Sentences with phrase «child characteristics»

Compared parenting stress in parents of TD children and children with ASD and the impact of child characteristics (age, autism severity, quality of life, problem behaviour) on parent outcomes.
Family structure and family instability on the other hand, had no significant association with cognitive ability after controlling for child characteristics, family poverty and family demographics.
First, infant negative affect was unrelated to concurrent adoptive parent anxiety symptoms at 9 months, suggesting that associations between child characteristics and parent symptoms may unfold over time.
Parent - child relationships develop over time, influenced by child characteristics, parent characteristics, and the contexts in which families operate.
After controlling for the impact of other child characteristics, a strong relationship was found between child behaviour problems and parent stress.
A major reason that temperament and other child characteristics do not show strong relationships with attachment security may be that their influence depends on goodness - of - fit.
Parenting stress in mothers and fathers of toddlers with autism spectrum disorders: associations with child characteristics.
Results suggest both direct and interactive influences of family dynamics and child characteristics on children's self - concept development.
The only child characteristic found to predict greater levels of parenting stress was child social impairment.
From previous research, we know that variation in vocabulary growth relates to child characteristics like gender, and also to parental factors.
The findings held after controlling for family and child characteristics correlated with maltreatment.
Despite knowledge of changes in child characteristics across child development, more information is required about subsequent adjustment in the family unit.
Emotional and behavioural problems accounted for one third of the variance in reports of maternal stress, with other child characteristics demonstrating no association with maternal outcomes.
Model 2 is the family instability baseline model including the family transition variable and controlling for child characteristics.
Two child characteristics did impact treatment success: children with more severe conduct problems and children with more emotional problems benefited more.
Child problem behaviour (hyperactivity) significantly predicted greater parenting stress in the ASD sample above other child characteristics.
This paper examines maternal and child characteristics as moderators of the cognitive - behavioral intervention's [now called Preschool PTSD Treatment (PPT)-RSB- outcomes in preschool children.
Due to the limitations of Tehee et al.'s [71] study (i.e. small sample, lack of relationship between child age, support, and stress measures and unknown impact of child characteristics such as problem behaviour or ASD severity on study outcomes), research that builds on these initial findings is required.
While it is expected that all parents experience stress as their children develop, the presence of certain factors, such as difficult child characteristics or a disability, can increase stress levels [4][10][11][16].
This section examines the effect of adverse family events from pre-school age onwards, additional child characteristics related to physical and mental health, and aspects of parenting and family climate.
While child characteristics are identified as major stressors in the double ABCX model, additional stressors such as the pile - up of family demands also impact families.
If he is a dramatic, whiny child these characteristics will also become more evident during this time.
(In contrast to what Professor Farran says, these studies have provided evidence that these effects of test score gains are due to causal effects of the early education interventions, and are not due to unobserved child characteristics.)
It has been suggested that interactional factors such as the relationship between the foster parent and the foster child and the fit between foster parent and foster child characteristics are more predictive of placement outcome than either child or foster parent characteristics alone (Berrick et al., 1998; Doelling & Johnson, 1990).
Socio / Emotional / Behavioral Testing with a focus on increasing accurate understanding of unique child characteristics and symptoms that contribute to problematic patterns of behavior.
The researchers interviewed the couples surrounding their «unfulfilled expectations» about child characteristics of age, gender, race and special needs.
As much as Dods looks outwards, Nesheiwat & Brandwein focuses inwards in the journal titled: Factors Related to Resilience in Preschool and Kindergarten Students can inform us whether there is a ``... relationship between resilience and within child characteristics
Comparison 2 Infant massage versus control - mental health and development, Outcome 22 Parenting stress (PSI Abidin) child characteristics subscale.
Child impulsivity and negative affectivity, and caregiver psychopathology were related to parenting trajectories, while only child characteristics predicted BPD trajectories.
Risk of injury to children, therefore, reflects an interaction of many factors, including child characteristics x supervision practices x level of environmental risk.26
Each regression analysis included the pertinent child characteristic (as control variable) and fathers» and mothers» internalizing and externalizing problems at the 3 - year wave as predictors, and fathers» and mothers» emotion talk at the 3 - year wave as mediators.
Regression analyses of child and adult measures of child's emotion self - regulation and callous - unemotional traits, and a child measure of moral emotions, showed that poor emotion regulation, along with low levels of guilt and high levels of shame, predicted children's externalizing behaviors, while only low levels of guilt predicted a unique subset of child characteristics called callous - unemotional traits.
Thus it remains unclear which child characteristics most impact parent stress, supporting the need for specific and accurate measures of both child behaviour and core ASD symptoms to be included in studies [43].
The development of behavioral problems in this population is affected by child characteristics including temperament and self - regulatory ability as well as by family factors such as family stresses and parent - child interactions [36].
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