Sentences with word «socialism»

Socialism is an economic and political ideology in which resources and wealth are shared or owned collectively by the community as a whole. In this system, the government plays a significant role in redistributing wealth and ensuring equal opportunities for all members of society. Full definition
Later, he was among the first to see the menace of National Socialism in Germany, tirelessly spoke for those persecuted there when this was an unfashionable and awkward cause, and became a close friend of the martyred Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
2018-04-07 11:50 The rise of national socialism in Germany should not be regarded as a conspiracy of madmen.
And as for socialism never accomplishing anything, all G8 (the wealthiest states on the planet) are socialized!
Democratic socialism as it has been practiced in western Europe and elsewhere demonstrates clearly that this is not the case.
But it does mean the acceptance of the programme of democratic socialism for overthrowing the power of capitalism.19
Isn't socialism about protecting the weak and vulnerable, giving a voice to the voiceless?
More recently the PKU set up the first School of Marxism in the country and in January established the research institute on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.
OISM also markets a home - schooling kit for «parents concerned about socialism in the public schools» and publishes books on how to survive nuclear war.
Some suggest that the international monetary system of western capitalism may suffer the same sudden collapse as state socialism did in Russia and its satellite countries.
We here in Latin America are suffering, being killed and oppressed by socialism for decades.
Price has been pilloried on Fox News and trashed by the multimillionaire Limbaugh («I hope this company is a case study in MBA programs on how socialism does not work, because it's gonna fail»).
Thus the limits were pushed far beyond what any previous great awakening had seen toward socialism in one direction, toward mysticism in the other.
Naturally, his followers, or at least many of them, failed in making any sense out of his remarks about the genesis of scientific socialism out of German philosophy.
By attempting to abolish private property through socialist economics, and attempting to abolish marriage and the family through «free love,» the socialist communities, Mises predicted, would eventually collapse, because «we have no reason to assume that human nature will be any different under socialism from what it is now.»
• After three months of cruel interrogation and torture of approximately seven hundred people arrested in connection with the July 20, 1944 plot on Hitler's life, the Gestapo concluded in its final report: «The entire inner alienation from the ideas of National Socialism which characterized the men of the reactionary conspiratorial circle expresses itself above all in their position on the Jewish question.
Democratic socialism means that we must create an economy that works for all, not just the very wealthy.
On a less frivolous note, Corbyn was also asked about his political influences and what socialism means to him.
If you like socialism for some bizarre and illogical reason, fine, but why try to justify dubious political choices by appealing to mythological figures?
The Chicago Transit Authority is a great example of socialism at work.
More generally, the loss of prestige suffered by international socialism after Tiananmen Square, and even more after the «velvet revolution» against socialist oppression in Eastern Europe, brought the «Marxist analysis» on which liberation theology so heavily depended into universal disrepute.
Shah Walliyulla's most important work contained, for the first time, the germs of a theory of natural religion which was to be developed later by Sir Sayyid Ahmad Khan, and the beginnings of a revolutionary socialism which was to be used by Ubaidulla Sindhi, who was a tireless commentator on Walliyulla and a great revolutionary leader at the time of the Pakistan movement.
Still, in this context, Berger compares the deficiencies of every «actually existing socialism» with a vision of capitalism that seems to have little to do with any «actually existing capitalism.»
Charity towards the poor can be called socialism by some as well.
(Therefore, I am not a socialist, if socialism means state ownership of the means of production.
Every argument that you'd make against socialism you can make against socialized healthcare, and any candidate who isn't 100 percent committed to scrapping Obamacare is not someone America should elect president.»
But our choice is not between socialism and pristine capitalism.
He then leaves no doubt, however, that «in the system of real socialism» even that truth is denied.
The frequent soul - searching letters and articles in the magazine Religious Socialism also indicate that many religious groups committed to nonviolence and equality question arguments that try to justify abortions in cases that are not life - threatening.
But you could just as easily argue that social - democracy is not true socialism.
I believe you wanted to say that You don't think Socialism and Communism are legitimate or maybe successful forms of government or social order.
What makes socialism especially dangerous idea is that it gives high power to the ruler, hence is prone to tyranny.
We always see the manipulation and propaganda from the Lame Stream Media promoting STRAW ARGUMENTS in order to promote Socialism through Government, and pathetically «use the reputations of others» to associate their despotic selfish designs.
Why the fuck is it that people like Tony Benn have persisted in supporting socialism but are against stacking up police power and fucking shite like ID cards - because it is a consistent pro-working-class position to support policies which promote our welfare and oppose fucking shite that oppresses us.
Following the Tiananmen Square massacre, and political infighting to determine whether China would continue follow capitalist reforms or turn back towards socialism, street markets popped up in Shenzhen.
The National Republican Congressional Committee sent an unusual gift to a Democrat running for Congress in Pennsylvania: a book titled Why Socialism Works.
While socialism existed, this was not the situation.
Benn's supporters, according to Healey, included the «Posadists» who believed socialism would be brought to earth by creatures from outer space.
The leader and his shadow chancellor welcome it, because they believe it will hasten the day the electorate realise their historic mistake and embrace far left socialism.
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