Sentences with phrase «than one's shoulder width»

To perform it, get in a press - up position and position your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart on the barbell, keeping your head neutral and shoulders relaxed.
Hands are slightly wider than shoulder width apart when you grip the bar.
Place your hands flat on the wall at the level of your shoulder and a little more than shoulder width apart.
When performing the close grip bench grab the bar with a slightly narrower than shoulder width grip.
Grab the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder width grip, let your elbows flare out and lean forward.
Your hands should be a little closer than shoulder width apart.
Stand with feet a bit further than shoulder width apart, bending knees slightly and keeping your chest up.
Stand with the feet shoulder width, holding the bar at thigh level, just wider than shoulder width with the palms facing backwards.
Stand with your feet slightly less than shoulder width apart.
Hang from a chin - up bar with both arms fully extended using a grip slightly greater than shoulder width.
Notice: hands are a little more than shoulder width apart, body is straight from head to toe for the entire movement, elbows are tucked in and core and glutes are tight.
Step 2: Take a wider than shoulder width grip on the bar and position yourself hanging underneath the bar.
Your feet should be a bit narrower than shoulder width apart and hands should be facing your body.
Get in a plank position with your hands closer than shoulder width.
Standing with feet a little farther than shoulder width apart, turn toes out to the side as much as comfortable.
Grab the bar with a slightly wider than shoulder width grip.
Stand straight and grab the barbell a little wider than your shoulder width with your palms facing down.
Start by placing your hands a little bit more than shoulder width apart and your body in a plank position.
Hold a barbell with an overhand grip (palms down) that is a little closer together than shoulder width.
Thank you so much for the advice... I played around with the bottom position of the squat yesterday and found that taking a stance that is slightly wider than shoulder width coupled with the «sitting in the bottom position» appears to work well for me...
The deadlift should start with a slightly narrower stance than shoulder width.
For pull ups, your total grip width should be a few inches more than your shoulder width.
When you use a wide grip, where the hands are spread further than shoulder width, emphasis is placed on the back muscles.
The movement is essentially the same, except that this variant employs an underhand grip (palms facing towards you) with hands narrower than shoulder width apart.
I should first point out that we are not talking about the — Rocky style — legs and arms as wide as the Grand Canyon version here, but one done with your feet less than shoulder width apart and the pushing arm pinned in tight against the chest.
Step 1: Standing with your feet greater than shoulder width apart, grab the sandbag by the sides (not the handles).
Stand straight with your feet placed closer than shoulder width.
Quick tip: When performing the close grip bench grab the bar with a slightly narrower than shoulder width grip.
Lift it from the rack, keeping it in position on your upper chest, place your feet just wider than shoulder width apart, keep your head up, then, using your shoulders to generate the power, press the barbell above your head by fully locking your arms.
Slightly bend the hips and knees and get into a quarter - squat position but place your feet a bit more than shoulder width apart and keep your head and chest up and your toes pointed forward.
TECHNIQUE Stand on balls of feet, which are slightly more than shoulder width apart.
3 STIFF - LEGGED DEADLIFT Bar held overhand with hands slightly more than shoulder width apart.
Select the desired weight and grasp the bar with a pronated grip that's slightly wider than shoulder width apart, then bend at the knees and place the barbell on your collar bone.
This means that your hips will be on a lower point than your knees, so to initiate the squat you will need to start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width, with your toes slightly pointed outwards.
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width and toes slightly pointed out.
Stand up straight with your feet at shoulder - width apart and hold a barbell with both hands behind your back, using a pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
Stand up with your feet wider than shoulder width apart, toes facing out.
SET - UP: Palms on a bench, legs / feet a little wider than shoulder width apart, body straight and abs tight.
The grip should be slightly wider than shoulder width.
Your hands should be placed a bit wider than your shoulders width.
Start standing with your feet a bit wider than shoulder width apart.
Stand straight, with the feet slightly closer than shoulder width.
Isolate the calves by standing tiptoe and squatting down and up from the sumo squat position with feet wider than shoulder width apart.
Using a grip that's only slightly wider than shoulder width, unlock the bar and slowly lower it down until it touches your chest.
1) Stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulder width.
Also, you will need to take a grip wider than your shoulder width and you will need to squeeze your shoulder blades as close as possible, as if you were that one thing stopping the bar from falling down so it bends on both sides.
Start the movement with the arms slightly wider than shoulder width and lower yourself to the floor until the triceps positioned parallel to the floor.
Placing your hands wider than shoulder width will engage more of your chest fibers, while placing them narrower than shoulder width will shift the emphasis to your triceps.
Stand with your feet out a few inches wider than shoulder width, toes slightly flared out.
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