Sentences with phrase «of alarmists»

Much to the surprise of alarmist scientists, global warming is weak at best.
The result is a continuation of the alarmist climate rhetoric we have seen for years.
There is none now, just a lot of alarmist reports.
If readership dropped due to a lack of alarmist stories they wouldn't like it one little bit.
You're a bit of an alarmist with what you are implying, I'm afraid.
Since the early 1990s, the columns of many leading newspapers and magazines, worldwide, have carried an increasing stream of alarmist letters and articles on hypothetical, human - caused climate change.
Most of the alarmist studies come from data pulled from vital - statistics data, from birth certificates and infant death certificates that are linked together.
When people say action on climate will destroy the economy, that's kind of an alarmist thing, without a lot of evidence.
What I want to point out, though, is the core foundation of the alarmist argument, one that I have pointed out before.
This is and continues to be a key claim of the alarmists which is why they continue to present the Mannian hockey stick as a key piece of so called evidence for «soon to come» catastrophic climate change.
There will be dueling and inconclusive testimony from the two sides of the science and there will be Steyn knocking the snot out of the alarmist climate science establishment.
THE only place where such catastrophic scenarios exist are in the warped minds of alarmist hysterics who occupy the climate controlled offices of NASA, NOAA, BoM, National Geographic and the New York Times et al..
It is not easy due to human nature and the number of alarmists out there.
Andy implied in his comment that RC, a careful and rigorous group, is in some sort of alarmist camp, and that his guy is the one sticking to the evidence.
They expect the public to continue to support energy - rationing policies that will cost tens or hundreds of trillions of dollars on the basis that this handful of alarmist scientists in England and the United States can be trusted.»
You are asking, in effect, that skeptics simply «shut up and sit down,» that they concede as being true the most flawed and unlikely assumptions of the alarmist movement, and that they endorse policies that are wholly unnecessary and extremely costly.
The Swedish professor tells the BAZ that he became a skeptic of alarmist climate science early on because «the [UN] IPCC always depicted the facts on the subject falsely» and «grossly exaggerated the risks of sea level rise» and that the IPCC «excessively relied on shaky computer models instead of field research.»
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