Sentences with phrase «use of violence»

The appeal to and use of violence in Christian action increase in exact proportion to the decrease in faith.
The film's excessive use of violence and sex is the same content that is going to either turn viewers on to the film or turn them off of it.
This may justify their own use of violence and or cause them to carry violence - tolerant roles to their adult relationships.
Women's use of violence in intimate relationships is a very controversial issue.
It means the unsanctioned and illegal use of violence which caused destruction of property, injury or death by an individual or group for the express or implied purpose of achieving a political, ethnic, or religious goal or result.
In 1998, he was a co-developer of the Partner Abuse Intervention Program (PAIP), an Illinois approved program that addresses men's use of violence towards their female partners.
His poetic screenwriting, dark commentary, and use of violence make him a standout auteur.
After eight weeks of generalized terror, daily funerals, and blood in the streets there is a significant reduction in the overt use of violence.
Sympathetic support for the unionization of labor did not prevent criticism of its occasional use of violence or the tactics associated with «closed shops.»
The only justifiable use of violence is in self defense, all other reasons can be considered criminal and unjustifiable by the law.
For example, do you see any appropriate use of violence (by, or endorsed by, God), or is violence opposite of the nature of God in every circumstance?
We also talk about why her desire to also be a producer on the HBO series was non-negotiable; the necessary use of violence and exploitation of women to show the reality of the character; and another role in the upcoming Netflix Sundance acquisition The Kindergarten Teacher, which she says is the most important and challenging of her career to date.
Scorsese's next film after this was Mean Streets, which, of course, put him on the map, and you can see his trademark use of violence and profanity start to appear.
Johnson takes no stand on the argument that the increasing use of violence and sex in the games and on TV is having deleterious effects on society, but he does note the drop in murder and crime generally that has occurred in tandem with the rise of the video game (and he might also have pointed to the drop in teenage pregnancies).
«The mass and public rapings organized in the recent violence in the Balkans (Serbian soldiers raping Bosnian women) and Rwanda (Hutu soldiers raping Tutsi women) highlight the socio - cultural uses of violence,» says Marcelo Suárez - Orozco.
«Through skillful use of violence and intimidation, the grim vigilante Batman wages an unending war on crime.
From what I gather your thinking goes like this: p1) That to have a more equal society, redistribution must occur p2) That for redistribution to occur, this must enforced p3) Enforcement will not work short of the threat or use of violence p4) This type of enforcement would never happen in a democracy C) Therefore we can not have a more equal society and shouldn't try for it
Ecoterrorism.Eco - terrorism is defined by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as «the use or threatened use of violence of a criminal nature against people or property by an environmentally oriented, subnational group for environmental - political reasons, or aimed at an audience beyond the target, often of a symbolic nature.»
It appears that civil discourse on climate science may soon not be possible, as folks like this are discussing use of violence against those who do not support the religion of catastrophic man - made global warming.
The absurdly excessive use of violence in every scene at times results in flashes of brilliance, largely due to a terrific supporting cast that includes Hwang Jung - min and Kwak Do - won, both seen in Na Hong - jin's The Wailing earlier this year, but can also come off as unpleasant, repetitive and unnecessary, particularly over 135 minutes.
For better or for worse, Nintendo has constructed a family - friendly persona, ripe with imagination and innovation like no other; shooters are an oversaturated genre that implore the excessive use of violence and are stubborn for their inability to change.
The pontiff announced a day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, declaring, «Never has the use of violence brought peace in its wake.
WHEREAS, conditions in various parts of the Muslim World have deteriorated dangerously due to the use of violence and armed struggle as a tool for settling conflicts and imposing one's point of view;
Thus we as Christians are obliged on the one hand to attack all justifications for the use of violence, and on the other to refuse to provide Christian justifications.
So exposing the reality of violence as an animal reaction, as a «necessity,» is automatically to reduce the use of violence.
But we have seen that the result aimed at is purely ideological and never coincides with the result achieved by the use of violence.
The use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes.
This means He sanctioned the use of violence?
What did Algeria's National Liberation Front achieve by its use of violence?
Invariably, an idealism serves to justify the use of violence — the idealism that consists in taking violence for something other than it is.
The early Gurus rejected the use of violence.
He may, or may not, have believed that there would also be some divine intervention in human history, but he did not support the use of violence against the status quo.
But the use of violence, even by «legitimate» authority, can not be a Christian choice if we are to be obedient to the way Christ chooses to have us deal with the powers — i.e., by nonresistant love.
And he did say that the use of violence to impose religion is to act against reason, and to act against reason is to act against the nature of God, for God has revealed himself as logos — the word and the reason by which all came to be and in which all coheres.
The use of violence as a last resort is justified.
Jesus, while not explicitly condoning the use of violence in self - defense, implicitly suggests the need to be prepared for it when he tells his disciples to buy a sword if they do not have one, «now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.
The message is unqualifiedly opposed to the use of violence in order to achieve good, but also a deeply disturbing reminder that violence is made almost inevitable when the legal and political system is unresponsive to the deepest convictions of millions of Americans.
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