Sentences with phrase «to add to the batter»

Great tip to toss the berries with flour before adding them to the batter!
Toss the frozen cranberries with a pinch of flour and then add them to the batter.
Make sure that your oatmeal is creamy when adding it to the batter.
Mix together the flour and baking powder, and gradually add this to the batter until completely combined.
OR if you are using frozen blueberries, add to batter after it has been divided among prepared pan.
Mix together the flour and baking powder, and gradually add this to the batter until completely combined.
What do yo think about adding it to the batter for pancake, muffin and waffles?
Perhaps you could separate the eggs and whip the egg white to be added to the batter at the end.
Add some to the batter of muffins or coffee cake for a charming blueberry taste.
Too much liquid added to the batter can adversely affect the shells.
I tried to make it less confusing since some are melted and more are added to the batter later in the recipe, but I guess that didn't work, lol!
Just be sure to save that good juice to add to the batter if needed or to add to the icing!
Overall the herbs added to the batter don't make these nuggets taste like an Italian dish.
Use a tablespoon and add to the batter slowly until desired texture.
I'd highly recommend chopping your almonds and fruit before adding them to the batter because the larger portions will make your granola bars harder to cut in the final step.
Note: Prepare the cake using a cake mix with 1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts added to the batter before baking in place of the scratch cake, if desired.
I would also add a little extra seasoning added to the batter (like nutritional yeast, garlic powder, or something else savory).
I couldn't believe how well they turned out, and there was only 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut sugar added to the batter (for 24 cookies).
Add to the batter mixture one - third at a time, mixing well after each addition.
The only problem that I had with this meal was that the garlic added to the batter was too much for my liking.
I went ahead and made more of the flour recipe and added it to the batter till it look more like a batter.
My spin on the recipe is that I like to add to the batter things like fresh berries, chocolate (of course) or green onion, mushroom and a little cheese.
Also, maple extract is something I like to add to the batter instead of the vanilla extract on occasion.
Stir together flour and baking powder in a separate bowl, then add to the batter, mixing until all the ingredients combine and form a stiff dough.
In you use frozen berries make sure they are still completely frozen when added to batter.
This recipe is especially good because ground almonds are added to the batter for a rich flavor.
The liquid from the frozen strawberries or raspberries will probably color the cake, even if you do mix them with flour before adding them to the batter.
If using essential oils, add them to the batter at the very end before cooking.
We whisk together our dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, corn starch, baking soda and salt), so they're ready to be added to the batter later.
The stout added to the batter keeps the cupcakes extra rich and moist, while dark - brown sugar and vanilla extract intensify the chocolate flavor.
I would coat the blueberries in a bit of flour before adding them to the batter as well.
Other possible fillings: Other fruit can be added to batter immediately after it poured on the griddle: strawberries, raspberries, sliced bananas, toasted nuts, granola, apples or pears.
(Note: If you're including the optional add - ins like fresh orange zest or collagen powder, add them to the batter now.)
The stout added to the batter keeps the cupcakes extra rich and moist, while dark - brown sugar and vanilla extract intensify the chocolate flavor.
I also made this a «lemon cake» but really don't recommend trying to make lemony cakes by adding to the batter *....
Finely chopped Onions, green chillies and cumin powder are generally added to the batter.
These biscotti are also great with a 1/4 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger added to the batter before stirring in the flour.
Add to the batter alternately with the buttermilk in 3 additions.
To Hayley, herbs are the gateway to garden - inspired baking: «Pinch by pinch add them to your batters and doughs to compliment the flavors of classic recipes.»
According to this lovely site, a buckle is «a type of cake made in a single layer with berries added to the batter.
Dissolve baking soda in milk, then add that to the batter also.
What makes this Spice Cookie unique is that corn syrup is added to the batter which makes the dough quite pliable, almost like a tootsie roll.
Melt the 3 ounces of chocolate in the microwave (in 30 second intervals, mixing with a rubber spatula until it is melted), and then after letting it cool for a few moments add to the batter mixing until incorporated.
Just confirming before I make this — can I substitute white vinegar with raw apple cider vinegar and also can you pls confirm there is no Baking Powder added to batter just the baking soda!
This may sound a little weird, but I picture this poured over pancakes, or even added to the batter before baking.
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