Sentences with word «subatomic»

The word "subatomic" refers to things that are smaller than atoms. It describes tiny particles that make up atoms, like protons, neutrons, and electrons. Full definition
Beatsplosion uses Kinect for Xbox One to transport players into the crazy world of subatomic particles in search of a Unified Field Theory — by smashing everything into smithereens.
Different sciences treat the world at different levels ranging, for example, from the level of subatomic particles, through molecules and cells, to the level of human behavior.
How «real» are entities such as quarks, and to what extent should they be regarded simply as artificial models and analogies to help us try to understand the incomprehensible subatomic world?
But instead of looking at subatomic particles, they tested a gargantuan compound, C284.H190.F320.N4.S12, which is composed of about 5,000 protons, 5,000 neutrons, and 5,000 electrons.
We believe in subatomic particles we can't see.
The theory of societies, like modern general systems theory, pictures a world made up of societies within societies (systems within systems) That is, societies do not just line up side by side like mosaics — they form «nested hierarchies» that go from subatomic particles through cells to animal bodies, or through stars to galaxies.
Steve: The work has enabled the entire field to experimentally examine quantum states, the weird behavior of matter on subatomic scales that were formally only open to analysis theoretically.
to Android is a great opportunity for us to reach out to a whole group of people that may have not had the chance to play our game yet,» says Leo Montenegro, Creative Director of Subatomic Studios.
Not according to physicist Peter Higgs, whose work on subatomic particles in the 1960s inspired the long but ultimately successful hunt for the eponymous Higgs boson.
The human mind has proved capable of comprehending the counterintuitive world of subatomic physics and the cosmic realms of curved spacetime.
Of course, when the description of the general structures of the human occasion of experience is applied to the realm of subatomic entities, all the terms employed must be divested of any suggestion of consciousness.
As such they would be instances of, rather than exceptions to, the very kind of experiential activity that occurs in all living things and, so process thinkers speculate, in all existents, even subatomic events.
Neutrinos, like other subatomic particles, sometimes behave like waves.
This is what scientists do with subatomic particles, for instance.
The Casimir forces are due to the quantisation of electromagnetic fluctuations in vacuum, while the weak nuclear interactions are mediated by subatomic scale particles, originally called mesons by Yukawa.
The original Wasp, Janet van Dyne was revealed in 2015's Ant - Man to have disappeared into subatomic quantum realm years earlier while disabling a Soviet nuclear missile.
The implication of the new subatomic physics was that certainty was replaced by probability, or the notion of tendencies rather than absolutes: «we can never predict an atomic event with certainty; we can only predict the likelihood of its happening»... This directly contradicts the mechanistic model we explored above, and it implies that a subject such as normal birth needs to be looked at as a whole rather than its parts...»
The failure of ghostly subatomic messengers called neutrinos to show up at an Antarctic telescope has knocked down a major astrophysical theory involving some of the most dramatic explosions in the universe.
A search committee offered the council a shortlist of three names: Frank Linde, who heads the Dutch National Institute for Subatomic Physics in Amsterdam; Terry Wyatt of the University of Manchester, UK; and Gianotti.
By going subatomic, Scott found himself in another Realm — another reality entirely.
Quarks are ethereal particles that make up protons and neutrons — the building blocks of atoms — and other bits of subatomic matter.
In case you missed the news, a team of physicists reported in September that the tiny subatomic particles known as neutrinos could violate the cosmic speed limit set by Einstein's special theory of relativity.
It seems that such tunnels may be the alter ego of the mysterious link between subatomic particles known as quantum entanglement.
Physicist Mike Kelsey checks equipment in the BaBar Detector, where a team of 600 scientists study subatomic particle collisions 24 hours a day, nine months each year.
«The greatest city on earth, a great jiving funkapolitan melting - pot... And that's why we lead in all those creative and cultural sectors and that's why we have the best universities, because the best minds from across the world are meeting in some of the best pubs and bars and nightclubs like subatomic particles colliding in a cyclotron.»
Protons are essentially accumulations of even smaller subatomic particles called quarks and gluons, which are bound together by interactions known in physics parlance as the strong force.
I read with excitement about subatomic particles and quantum theory, but I know almost nothing about these areas.
They are energetic charged subatomic particles, originating from outer space.
The uniquely geometric nature of gravity has made it frustratingly difficult to contain within the same framework as the laws governing subatomic phenomena, namely quantum mechanics.
Well, the magnetic field deflects particle storms and cosmic rays from the sun, as well as even more energetic subatomic particles from deep space.
As neutron stars are composed mainly of neutrons, and neutrons are a key component (along with protons) of atomic nuclei, there were suddenly a LOT of subatomic building blocks flying around immediately after the neutron star smashup.
By describing subatomic particles as vibrating strings, somewhat like taut rubber bands, string theory ties all these disparate parts into a single framework.
Today, three weeks after the first particle beams were injected into the Large Hadron Collider — the world's largest particle accelerator — the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid celebrates the start of its crucial data challenge: the analysis and management of more than 15 million Gigabytes of data every year, to be produced from the hundreds of millions of subatomic collisions expected inside the LHC every second.
After the war, his Feynman diagrams — for which he shared the ’65 Nobel Prize in Physics — became the standard way to show how subatomic particles interact.
Birch and Cobb maintain that the ecological model is more adequate than the mechanical model for explaining DNA, the cell, other biological subject matter (as well as subatomic physics), because it holds that living things behave as they do only in interaction with other things which constitute their environment (LL 83) and because «the constituent elements of the structure at each level (of an organism) operate in patterns of interconnectedness which are not mechanical» (LL 83).
The machine, known as the B - factory, will create subatomic particles called B mesons, and their antiparticles, then compare the way that the two particles decay.
Now, using subatomic particles raining down from the heavens, a team of physicists has found a previously unknown cavity within Khufu's great monument.
Other urgent goals include the construction of an underground facility to study exotic subatomic physics — including hypothetical invisible particles known as dark matter — and an expanded effort to search for gravity waves, which are ripples in the structure of space and time.
Designed to look for flashes of light created when subatomic particles from space slam into Earth's atmosphere, it can also be used to look for space debris near the ISS.
Last year researchers involved in Fermilab's MiniBooNE study, which detects elusive subatomic particles called neutrinos, announced that they had found a surprising anomaly.
Inside an 18 - foot - high, 1,200 - ton particle detector, matter and antimatter moving at nearly the speed of light smash into each other billions of times a second, shattering into subatomic debris that hasn't existed for about 14 billion years.
In this action - loaded arcade game you play the role of Fermi, a particle on a terrific trip through subatomic space.
Basically, Earthlings of 2011 are simply not supposed to understand subatomic physics.
Using a metaphorical map as his guide and an imaginary boat as his vessel, he sets sail through subatomic waters.
Just as his earlier work paved the way to harnessing the smallest subatomic forces, the general theory opened up an understanding of the largest of all things, from the formative Big Bang of the universe to its mysterious black holes.
Even though the amplitude of the vibration was tiny — moving subatomic distances — it was easy to detect with the new plasmonic technique.
In PR he identifies subatomic occasions with events which are only millionths of a second in duration.
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