Sentences with phrase «to spend hours in the gym»

I, along with thousands of others (to be conservative) have spent hours in the gym for years on end getting nowhere impressive.
When it comes to building muscle, many people's first thoughts are probably spending hours in the gym lifting heavy weights and spending time preparing meals to stay on track with your diet.
Millions of people spend hours in the gym and thousands on useless supplements just to look the same in the mirror year after year.
I personally wouldn't want to spend hours in the gym when I can get the same results in a fraction of the time.
The simple fact is, exercising for fat - burning is not about spending hours in the gym everyday.
If spending hours in the gym or generally on exercising doesn't appeal to you, you have to try high - intensity training regime.
On average, I try to spend an hour in the gym at least four to five days a week, focusing on a different body part each day.
You don't need to spend hours in the gym like the pros do.
Yes, you can burn off temporary calories by spending hours in the gym.
Who says you need to spend hours in the gym for a complete total - body workout?
I don't work with women who have or want to spend hours in the gym doing a «split routine» that requires a daily commitment to the gym and weight lifting.
The 15 minute cable shoulder workout is a good change of pace from your usual shoulder workout, or a good way to pump the shoulders if you are short on time and you can't spend an hour in the gym.
In a world where gaming activities in front of the computer are more common among his peers, Tristyn would rather spend his hours in the gym improving his physique and inspire fans from all over the globe.
Burst Training is quick, easy and it beats spending hours in the gym!
Intensity comes from different places and the best gage of whether you're going to boost metabolism without having to spend hours in the gym regularly is how much lean muscle you have compared to how much fat you have.
If you're stuck spending hours in the gym every day and trying to eat in a way that supposedly maintains or builds muscle, try changing your approach and see what an amazing difference it can make.
People believe spending hours in gym is enough to win the battle against their belly bulge.
In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Sacramentan Shiloh London spent hours in the gym lifting weights.
A lot of men spend hours in the gym to build up their bodies only to wear baggy clothing that hides all their muscles...
O'Gorman was a Junior Olympic volleyball player as a teenager but had to make the decision to go from the international and high school teams spending hours in the gym to the race track spending hours behind the wheel.
Discover the truths about weight loss, get tips on healthy eating, follow scientifically proven weight loss workouts that shred off pounds and fat without spending hours in the gym.
Finally, plan your meals in advance so that you can be a fit and lean mom, despite not having the time to spend hours in the gym for a real workout session.
Are you tired of spending hours in the gym doing some retired bodybuilder's workout with little success?
Getting in shape: If you already have a life insurance policy and got in shape compared to your state when you signed up for a policy (e.g. spending hours in a gym), you can request a re-view of your life insurance premiums.
If you're trying to lose weight and you're not spending hours in the gym every day (hopefully you're not!)
Do you think of people stating they're going to spend an hour in the gym every day of the week, or people who say they will eat fewer than 1,000 calories per day from now on?
Nobody has the time to spend hours in the gym, which is why adding compound exercises, such as the Squat and Overhead Press, to your routine is key.
He spends hours in the gym, showing intensity and desire via his social network pages to be the most ripped schoolboy from all over the world.
You don't have to spend hours in the gym to stay fit and healthy.
Lucky for you, you don't have to spend hours in the gym to tone up your tummy.
I empower women to lose weight for good through a unique one - on - one online coaching experience centered around food, fitness, focus, and foundational habits, so that they can gain the confidence to lead a happy, healthy, balanced life — without giving up their favorite foods or spending hours in the gym.
Everybody is looking for a way to look good naked, but very few know that losing fat goes far beyond doing hours of running on the treadmill, doing thousands of crunches or spending hours in the gym.
>> Find out how thousands of women are using Yoga to get back into shape without any pills or spending hours in the gym!
Ever wanted someone to stage an experiment for you and find out how to shed unwanted holiday pounds while not being miserably hungry and spending hours in a gym?
The holidays are busy so no one has time to spend hours in the gym.
The latest studies suggest that long boring cardio and spending hours in the gym 5 days a week, is not the best approach.
You don't need to spend hours in the gym doing crazy high rep isolation exercises like dumbbell flys, cable crossovers, biceps curls, tricep kickbacks, or calf raises.
Then weeks or months before going on stage or doing a photo shoot they must spend hours in the gym to get that look.
Proponents of the HIIT will disagree with this, and point out that if an individual doesn't have the time to take 90 minute long walks or spend an hour in the gym, this is a great way of keeping the weight loss efforts on track without busting the schedule.
So they spend hours in the gym on the bench press, with poor form wrecking their shoulders.
People think that as a professional bodybuilder I spent hours in the gym per day.
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