Sentences with phrase «one's role in disease»

This rapid increase over the last decades indicates that environmental factors must play an important role in the disease process.
After careful research on inflammation, we now know inflammation plays a huge role in the disease processes.
While pharmacy technicians generally don't administer vaccines, they still play an important role in disease prevention through vaccination.
In many cases, diet was believed to play a major role in the disease.
Recent studies have suggested that gut bacteria play a fundamental role in diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (5).
-- play a key role in the disease as well and its effect on people's quality of life.
Vitamin D supports healthy insulin function and plays a crucial role in disease prevention.
Healthy fats play a large role in disease prevention, and just one cup of avocado provides 22 grams of healthy fat.
Thus, it has been suggested earlier that the central nervous system might play an important role in the disease.
As the name implies, salmon play a key role in this disease that can infect any member of the canine species.
«Monocytes and macrophages have a way to amplify inflammation in the central nervous system,» says Shaked, «which really shows that myeloid cells play an unexpected and important role in diseases of the brain.»
«Despite decades of research, it's difficult to make meaningful progress in the fight against diseases such as ALS — be it better palliative care or more ambitious strategies that reverse its course — until we identify the cellular players and their specific roles in disease progression,» says Abbas Rizvi, PhD, a postdoctoral research scientist in biochemistry & molecular biophysics at CUMC.
Newer research shows it has an active and critical role in every disease from Alzheimer's to cancer.
«It's pretty strong evidence that the virus is persisting from season to season in tick populations and that these ticks play an important role in disease transmission
«There is now strong and growing evidence that regular consumption of grain foods, specifically wholegrain, play an important role in disease protection,» says the GLNC.
The two cell types are important to a broad range of organ systems in the body and play active roles in diseases that could be targets for nucleic acid therapies.
The next step for researchers will be to identify individual SNO synthases in different tissues and their specific roles in disease, says Stamler.
Even though Alzheimer's is classified as a degenerative disease, the immune system plays a significant role in the disease process.
This relationship, know as neurovascular coupling, could play a major role in diseases like Alzheimer's.
This finding reinforced the notion that, in addition to their distinct physiological functions, the two cell types have very different roles in disease
Microchimerism is more common in patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis than in their healthy siblings, suggesting chimeric cells may have a detrimental role in this disease, perhaps by setting off an autoimmune attack.
Having confirmed this association between reduced Del - 1 and MS and EAE, the scientists wanted to see if the reduction itself played a causal role in the disease.
Outreach and education efforts can play an outsize role in disease elimination programs, researchers suggest in a review publishing July 25 in Trends in Parasitology.
«tRFs are active in this mosquito and may play diverse roles in disease vector biology.»
But when SNPs occur within a gene or in a regulatory region near a gene, they may play a more active role in disease by affecting the gene's function.
The patent may leave researchers who teased out the gene's role in the disease empty - handed.
While acknowledging that recent Ebola survivors may have had immunity to this or a related virus that saved them during this epidemic, Katze said, «Our data suggest that genetic factors play a significant role in disease outcome
And though the large size of biologic molecules limits their potential uses — they're too big to get inside a cell and must attach themselves to extracellular proteins — there seems little doubt that mAbs will play an increasingly crucial role in disease treatment.
Two related studies led by the Pagliarini lab, published consecutively in today's (Aug. 4) issue of the journal Molecular Cell, identify functions for three little - known mitochondrial proteins that play either a direct or potential role in disease.
In renal disease and after kidney transplantation, there is increasing evidence that replicative senescence pathways (p53 and p16) play a central role in disease progression and graft outcome, independent of chronological age.
Food sensitivities and food triggers play a monumental role in this disease as they activate the immune system and subsequent inflammation.
It's helped Bertozzi capture the first images of glycoproteins, proteins coated with sugars that play a key role in diseases such as cancer.
Despite what you might have been told, we've known for some time that neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons in the brain) can occur in the hippocampus of the brain, which plays a critical role in diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia and influences emotional behavior and cognition.
«Therefore, findings support — adds the researcher — the idea that genetic factors play a major role in these diseases
Genetic risk factors play a large role in the disease as evident in some high - risk breeds, including boxers and English bulldogs.
Since these behaviors are similar to behavioral traits in humans with schizophrenia, this suggests that KMO and KYNA may play a key role in the disease.
Since apoE plays a critical role in the transport of cholesterol and fats to the brain, it can be hypothesized that insufficient fat and cholesterol in the brain play a critical role in the disease process.
Vaccination continues to play an important role in disease prevention.
Oligodendrocytes, a type of brain cell that plays a crucial role in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, are more diverse than have previously been thought, according to a new study led by Sten Linnarsson, Karolinska Institutet / SciLifeLab and Gonçalo Castelo - Branco, Karolinska Institutet.
Husbandry and animal welfare are inextricably linked, and proper husbandry plays an important role in disease prevention.
Her lab studies one of the hottest areas in biotech — the immune system's role in cancer, and how the genetic code's messenger system may play a role in disease.
Stress is a complex issue since it plays a role in all diseases and thus infertility is not spared.
Sumner says that lnc - RNAs are still a rapidly emerging field, and we are just beginning to learn what they do and their role in disease.
«We don't know yet if the SMN lnc - RNA actually plays a role in the disease, but it is a convenient target that we've used to our advantage to treat spinal muscular atrophy in mice,» says Sumner.
In a groundbreaking study that provides scientists with a critical new understanding of stem cell development and its role in disease, UCLA researchers at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research led by Dr. Kathrin Plath, professor of biological chemistry, have established a first - of - its - kind methodology that defines the unique stages by which specialized cells are reprogrammed into stem cells that resemble those found in the embryo.
Some scientists speculate that low uric acid levels may even play a role in the disease.
Not only does the work examine an important event in human development, but it is one of only a few studies that have successfully taken a candidate gene identified in genetic screens and determined its role in disease.
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