Sentences with phrase «to cook one's own meals»

Man oh man I have been dying for a good home cooked meal for a while, so when I finally had a kitchen I knew I had to make something delicious!
I am all about making slow cooker meals in the summer.
Most people associate slow cooker meals with winter, but they're also a great option when the weather heats up.
In a perfect world, our dogs would eat delicious home cooked meals with us every night at the dinner table.
We will organise lunches and dinners upon your request, choose between lovely home cooked meals at the camp or our favourite restaurants in town.
I also wonder how others who have similar home lives, busy work schedules or just seldom cook, feel about the time and effort of cooking each meal in this 14 day plan?
The family who lives here are all super kind who even offer you a home cooked meal from time to time.
Imagine a device that will make the coffee for you in the morning or slow cook a meal on your behalf.
We are also giving up eating out in exchange for cooking meals together.
Most people don't think of slow cooker meals as a summer thing, but there are plenty of great, summery recipes for the slow cooker.
Making more time for cooking meals like this one needs to be on the to - do list.
I have a hard time seeing my own children complain about a healthy home cooked meal made with love.
In so doing, your food will cost more because you can't cook meals at home.
For instance, instead of eating in restaurants, you may decide to be cooking your meal by yourself.
It's like cooking a meal without knowing what ingredients to use.
Let's face it, sometimes we get in a rut when cooking meals for our family.
Behind the couch is a dining table with plenty of seating where you can enjoy a home - cooked meal prepared in the modern, fully equipped gourmet kitchen.
The kitchen is open between noon and 2 pm on week days and serves freshly cooked meals created with local produce.
You can even cook meals in well - advanced kitchens and enjoy the time in quite spacious living and dining areas.
Teachers and staff are always seeking ways for the school to give back to the community, whether by planting a community garden or helping cook meals for a local community center.
If you already have a bunch of basic food staples on hand, spend some time cooking some meals in advance to store in the freezer.
A home cooked meal does not have to be totally from scratch, if you have time it is awesome but other times we don't.
You will love cooking your meals in the elegant surroundings of your new kitchen, with maple cabinets, granite - style counters, and black stainless steel appliances.
Enjoy cooking a meal as you chat, a glass of wine on the marble countertops.
Once he was home; she ended up leaving shortly after to start cooking for us so we had plenty of fresh cooked meals for the next few days.
But these are a great handful of recipes to get started, get back into cooking or just squeeze a few home cooked meals into a very busy week.
I've learned a lot about cooking this meal over the years and have a few ideas to help us all feel completely in control.
My husband commented it tasted like a pressure cooked meal from the 1960s when everything was cooked together and had a uniform taste and texture.
We had an amazing chef who cooked our meals two times a day five days a week.
Enjoy home - cooked meals including the freshest fish available.
Maybe you'll start a bulk foods co-op or local farmer's market, or start cooking meals together, or start a plastic bag reduction campaign.
My partner is currently working out of the country during the week so figured he deserved a home cooked meal before flying out again early tomorrow morning.
I can actually cook a meal without a child hanging off my clothes now (well, most of the time; you do still have two kids).
Probably because salmon is that one food you can get away with making despite never cooking a meal in your life.
I too try to make two home cooked meals during the school year as well.
Imagine getting this ready in the morning in just a few minutes, and coming home at the end of the day to a fully cooked meal ready to be eaten.
Set aside a few hours on one or two days per week, and use that time to batch cook your meals for the week.
But some of them also cooked meals for us and came to the hospital to spend the night with us.
I like home cooked meals instead of fast food or take out though a good pizza place will always win in my book.
In fact, just one afternoon spent cooking meals for your little one can produce enough food to last your baby for a month!
I love slow cooker meals because they smell so good but I have a hard time waiting to eat them!
I will admit, everyone was very willing to participate in cooking the meals once the box arrived.
Dining is family - style dining with home - style cooked meals taken with all the guests at fixed meal times.
, including many slow - cooker meals which save me all kinds of time in the kitchen.
I have to confess: Sometimes I even buy some frozen cooked meals so I don't have to cook for one.
It's these small steps taken over the course of a few days leading up to the holiday that make cooking this meal so much easier than you might expect.
I find that slow cooker meals need a little bit of green or some other fresh veggie too.
Oh wait, I do know, she spent the bigger part of her day in the kitchen cooking meals.
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