Sentences with phrase «peak load»

More gas turbine are being installed but these only have a relatively small output and are used for peak loads, not load control.
Reducing household electricity consumption through demand side management: the role of home appliance scheduling and peak load reduction.
Peak load times happen to coincide with the peak hours for sunshine.
A more environmentally friendly way of generating power at peak load is pumped hydro.
It should account for the regular cycling of energy efficient units during the period of annual peak load.
Its fuel is supplied by the utility, and its operation is totally under the control of the utility, which is responsible for covering peak load hours scattered through the year.
This paper focuses on demand response programs as a tool for managing peak load shortages.
If the system were designed to encourage the use of solar to cover peak load, the cost savings would be substantial, he says.
These technology strategies have provided plenty of server power to handle peak loads during the field testing window.
The report is required to include the percentage net peak load energy from fossil fuel generation and the commission's efforts to reduce it.
That will increase peak loads and put more stress on energy infrastructure.
In addition, the electric pump is able to support the mechanical pump when peak loads apply, enabling a more compact and efficient design for the mechanical pump.
When energy use approaches peak loads (where the less efficient power plants come online), they start taking action.
We have existing infrastructure for large - scale electricity transport, much of which is unused most of the day due to the need to handle short - term peak loads.
«Once you get customers thinking about peak load as a concept, then you can introduce a dynamic pricing program, which perhaps gets you deeper savings,» he said.
Peak load electricity — the power that consumers draw on in the middle of a hot summer afternoon, for instance — costs a lot more than a region's average cost of electricity.
Our analysis concluded that with these expanded demand - side resources, the company could expect future peak load to decline from today's level over the next five years.
They then matched the response to temperature for both total daily demand and daily peak load, and played with 20 climate models to allow for a range of scenarios.
They also require to meet a certain peak load.
Peak load plants which can cope with short term variation and respond in minutes.
Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) can be a night - only dispatchable (D - CSP) plant; with its entire solar energy absorbed by day to be delivered after dark to cover the evening peak load on the grid, according to a study funded by the US Department of Energy (DOE).
In the two years since the nuclear moratorium, the nation has urgently needed new baseload power plants to shoulder the country's annual peak load of 80 GW.
During peak load on some graphics intensive titles, there was some degredation.
For starters, these technologies can provide a benefit to power generators like Duke Energy because they are advantageous during peak loads in both the heating and cooling seasons.
Among other uses, the storage systems would help meet peak load demand for a short period of time without forcing Platte River to deploy other fossil fuel resources.
NETL asserts that without these coal resources PJM would have faced «shortfalls leading to interconnection - wide blackouts,» yet never acknowledged PJM reserves were over 23 % of peak load demand, nor that PJM hadn't even declared emergency conditions.
To provide the Energy Commission and the public with the opportunity to consider alternative perspectives on demand trends, the Energy Commission requested electricity demand forecasts and related information from all LSEs with peak load greater than 200 megawatts.
Jeff Huggins [ANDY REVKIN says: Sure, solar can play a role in shaving peak loads and the like.
However, energy price arbitrage and other applications such as peak load reduction which could require multiple hours of storage may still be some way off from being economically viable in many cases, Regen found.
A. Noncoincident peak load by North American electric reliability corporation assessment area, actual
It is primarily a thermal system in the Mid - Continent Area Power Pool (MAPP) region with a summer peak load in excess of 2300 MW, growing at 3 % -4 % per year..
The firm noted in analysis this month that demand response capability totals approximately 6 % of PJM's total system peak load.
The group tapped Navigant to examine demand response in Illinois and Massachusetts, in an attempt to put a value on peak load management efforts, quantify the potential impact to consumers and determine how the resource can meet carbon goals.
With a contract now in place between Tesla and the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the battery «will help solve power outages, reduce intermittencies, and manage summertime peak load to support the reliability of South Australia's electrical infrastructure, providing enough power for more than 30,000 homes — approximately equal to the amount of homes that lost power during the blackout period last year,» Tesla said in a statement.
«Companies and municipalities benefit from higher supply reliability and the ability to offset peak loads.
The data collected by the sensors can be exported for production of reports including pedestrian flow patterns, prediction of peak loads through historical sampling and staff to consumer ratio.
«Dispatchable CSP can discharge from storage to serve high - price peak loads that occur outside the daylight hours, including the late afternoon and early evening,» according to BrightSource Director of Economic and Pricing Analysis Dr. Udi Helman.
B. Noncoincident peak load by North American electric reliability corporation assessment area, projected
Average winds tend to pick up mid-day, and tend to be quite strong throughout the summertime — essential times to serve peak loads.
It is NOW that the supposed «greenhouse issues» should be removed, being unrealistic in the «inferences» they have presented to begin with, or there WILL be Uranium installed as the major backbone Peak Load generation fuel with the Metal Wire grid.
In the meantime, duct firing two of the three OTSGs will produce maximum steam turbine output for peak load purposes.
It would eliminate supply and price volatility, level peak loads, increase reliability, and decouple production from demand, thereby making alternative sources like wind and solar more viable.
What's more is that their average debt load rose 4 % as compared to the... [Read more...] about Student Loan Debt Reaches Another Peak
Most funds indicated they could quickly clear backlogs once services resumed, and we deferred USM and other production runs during January to help with this processing peak load.
The bill includes plans to facilitate the deployment of the smart grid, as well as «measures to reduce utility peak loads through smart grid and demand response applications and to help promote smart grid capabilities in new home appliances.»
Peak loads correlate very well with solar availability (for obvious reasons) but locally the peak lasts later than the sun does.
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