Sentences with phrase «on school choice»

For more than a decade, empirical studies on school choice programs have shown improvements in educational performance and results for both students and schools.
You can have a majority support on school choice in polls but lose in elections because union members have a far bigger stake than the average voter.
The education secretary nominee's singular focus on school choice through a voucher system puts the civil rights of students with disabilities at risk.
In my research on school choice, one cultural disparity came up repeatedly as a reason for why white parents leave the schools they are trying to integrate.
The introduction of randomized field trials to education research is as much a boon to knowledge as the results from any single study on school choice.
He conducts research and writes on school choice policy.
People working on the school choice issue also agree that tax credits are more legally viable than vouchers.
Except for opinions on school choice issues, differences across ethnic groups are generally smaller than those between public school employees and those who have never been employed by the schools.
What accounts for the change in the court's thinking on school choice?
The potential to eliminate such geographic constraints on school choice at both the course and school levels may lie in digital learning.
In their attempts to provide neutral accounts of the empirical literature on school choice, all of these reviewers necessarily fail.
If a moratorium on school choice for Black and Latino families will address the questions above, then we should talk.
When I set out on the task, I had seen his work on school choice as a distinct line of inquiry, one that captured his interest only later in his career.
The debate on school choice is about more than just opposing vouchers and our efforts center on supporting policy that strengthens public schools.
He has authored and edited a variety of papers on school choice, charter schools, school accountability, student achievement, school design, state policy, and other education reform topics.
Both conferences bring together scholars from around the world to present research and share their knowledge and perspectives on school choice.
To learn where governors elected in 2014 stand on school choice, click here.
As a corrective, each promises a clear - headed, impartial account of the empirical findings on school choice.
The well - sourced reports and interactive tools below will make gathering data on school choice programs and public opinion quicker and easier.
Third, we realize that this is not the universe of all studies that have been conducted on school choice.
It's more appropriate to put spending on school choice with resources devoted to public education in states that have private school choice policies in place.
The families say the restrictions on school choice options are unconstitutional and have forced thousands of students to attend low - performing schools.
Unfortunately, evidence indicates that school funding suffers as states expand their reliance on school choice.
To our knowledge there isn't another survey out there that has specifically asked these populations, military families and veterans, what their opinions are on school choice specifically.
To be sure, there are plenty of other items on the school choice to - do list.
Even parents who placed more value on school choices still didn't take school quality as seriously as other issues.
Their rhetoric on school choice is classic double - talk and sends mixed messages to their members and the public at large.
That's clear from a number of recent surveys on school choice.
This tends to get lost in a lot of education policy debates, whether on school choice, accountability, teacher pay or standards.
It would be incorrect to imply that charters have a monopoly on school choice.
Her failing creation of a wide - open market is a case study in why there should be limits on school choice.
Allow states to continue to lead on school choice.
A lot of readers responded to our recent stories on school choice, and we gathered some of their comments here.
I will have the privilege of joining an esteemed panel focused on school choice.
Based on my interpretation of the research on school choice, the balance of findings for a range of outcomes is compelling to me.
We would love to hear your thoughts on school choice and continue the conversation on issues that affect you in the classroom.
Critics were disappointed in her emphasis on school choice, rather than the need for more resources dedicated to special education in public schools.
The civil rights organization has been weighing in on school choice at least since last year, when it called for a moratorium on charter school expansion.
As a result, the literature on school choice has grown considerably in recent years.
When it comes to vouchers, however, the upward shift is conditional on school choice being provided for all students, not just those from low - income families.
A week after Wisconsin Watchdog trumpeted WILL's voucher findings, National Review Online did the same in an article headlined, «New Evidence on School Choice Successes in Wisconsin: Higher test scores for students who attend schools their parents freely choose.»
The Center for Tax and Budget Accountability released a misleading report on school choice programs in Indiana and elsewhere
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