Sentences with phrase «one's daily intake»

A major lifestyle change includes modifying your diet to supply the body with recommended daily intake of vitamins, minerals, good fats.
The same serving size also contains 5 percent of the recommended daily intake for vitamin B - 6 and 9 percent of folate.
Average daily intake of omega - 3 fatty acids was 2 grams.
Accordingly, a 1/4 cup of dried dates counts as 1/2 cup of fruit in daily intake terms.
Similar to the epidemic increase of diabetes with the increased daily intake of sugar in our diet.
This cuts out confusion around inconsistent and unrealistic «serving sizes» and daily intake guides.
You'll maintain a diet of 4 — 6 feedings per day with total daily intake of 28 — 32 ounces.
Divide their needed daily intake by the number of required daily feedings, and you'll know how much they should eat each time.
During the switch you will gradually reduce the amount of seed fed, and make up the average daily intake with pellets.
The moment you get to 20 % of your total daily intake as protein, it begins to be high protein.
For example, the suggested daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg, but this amount varies based on age, gender, and individual needs.
The standard daily intake recommendation is around 300 - 400 mg of magnesium, and some recommend even higher amounts like 800 mg to 1000 mg.
The fact that human cells mostly absorb the protein - like substance through eating meat must also be taken into account when considering the required daily intake.
I found some great information online about breastfeeding and introducing solids, especially on how to balance daily intake.
The pyramid shape graphic, illustrates a higher daily intake of foods at the bottom of the pyramid, and a smaller intake of foods at the top of the pyramid.
Factors in your recommended daily intake include age, activity level and where you live (climate and altitude have an effect on how your body uses water).
During pregnancy, a woman's daily intake requirements for certain nutrients, such as folic acid (folate), calcium, and iron will increase.
This amount is 42 % and 64 % of the adequate daily intake for men and women, respectively (1, 4).
Admittedly, it can be difficult to maintain a good daily intake of vegetables.
The recommended daily intake depends on your activity level, ranging from five to 20 grams.
However, bear in mind that this overload is more efficient in people whose daily intake of carbs is normally low (less than 1 gram per pound of bodyweight).
When you are trying to gain weight, your daily calorie intake should be higher than your normal daily intake by 400 to 600 calories.
Each serving also contains 15 grams of carbohydrates — a typical daily intake is 225 grams.
Daily intake varies depending upon breed, size, age, and activity level.
New Users: Start with 1 serving per day; gradually increase to desired daily intake.
For optimal benefits, most health experts recommend three to four servings of fatty fish per week or a regular daily intake of fish oil supplements.
This makes the drug ideal for daily intake when utilized at steady concentrations.
The average daily intake determines the total amount of seeds and pellets (combined) to feed each day.
Your personal daily intake needs depend on a number of factors including how active you are and how much energy you burn during the day.
Fresh tomatoes are packed with antioxidants and contain nearly 40 percent of the recommended vitamin C daily intake.
But for every additional daily intake of a standard portion of refined carbs, menopause onset began about 1.5 years earlier, the findings showed.
Although vitamin C is absolutely vital for cognitive development of infants during pregnancy and there are higher dietary requirements during this time, the upper daily intake limit is not known.
Some are more sensitive than others and find anything over 10 % of daily intake causes yeast flair - ups.
A diet with sufficient daily intake of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D helps to promote new bone growth.
To achieve outstanding daily intake, you would simply double these amounts.
Even when length of stay is at its most efficient, however, there will be a minimum number of animals that will need housing and care in order to accommodate daily intake.
This way he feeder controls your pet daily intake throughout the day.
However, the specific percent contribution of protein to total daily intake for endurance athletes has been in question for some time.
Man, it's half of your suggested daily intake!
The recommended daily intake of fiber is approximately 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men.
The average daily intake of sugar in 2010 was 63 teaspoons a day; this doesn't include the grains that become sugar in the body via digestion.
A quarter of their required daily intake can easily come from treats and dental chews.
Higher daily intake of both vitamin B6 and zinc was similarly linked to delayed menopause.

Phrases with «one's daily intake»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z