Sentences with phrase «someone a valuable employee»

Looking to a be valuable employee for your company where I can use my skills and knowledge to grow with and help expand your business.
Who is considered the most valuable employee in your organization?
Life insurance can also be used to protect a business from the loss of valuable employees.
Led a team effort that cut substantial costs, enhanced customer value and retained valuable employees in key strategic positions.
Veterinary technicians and assistants trained in animal behavior become more valuable employees.
The major business problem is the lack of expensive company offices for valuable employees in those places whose location is far from the main office of the company.
How could I expect my business to attract and retain valuable employees when I couldn't afford to pay them enough to meet their basic living needs?
I do not have much experience but every job I have worked I feel I learned very quickly and became a very valuable employee quite fast.
Given how valuable employee training is to company success, employers everywhere should make sure they're investing in the best tech solutions if they want to see big returns.
Teaching your child how to manage school projects will make him a more valuable employee later in life.
Creating positive perception about eLearning is necessary to gain valuable employee buy - in and make your eLearning implementation a success.
Remember, your resume must be tightly focused on presenting you as a potentially valuable employee.
More and more companies are starting to use video interviews as a way to meet valuable employees.
Beyond that, learning how to work with large data sets and interpret that information makes you a very valuable employee across a ton of departments.
Employers often overlook valuable employees when a resume only lists previous jobs or experience.
If your years spent pursuing higher education to become a more educated, valuable employee also featured volunteer work or a role in student organizations at your college, list these activities.
And, let's not forget the fact that usually starting up your own business means you are your own most valuable employee.
Making life insurance part of your employee benefit program could be a cost - effective way to recruit, reward, and retain valuable employees.
Starting a new project or trying a new system can help you feel more involved in your job and make you a more valuable employee.
The purpose of a stay interview is to retain valuable employees by determining the factors that motivate them to remain with the organization.
In an article in the April 2007 Harvard Business Review, David Harding and Ted Rouse argued that unless purchasers of businesses make efforts to understand employee needs and the culture of the purchased business, they will lose valuable employees, employee productivity, customers, and market share after closing.
«Librarians are such valuable employees that they can do two things: They can motivate kids to read through the selections they make but they can also teach reading so the classroom teacher isn't on her own.
«We'll show companies their breakdown of gender versus the market — what are you paying male and female candidates versus the market, and how are your top 20 most valuable employees paid relative the market,» says Nazar.
The most valuable employees understand more than just their jobs; they understand the industries in which their companies operate, the way in which their companies functions in big - picture terms and the way in which their individual job roles contribute to the success of their firms.
An ESOP can enable you to transfer ownership of your business to employees in a flexible and tax efficient way and help you attract, retain and reward valuable employees while maintaining the degree of control you wish.
Multipurposing security cameras adds value to the entire system and gives retailers the knowledge of what is happening in their stores, without having to pull valuable employees out of their roles of customer service.
Buffalo Niagara Partnership President and CEO Dottie Gallagher - Cohen said many refugees who resettled in Western New York are now valuable employees for local manufacturers and the tourism industry.
He compares the process of «onboarding» new families to the efforts companies exert to integrate and inculcate valuable employees into a company's culture and processes.
The businessman will need coverage to fund a buy - sell agreement, to pay off outstanding debt or may be to keep the company afloat while they find a replacement for a deceased valuable employee.
Organizations can conserve valuable employee time by automating conversations that tend to be redundant.
Resourceful, valuable employee looking for long term employment in a stable growing organization.
Mission Statement Looking to a be valuable employee for your company where I can use my skills and k...
Many area companies strive to show their worth to valuable employees by providing group Pasadena business insurance benefits.
As you can see from the best and brightest resume samples, it's beneficial to share relevant details and not just make broad sweeping statements that fail to show how valuable an employee you are.
Moreover, several legal and pay experts wonder at what seems to be a different standard in how Apple is dealing with its most valuable employee when other CEOs are being pushed out for similar or less obvious involvement in backdating.
Hr Recruiters are responsible for attracting and retaining valuable employees in an organization.
If you're chipping away, you're making progress, and it will make you a more valuable employee and leader in the future.»
I want to be associated with a reputed organization as a wireless sales associate where I get a chance to showcase my sales and customer service skills and contribute to the achievement of the organizational goals, thereby becoming a trusted and valuable employee in the long run.
A sales letter is the most valuable employee you could ever hire.
And even smaller companies can now consider setting up a telecommute for a valuable employee.
A valuable employee gave notice, or perhaps the bank turned down your loan application.
According to Cook, these days the mark of a great CEO has to do with your ability to retain your most valuable employees.
«These widely accepted practices are not only ineffective, they are costing our companies billions of dollars, driving away our most valuable employees and customers, limiting performance, and stalling careers,» said Halley Bock, CEO of Fierce, Inc. «This survey should encourage managers to question the practices in place.»
Sure, being a valuable employee involves being intelligent, reliable, and competent, but it's about so much more than that.
However, the «follower» is not necessarily a valuable employee for small businesses.
If you want your resume to stand out, you need to go beyond listing tasks and highlight the achievements that make you a valuable employee.
Valued employees are valuable employees.
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