Sentences with phrase «one's performance in the film»

And while they both give fine performances in that film, here the two of them are already an unbeatable double act.
It's lighter fare, certainly, but I truly believe there are some worthy performances in that film.
Usually there's at least one poor acting performance in a film, but I couldn't spot one here.
Give some credit to the pair of leads here, as they both reached deep down for quality performances in a film that could not possibly have been easy to work with.
He is a decent actor who delivers great performances in films no one sees and mediocre work in major films.
Well, for starters, there are some fine performances in the film.
The best performance in the film comes from Kirsten Dunst, who uses the leftover existential dread from her brilliant role in Melancholia to her advantage here in her portrayal of Regan, the closest thing the film has to a protagonist.
Coming off of strong performances in films like 20th Century Women and Jackie last year, Gerwig looks ready to make yet another important, noteworthy step forward in her career.
The British Actor has recently won two SAG awards in January for performances in both film (Beasts of No Nation) and television (Luther), and sparking the #OscarsSoWhite protests when he failed to earn an Academy...
Indeed, the level of performance in this film is of the very highest order, with Robert Stephens brilliant as the lecherous and drunken Peter, who marries Jo's mother, and Paul Danquah charming as the flirtatious sailor who leaves Jo pregnant.
Josh Brolin, fresh off playing Thanos in «Infinity War,» gives perhaps the best supporting performance in the film as Cable, a time - traveling mutant soldier on a mission to take down Firefist before the kid does some serious damage.
«Already a global superstar, entertainer and athlete John Cena has put audiences around the globe on notice with his standout performances in films such as the hit comedy «Trainwreck» and «Sisters,»» noted Neuhauser.
Cooper gives one of the standout performances in the film as Charles Aiken, who must reconcile his strained relationship with his wife Mattie Fae (Margo Martindale), particularly as it relates to their son «Little Charles» (Benedict Cumberbatch).
The strongest performance in the film comes from Banks, who imbues Porter with a mix of hard - nosed tenacity and capacity for empathy that almost overcomes the stereotypical role of «Detective For Whom This Case Is Deeply Personal.»
Will Ferrell has tried to crack an Oscar lineup before with performances in films like «Stranger than Fiction» and «The Producers.»
«Draft Day» (2014)-- Boseman gave a memorable supporting performance in a film about the inner workings of another sport: football, as player Vontae Mack.
The absolute worst performance in this film however, comes from Garrett Hedlund as the future Captain Hook.
Neither these nor any other performances in the film depend on self - conscious histrionics; Jones in particular portrays a crafty codger with some secret hiding places in his heart.
During that same period, Christie was swiftly becoming a staple of British cinema, delivering memorable performances in films by John Schlesinger, Richard Lester, and Joseph Losey.
As the American people decide on Clinton v Trump - we remember some of most presidential performances in film history...
Given Daniels» oeuvre, it might come as a shock that not a single performance in this film felt too showy.
A perfect black comedy with one of the most underappreciated central performances in film history, by Dennis Price (and a handful of genius ones by Alec Guinness).
Though he used to be somewhat of a punch line, known more for his shirtless roles in flaky rom - coms than his promising earlier work, recently McConaughey has been repairing his reputation with a string of outstanding performances in films like «Killer Joe,» «Magic Mike» and «Mud.»
Memorable supporting performances in films like «Get Shorty,» «A Civil Action» and «Fallen» led him to what would be the role he will most be associated with, Tony Soprano.
That is the only Oscar - winning performance in a film that I literally can't watch.
Reiser has had notable performances in films such as «Diner,» «Bye Bye Love,» «The Marrying Man,» «Aliens,» «One Night At McCool's,» and «Beverly Hills Cop» (I and II).
Even with its problems, Rachel Weisz still manages to be amazing in it and its hands down her best performance in a film by far and she has given a lot of great performances (I saw «The Brothers Bloom» in Toronto last year and yes, she's great in that as well, so the whole «Inconsistent» dig is unwarranted.)
Instead of Howell, whose performances in films always seem to be underrated, we have two underwear models with passable acting abilities in Knighton and Bush.
It's hard to tell if Cage's performance is a grand stab at all - out, no - holds - barred comic acting or one of the worst dramatic performances in a film this year.
No one would argue that Aniston gives a career turning performance in this film, about a woman burdened with grief, and addicted to painkillers after a terrible accident.
The only decent performance in the film belongs to the great character actress Marian Seldes, but she is forced to utter the expected warning about the house, and you have to wonder if they had to inject novocaine in her cheeks so she could keep a straight face.
Don't Worry, He Won't Get Far on Foot is an acting showcase featuring one of the best performances of Joaquin Phoenix «s career and a supporting turn for Jonah Hill that joins his acclaimed performances in films like Moneyball and The Wolf of Wall Street.
Before he was Hannibal Lecter, Anthony Hopkins delivered a tour - de-force performance in this film from Oscar winner Richard Attenborough (Gandhi) as a mentally unhinged ventriloquist who forms a dark, co-dependent relationship with his dummy, which seems to have a mind of its own.
In the years since her breakthrough in Late Marriage (2001), also an Israeli Oscar submission, and the first Viviane installment, Ronit has become the face of Israeli cinema having delivered brilliant performances in films like The Band's Visit and Or.
The younger sister of Dakota Fanning and an actress since she was 2, Elle Fanning is a known quantity to many moviegoers through performances in films such as «Somewhere,» «Super 8» and «We Bought a Zoo.»
Michelle Williams» Oscar nominated roles include performances in films as wide - ranging as Brokeback Mountain, Blue Valentine, Manchester By The Sea, and playing Marilyn Monroe in My Week With Marilyn.
Pete Docter, Ronnie del Carmen) Pixar has topped itself with this conceptually adventurous animated feature that includes characters as emotions, led by one of the most memorable voice - over performances in film history by Amy Poehler as Joy.
Perhaps true, Sandy, but the Best Actress Award always goes to the actress with the most powerful performance in a film of high merit, such as Streep's two Oscar wins, for Sophie's Choice as Best Actress and for Kramer vs. Kramer as Best Actress in a Supporting Role.
Perhaps the most interesting performance in this film for me was Cameron Diaz's Malkina, a sexualized, confident, mysterious woman with an affinity for all things cheetah, right down to her eye makeup.
But the play was a deeply religious work, metaphorical, the imagery of man merged with horse essential to its message, so while Richard Burton and Peter Firth gave excellent, Oscar nominated performances in the film, the picture never quite captured the power of the stage play.
While he's been doing fine work for years, 2016 seems destined to go down as the year he really broke out, between his Marvel villain turn and his highly praised performances in films like Moonlight.
There are moments in «Alexander» that show Mr. Stone in fine form, including a battle scene shot from the view of a soaring bird and the aching tenderness between the ruler and his longtime lover, Hephaistion (Jared Leto, delivering the only credible performance in the film), but these grace notes are few and far between.
Instead, we get a very fine performance in a film which avoids some (but not all) of the cliche - ridden pitfalls of the rags - to - riches story.
The most indelible performance in the film is not, strictly speaking, a performance at all.
Juno Temple is charming and sometimes funny (even if her accent is nothing like what I heard in Norman), and Jeremy Dozier gives a strong performance in his film debut.
Unlike the vast majority of his contemporaries, however, he could truly act as well as make music, delivering superb, natural performances in films for directors like Martin Scorsese, Sam Peckinpah, and John Sayles.
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