Sentences with phrase «in a steady stream»

With blender motor running, add olive oil in steady stream until smooth sauce forms.
Real estate assets can bring in a steady stream of income and, over long periods, enjoy big capital gains.
If you build and maintain a strong referral network, it should result in a steady stream of clients.
Whisk in the olive oil in a steady stream until the dressing is thick.
In a medium, heavy saucepan, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, salt, and egg yolks until well combined, then add the milk in a steady stream, whisking continuously.
Gradually drizzle in olive oil in a steady stream while processing.
With motor running, add water in steady stream until dough forms ball.
Very slowly pour in the beaten eggs in a steady stream.
Pour butter in a steady stream into dry ingredients, whisking constantly to blend.
The S4 zoom is latest in a steady stream of new launches from the world's biggest smartphone seller.
Add the remaining cream in a steady stream, whisking constantly.
Continuing to mix on high speed, slowly add the sugar in a steady stream.
Slowly at first, then in a steady stream, add the warm caramel to the eggs, whisking constantly until incorporated.
The carriers started coming in a steady stream from the building.
Slowly add cooled butter in a steady stream, whisking continuously, until batter is smooth.
Place all ingredients except coconut oil into a blender and blend until smooth while pouring coconut oil into blender in a steady stream.
With the processor or blender running, slowly add oil in a steady stream through hole or opening in top.
Drizzle this solution into the egg whites in a steady stream while beating on low.
Pour the oil into the bowl in a steady stream, whisking constantly.
The chips they played in a steady stream were valid only in that room.
Pour hot milk into egg yolks in a steady stream, while whisking constantly.
With your whisk ready slowly start adding the balsamic vinegar in a steady stream, whisking all the while until it's all added and thick and creamy.
Slowly pour beaten eggs into the soup in a steady stream, stirring constantly until all the egg whites are cooked.
With the motor of the food processor running, pour the cream through the feed tube in a steady stream.
Whisk until well incorporated, then pour the tempered eggs into the remaining half - and - half in a steady stream, whisking the whole time.
We take in a steady stream of information from the people, screens, phones, and sounds that surround us.
Slowly add 3 tablespoons of the strawberry sauce in a steady stream.
A real estate search engine optimization campaign, done well, can result in a steady stream of targeted website traffic.
Slowly add the cold water in a steady stream until shiny and smooth.
As you continue to beat, add the coconut oil mixture in a steady stream.
The final stage of your IT contracting journey is a continuous one — with an aim to bring in a steady stream of quality contracting work.
Add oil in a steady stream, whisking until combined.
Whisk in the milk in a steady stream and simmer for 2 minutes, whisking throughout.
While mixer is still on at medium speed, slowly pour in the heavy cream in a steady stream.
We don't have to «find» anything bad about it, it comes in a steady stream, have you not been paying attention this past year?
Place all ingredients except coconut oil into a blender and blend until smooth while pouring coconut oil into blender in a steady stream.
With the machine running, add 3/4 cup of water just - boiled water in a steady stream through the feed tube.
Gradually add the water to the bowl in a steady stream, mixing constantly, until a soft dough comes together.
Step # 3: Very slowly pour in the beaten eggs in a steady stream.
Add the salt, reduce the heat to a simmer, and slowly add the polenta in a steady stream (a pioggia, or «in a rain» in Italian) while whisking.
As if drawn by some pied piper, the children arrive in steady streams at this converted Chicago Housing Authority apartment.
Add the cornmeal in a steady stream while whisking continuously for 3 minutes, making sure there are no lumps.
With the IT industry growing exponentially and new graduates entering the job market in a steady stream, every job applicant can start to look alike to hiring managers bombarded with thousands of applications for each open position.
As customers signed on in a steady stream, Glickman got his first lesson in what would be a series of principles for success, Justice - style, in global telecommunications.
If you want to make as much money as possible, your strategy will probably be more aggressive than someone who wants to conserve the buying power of their money, or turn in a steady stream of income from dividend - paying stocks.
Then add the egg yolks to the warm milk in the pan in a steady stream, whisking constantly so the eggs do not scramble.
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