Sentences with phrase «to eat dark chocolate»

The taste feels like eating a dark chocolate with crunchy nuts, it is simply delicious and at the same time nutritious and healthy.
Now I take no sugar in my hot drinks and only eat dark chocolate in moderation.
In a small study it showed that those who had problems with blood circulation in the legs could walk longer after eating dark chocolate.
Firstly, a study that compared the effects between eating white and dark chocolate found that participants who ate the dark chocolate experienced lower blood sugar levels.
Therefore eating dark chocolate regularly can result in lowered stress hormone levels.
This tea is a bit spicy, but it is one of my favorite treats to have after dinner while eating dark chocolate.
I only eat dark chocolate so I always keep it healthy.
I often eat dark chocolate chips with peanut butter and a pinch of salt.
Read seven reasons eating dark chocolate is good for your health and why chocolate is good for gut health, too.
This may come as a surprise, but eating dark chocolate more often can actually enhance fat loss, thanks to the abundance of quality fats, fiber and protein it contains.
The results showed that eating dark chocolate daily reduced stress hormone levels in those who had high anxiety levels.
You can also combine eating dark chocolate with berries for even more incredible health benefits.
The ideal chocolate strategy for acne patients is to eat dark chocolate fairly regularly (once every two days is a good amount) and to eat milk and white as a treat.
Eat dark chocolate in moderation, but when that irresistible sweet tooth hits, you could do a lot worse.
I you are like me, you probably feel somewhat awesome after eating dark chocolate — but now there's science behind it too.
He and his colleagues observed improved blood flow among the participants who ate the dark chocolate.
The participants with higher anxiety traits showed distinct changes in their metabolic profiles while eating the dark chocolate.
This defeats the purpose of eating the dark chocolate for health improvement.
If you haven't eaten dark chocolate before, it takes some time to get used to it, but know, that if you haven't eaten chocolate for some time, then even the dark chocolate tastes like heaven.
We are on the same wavelength (I've got a kale recipe going up tomorrow), and the whole «no cookies» thing would drive me over the edge I just eat dark chocolate and convince myself it's healthy... or healthier.
Researchers in the Netherlands have released the results of their work in The FASEB Journal that explains how eating dark chocolate reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, the thickening and hardening of the arteries, by restoring flexibility of the arteries and preventing white blood cells from sticking to the blood vessel walls.
The research (which thrills me personally) was led by Larry Stevens, a Northern Arizona University psychologist, and involved looking at the effects of eating dark chocolate on the brain, using an EEG machine to measure brain activity.
Like, spend the whole day eating dark chocolate chocolate chip cookie chips without having to share with grubby hands.
If you can overcome your tendency to focus on present, immediate pleasures (like having those cupcakes) and instead delay your gratification and in fact find pleasure in new healthy behaviors (like eating dark chocolate squares instead), you will be setting yourself up, ironically enough, for more short term AND long term good health!
So here I am at 9PM on a Tuesday, eating dark chocolate nonpareils in bed and getting ready to binge watch start season three of OITNB (by the way, my friend wrote a brilliant piece on the show)(which I don't recommend reading unless you've started season three or thoroughly enjoy spoilers, like me).
But unfortunately, the end being in sight means my anxiety has quadrupled and, as a result, I've morphed into a complete nutcase who binge eats dark chocolate, tortilla chips, and caramel covered popcorn.
I've been eating dark chocolate lately for health reasons (the good reasons).
During the half month when volunteers ate dark chocolate, their average systolic blood pressure decreased from 136 to 124 millimeters of mercury.
Avoid eating dark chocolate too close to bedtime, and skip coffee - flavored ice cream, which can also give you a java jolt.
I was so foggy after eating a dark chocolate truffle or a gluten - free doughnut that I couldn't tune in and was more distractible and moody.
The individuals ate dark chocolate bars and drank a beverage having a total epicatechin content of about 100 mg daily for 3 months.
In those with type 2 diabetes, markers of inflammation and blood sugar instability, including fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, and hsCRP, all improved in the group that ate dark chocolate compared with those who ate white chocolate.
Science confirms that eating dark chocolate helps relieve emotional stress and also lowers blood pressure.
Go out there and eat some dark chocolate bars as they're one of the foods for bulking up.
I made these at Christmas for a family member who can not eat dark chocolate.
Besides that, the calories obtained from this chocolate don't outweigh the benefits of eating dark chocolate.
Lastly, endorphins can be released more by other compounds like dark chocolate — there is some evidence that gluten fragments may have an opioid effect on humans, though it's not proven, but why risk bread addiction when you can just eat dark chocolate?
There are two possible ways how eating dark chocolate, and with it a rich source of flavanols, can exert its measured effects.
To receive the libido - enhancing effects of chocolate, I recommend dramatically reducing sugar consumption in the rest of your diet and only eating dark chocolate.
I'm the total opposite — can eat dark chocolate in the evening, but even decaf coffee will keep me up for hours.
«We found that people could effectively exercise for longer after eating dark chocolate — something that's not been established before in this way ``, concluded Mr. Patel.
This research demonstrated that eating the dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (70 to 80 percent cocoa flavanols) increases endothelium - dependent vasodilatation, or the elastic ability of the artery to expand and contract.
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