into account the rich perspectives of diverse classroom of students?
This quickly lets teachers know which students completed the flipped classroom lesson, which ones have shown mastery and can move on, and which ones need to spend more time on the concept.
Good teachers know how to teach to the standards and let the tests take care of themselves, and good school administrators know how to manage this process.
Many online programs are still establishing their reputations, so check with people you trust, such as teachers you know who've enrolled in such programs.
When teachers know what they need to accomplish and how they are going to do it, they have a better opportunity to achieve success with the added benefit of less stress.
In short, growing numbers of teachers no longer want to work in a single school year - after - year; they want change and variety.
There's no evidence of teachers knowing about or reacting to the 5 - year vesting period.
If teachers knew how to teach more powerfully so that all students would learn at high levels, they would be doing it.
At first glance this seems silly, as most teachers know what kind of clothing they are required to wear and where to get it.
It also helps teachers know when they need to help students with an underlying issue before moving on.
These indicators are designed to help teachers know which students might benefit from additional instruction or intervention.
Thankfully, many teachers no longer need to stand alone.
How do teachers know when they are using the strategy correctly?
A third grade teacher knows who my son is, knows his interests.
All of the documents are saved in one central location so that teachers know where to find their different resources.
Any middle school teacher knows there is a strong correlation between a student's work habits, time management, and organizational skills and their performance in middle school.
To learn more about strategies in the classroom, please read: What we wish teachers knew about their students with reactive attachment disorder.
The key ingredients are professional development so teachers know well how to do this, and sufficient time and proper class size to do it well.
While a good teacher is a good teacher no matter what the setting, it is often helpful for teachers to have experience before leading a classroom in a private school.
The veteran teacher knows change and has learned how to adapt to each wave of educational improvement.
This helps teachers know from the beginning of the year the parameters of what they can and can not do with social media, and which kids can and can not be featured.
The unfortunate reality about reading research is that too few classroom teachers know about it.
Draw a stick figure of a person; place the name of the best teacher you know in the circle where the head is.
Less effective teachers know the same things, but don't act to change their practices.
My first priority is getting great teachers no matter what color they are.
As a Yoga teacher I know first hand what fitness can do for the brain.
In addition, she said Imagine Learning reports are instrumental in helping teachers know exactly how students are doing.
To help prospective teachers make the decision of whether or not they're cut out for the job, I decided to take a look at the real teachers I know.
Do teachers know enough about how students think and what motivates them?
Being a special education teacher I know how important video games can be to children with disabilities.
A good preschool teacher knows how to be creative and teach your child to grow up positive.
Yet, as any experienced teacher knows, PD is often a waste of time — a one - shot workshop with little depth and even less impact.
What professional development activities would be necessary to ensure teachers know how to get the most from this software?
But worst of all, master teachers no longer make the final decision.
The state should ensure that social studies teachers know all the subject matter they are licensed to teach.
Instead, she said she felt mostly on her own, a common complaint of new teachers no matter how they are trained.
A good initial message to parents is that teachers know children as individuals and are interested in them.
One teacher I know told her students that if she said her name in a normal tone of voice and no one heard, they were talking too loud.
I recommend your website to other teachers I know that are job hunting.
Excellent teachers know how to preserve children's passion for learning.
I love that charter schools provide flexibility and power to the teacher since teachers know their students best and therefore can accommodate their unique needs.
Clearly, the goals of these separate strategies are different and a good reading teacher knows how to teach both and when to teach them.
Successful teachers know how to create positive relationships and transform classrooms into safe, high - achieving centers of learning.
Effective kindergarten teachers know that children are individuals who each start kindergarten with a wide range of skills.
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