Sentences with phrase «modern climate»

There are a few publishing scientists that strongly disagree with the established consensus that humans are the primary drivers of modern climate change and yet they seem to find funding without much difficulty.
As long as these processes are poorly understood, it is difficult to give accurate predictions of the future climate by modern climate models.
Does this mean that the hypothesis of nuclear winter does not survive testing by modern climate models?
It may also be related to cooler modern climates.
Thus modern climate change is almost entirely the result of anthropogenic activities.
Yet results from models, which produce a «realistic» modern climate state, might be preferable to «unrealistic» models.
Scientists continue to investigate past climate change events to better understand modern climate change, including extreme drought.
Neither scenario would be particularly good news in the context of modern climate change.
What is more, modern climate modeling has been traditionally implemented by people with a technological background and little knowledge of ecosystem functioning.
Although carbon dioxide increases are the largest driver of modern climate change, changes in the abundance of many other compounds also play a role.
In the case of modern climate science that paradigm is anthropogenic global warming (AGW).
How much this tells anybody about modern climate change is open to debate.
The most detailed record of the Earth's climate over the past 250 000 years is making modern climate modellers think again about the implications of a greenhouse world
I loved this sentence: «Although a quantitative relationship between the proxy records of the Jinchuan peat, the Japan tree - ring series and the Taiwanese sediment records with modern climate data are not given in the original works, the qualitative connectivity with temperature as the dominant controlling factor has undoubtedly been verified»
If only modern climate scientists had their intellect, the problem would assuredly go away.
The «MCA» (Medieval Climate Anomaly) could mean that, rather than a CO2 driven AGW, we could be experiencing a «Modern Climate Anomaly» of 300 + years.
The combined tree - ring record is valuable because it overcomes a vexing problem with many modern climate observations: They don't go far enough into the past to show scientists what conditions were like before human activities began transforming the environment.
He used several predefined criteria to do that, not the post editing we see from many in modern climate research.
Fourth, the null hypothesis (that observed modern climate variation is due to natural causes) is NOT tested by those computer models.
«We can't just rely on modern climate data to understand the past.
«As we consider how humans may be affecting climate, dissecting what was going on tens of thousands of years ago in all regions of the globe can help scientists better predict how the Earth will respond to modern climate forcings
The hockey stick - shape temperature plot that shows modern climate considerably warmer than past climate has been verified by many scientists using different methodologies (PCA, CPS, EIV, isotopic analysis, & direct T measurements).
Kaitlin Naughten from the University of New South Wales works on one of the most pressing issues facing modern climate science: interactions between the ocean and the vast ice shelves fringing Antarctica.
I think that many non-academic people, who would be put off by technical questions like the validity of principal components algorithms, may very well be interested in what I have learned about these processes as they apply to modern climate studies.
The climate conditions of the MWP are often compared to those of the late 20th and early 21st centuries in arguments over the causes and potential effects of modern climate trends.
A second, linked rumour was that Aronofsky would replace the sin and judgement message of the story with an environmental tract, and while his pre-flood humanity's mistreatment of creation is a pointed nod at modern climate change deniers, it doesn't go further than that.
Dr. Huybers» research involves the causes of glacial cycles, evaluation of modern climate extremes, and the implications of climate change for food production.
Troublingly, said Evans, when the team compared their data with various modern climate models under Eocene conditions, most models underestimated polar amplification by about 50 percent.
«Past global warming similar to today's: Size, duration were like modern climate shift, but in two pulses.»
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