Sentences with phrase «difference in outcomes»

There were no significant differences in outcome of home or hospital births attended by midwives for the other child health measures.
Furthermore, there are no significant differences in outcome between pets adopted with or without a fee.
Quick action can make a big difference in the outcome for your pet.
They should, however, make a significant difference in the outcome of research.
The experience of your lawyer can make a very big difference in the outcome of your case.
Studies have shown that a supportive adult in a child / teens life can make a huge difference in the outcomes of treatment.
Also, we do not speculate that this spending increase will eliminate differences in outcomes by other categories such as race and gender.
This can have a big difference in outcomes in body corporate.
It is time to invest in our school leaders if we are to make a real difference in outcomes for our students.
- Choosing the right lawyer can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your family law matter.
Although they found considerable national variation in the choices of drugs used to treat high blood pressure, these made very little difference in outcomes.
The attorney you choose can make a dramatic difference in the outcome of your case.
And freedom to choose undoubtedly means differences in outcome.
Without meaningful differences in outcomes between programs, policymakers, school districts, potential candidates, and programs themselves have little information about program quality.
Having the right federal defense attorney can make a substantial difference in the outcome of your federal case.
Significant differences in the outcome variables were found for the in - person treatment group and for the on - line only versions of the program, versus a wait - listed control group.
The study shows that different combinations of social comparison feedback and financial incentives can lead to a significant difference in outcomes within workplace competitions.
The principal difference in outcome was the induction rate of 19 % in the hospital group compared with 8 % in the group booked for delivery at home.
On the face of it public sector pensions is an issue that should unite workers; but the detailed differences in outcome may undermine that unity.
Note the differences in your efforts and keep records of the respective differences in outcomes to determine the best methods for job search success.
This gradient in differences in outcome suggests that the impact of maternal mental health on children's development may be causal.
At treatment termination there was a significant difference in outcome between the two patient groups, this disappears at follow up.
I love this organic line, well worth paying a little extra, they are bursting with fresh flavor and aroma and make a huge difference in the outcome of all your cooking efforts.
After controlling for demographic characteristics there were no statistically significant differences in outcomes at baseline and also no evidence of differential attrition.
The right lawyer can make a big difference in the outcome of your case.
Hiring a lawyer with a history of success makes a real difference in the outcome of your case.
Something as easy as that can make a huge difference in the outcome of your day and your overall progress.
The size of the vehicles involved and the speed at which they travel makes a significant difference in the outcome of the accident.
By providing thoughtful mentoring, and access to programs that resolve problems for children and teens, child social workers make differences in the outcomes of at - risk kids.
(PDF - 314 KB) Baker Focal Point, 17 (1), 2003 Review of why race / ethnicity is associated with varying rates of service utilization and with differences in outcomes on standardized measures.
An analysis of data on 945 patients with prostate cancer that is managed with active surveillance shows differences in outcomes depending on whether the patient was low or intermediate risk at diagnosis.
Given that there are large difference in outcomes by socioeconomic status within broad income groups in the United States, this condition clearly does not hold in reality.
Multivariable analyses were used to assess group differences in outcomes, controlling for baseline measures.
It has been unknown whether participation in a neonatal RCT is independently associated with differences in outcomes.
More specifically, I calculate the average difference in outcomes between individuals who were age five before the introduction of kindergarten funding and children born in the same state who were five years old after the initiative was introduced.
Using statewide longitudinal data, the study analyzes dual - credit participation rates by race / ethnicity, gender and math and reading achievement on state tests and examines differences in outcomes for dual - credit participants and nonparticipants.
Yet the data Britton and her co-authors present in a new paper in Frontiers in Psychology shows a clear gender difference in outcomes for mood.
Co-sleeping in the form of separate surface co-sleeping is protective, and there is no singular risk factor associated with bedsharing, as is often claimed, since how and by whom it is practiced makes an enormous difference in outcome.
Alternative Views: The largest study with the best scientific method showed NO difference in outcomes between colicky babies that had spinal manipulation and those that did not.
Cured of Criminality The radical difference in outcomes from these two systems is illustrated by the experience in Connecticut, where I practice law.
Families with more baseline risk had better outcomes in some areas; however, generally there were not large differences in outcomes across a variety of subgroups of families.
At the next meeting, the Leadership Team identified numerous explanations for differences in outcomes among students of diverse racial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
There are minimal differences in outcomes at academies compared to local authority maintained schools — although, overall, local authority maintained schools performed slightly better — by 1 per cent across almost all areas.
While risk factors related to individual differences in outcomes have been studied in depth, there is a growing body of research that has revealed the effects of positive personal and environmental characteristics on diabetes management and glycemic control.
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