Sentences with phrase «occasion of»

He was also accused on occasion of doing the government's dirty work.
This minimal purple - blue design is gorgeous and is superb for occasions of all sorts.
The concept of occasion of experience enables us to see what is common to the human soul and all other entities whatsoever.
And it is this element of self - determination, however slight it may be in many occasions of human experience, that he calls its decision.
Each of these cells, like the psyche, is a sequence of actual occasions of experience, each with its own reality and measure of autonomy.
A society may be composed of many actual occasions of which some are and some are not organized into enduring objects.
Some we think of as bursts of energy; others, as occasions of human experience.
She has always received excellent care delivered with concern, kind treatment and with occasions of unexpected follow - up.
The concept of dominant occasion of experience enables us to see in what further respects the human soul resembles its counterpart in other animals.
Our experience of societies is ultimately derived from this primal experience of individual past occasions of experience.
How might conscious occasions interact with other occasions of the body?
Recently, on a rare occasion of watching one of the network morning shows, I caught the show's «tech guru» reviewing the newest gadgets.
The process as a whole is the succession of these atomic units which are the individual occasions of human experience.
It defined «public participation» as an «occasion of qualified privilege» in which the defendant is provided with substantive protection from a claim in defamation.
But they are not occasions of sin in the formal sense.
The second level is the level of concrete experiences, of particular occasions of relationship.
It added an immense richness to the unconscious, which, by the continuity of its life, constituted the successive occasions of human experience as a unified soul.
There can be a tension between the aim at strength of beauty in the moment and the aim at benefiting future occasions of experience, one's own and others.
We are always open to the exceptional occasion of course because it can be a long - term exceptional opportunity that we would take.
This leads to several occasions of being attacked by enemies before given the chance to react.
«The stone» refers to a large grouping of molecular occasions rather than to any single occasion of experience.
We have reports of quite a few occasions of older more mature women meeting up with younger guys just for a fuck.
When there is added pressure from any difficulties between couples or families, the problems can overwhelm what should be one of the happiest occasions of the year.
I witnessed multiple occasions of random people walking on my backyard, and taking water from the outer tap.
Once again we must recognize the extreme range of experiences that can belong to dominant occasions of animal organisms.
In light of this ethical perspective, what can we abstract from the concrete values we are given in each emerging occasion of reality?
What is thus seen and heard within this more sensitive stance will bring its own occasion of judgment and understanding.
Employees are assured of monetary assistance being extended to their households in the unfortunate occasion of death, crucial contamination, etc..
This experience does assure me of my personal identity, not of course of numerical identity, with that earlier occasion of experience.
Hence, a statement about an electronic occasion of experience can evoke propositions about such an occasion in much the way that a statement about human occasions can evoke propositions about human experiences.
These are societies in which there is a series of higher - level occasions of experience, a series which is the «dominant» member in the society.
Isn't that great to wear one dress for three significant occasions of your life?
The policyholder will acquire loss of life advantages on the unfortunate occasion of his / her death.
Of the minor occasions of grief we shall not say anything further.
Sometimes a particular occasion of suffering clearly produces a very desirable result.
Perhaps he will also choose to read passages from the Song on occasions of compelling social action.
He was not invited to intimate occasions of parish grief and celebration.
I think your use of it on this occasion and other similar occasions of discussion and debate is a weakness.
Nevertheless, the central occasion is never independent of the lower - grade occasions of the body, for it depends upon these for its data, its mood.
Also hope the players raise their game to the special occasion of hosting an opener, so hopefully the fans will give them this energy!
If after multiple occasions of trying he still isn't listening, that's also different.
They are the ultimate love of many girls and wearing them on your most favorite occasion of the year is even more delightful.
Treat yourself on occasions of your choosing — and notice how much easier it is to enjoy the experience when you don't feel deprived.
Electronic events are to be thought of as occasions of electronic experience.

Phrases with «occasion of»

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