Sentences with word «waketime»

See my post on optimal waketime length for help there.
I would try adding 5 - 10 minutes of waketime length.
hello, my daughter is 4 weeks old and WILL NOT stay awake for waketimes after nursing.
If I lay her down early she falls right asleep but then has such a long waketime before bed.
Do I need waketime after her last feeding of the day or is it okay to reverse her bath and feeding so that she has a bath and then nurses right before I put her in bed?
I would shorten waketimes up to one hour each.
1.5 hours at that age is definitely too long; McKenna is just barely reaching 1.5 hour waketime at 7 months.
Katie, 1 - I wouldn't go a longer waketime at that age.
lwicks, I would try having some more stimulating activities during waketime.
I also have additional posts on day / night confusion and on waketime.
I also kept up the dreamfeed longer than he probably needed it and added a 1:30 am pumping (he had been STTN for a couple months) and woke him to feed him at 5:00 am (normal morning waketime is 8:00).
My 4 month old is waking at midnight which is his normal waketime in Germany (7 am) and then goes back to bed if I nurse him until around 3:30 am and then back to sleep after nursing and then wakes again at 5 am.
So she woke up around 4 am (which is exactly 5 hrs from her 11 pm dreamfeed) on her own and then would go to her normal waketime of 9 am.
This week she started sleeping from 11 pm to 6:30 am and then I get her up at her 9 am waketime.
There are some posts on extending waketime.
I'm not sure there is anything that I can do about this excessive long wake time window of fuzzing action since he usually has a big bowl movement around 2:00 a.m. I'm only guessing his bowl movement is what keeps him up for 3 hours, but who knows it might be do to my poor waketime strategy during the day.
Oh - Typically I only feed him that first waketime and my husband and I just try to get him back to sleep the other times that he wakes up.
My concern is that she's not really getting much waketime since she is nursing for so much of it.
it's so hard to figure these things out and just when you do, things change =) it seemed like he was stretching out his feeds better the past week - DF at 10:30 / 11 and then waking at 3:30 / 3:45 to eat and then waking at 7a close to the desired waketime of 7:30.
The short answer is that you don't add waketime, you wait for him to be ready.
For his second nap I tried a 1.5 hr waketime, and he fell asleep really fast with no crying at all, but then woke up 35 min in, and cried off and on (interspersed with playing) for a hour and only fell asleep right at the end of his nap!I let him sleep for 30 min and then fed him.
In the last month we have been dealing with night - waking and REALLY early waking (5 - 6:30 am, established waketime was 7:30 am).
QUESTION - does waketime include feeding time or the time we spend nursing?
I guess one thing us parents of catnappers have to keep in mind is that we just need to make sure that they have more naps and less waketime.
It's also hard to judge his optimal waketime because I feel like he is constantly tired from not getting good naps... sometimes I am putting him down 30 minutes after waking because he is already yawning and getting fussy!
I would make sure she is having short enough waketime and not too much stimulation.
Then I would really work on tweaking waketime length.
He did not wake up again until 2 when I nursed him then he slept all the way til waketime at 7.
I'm working on changing that (testing varied waketime amounts, sticking to a routine, etc).
My five week old has a relatively predictable 2 1/2 to 3 hour feeding cycle, but tends to eat, have very little waketime, sleep for about 45 minutes, then wake and stay fussy until time to eat again.
Keep waketimes lengths short enough.
Be sure to pay special attention to the optimal waketime section.
But when I do that, his entire waketime consists of feeding!
- MidMorning - 10 am - Afternoon - 1 pm - Midafternoon - 4 pm - Late afternoon - 7 pm - Early evening - 10 pm (sounds awfully late for an «early evening» feeding); this one even says possible waketime, but how is that possible?
If your child is one who doesn't handle change well and you know waketime length is crucial down to the minute, this is also the best strategy for you even if you have an older toddler or young preschooler.
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