Sentences with phrase «effect of aerosols»

The indirect effects of aerosols on clouds are poorly done.
This was our lab's first attempt to incorporate the indirect effects of aerosols in a climate model.
Another source of uncertainty comes from the direct effect of aerosols from human origins: How much do they reflect and absorb sunlight directly as particles?
The direct and indirect radiative effects of aerosols suspended in the atmosphere above clouds (ACA) are a highly uncertain component of both regional and global climate.
Here, in part I, I'll review some of the basic processes that are important in determining the climate effects of aerosols, focusing in particular on their formation.
The net effect of aerosol pollution on global temperature is not well established.
If the direct effect of the aerosol increase is considered, surface temperatures will not get as warm because the aerosols reflect solar radiation.
ACC would also include any «special» regional effects of aerosols; aside from that, though, I think either term works.
Basically, the dimming and cooling effect of aerosol accumulation is beginning to lift away.
The direct radiative effects of aerosols can be divided in reflection and absorption.
However, there is also the global cooling effect of aerosols (such as in nuclear winter).
Interactive aerosol modules have been incorporated into some models, and through these, the direct and the indirect effects of aerosols are now more widely included.
This is because the net warming it reports includes the cooling effects of aerosols which partly masks the warming caused by greenhouse gases.
Myhre, G., N. Bellouin, T.F. Berglen, T.K. Berntsen, O. Boucher, A. Grini, I.S.A. Isaksen, M. Johnsrud, M.I. Mishchenko, F. Stordal, and D. Tanre, 2007: Comparison of the radiative properties and direct radiative effect of aerosols from a global aerosol model and remote sensing data over ocean.
«Tiny particles have outsize impact on storm clouds, precipitation: Amazon rainforest provides a unique natural lab to study effects of aerosols
The largest uncertainty in that comparison comes from the estimated effects of aerosols in the atmosphere, which can variously shade Earth or warm it.
In other words, thanks to air quality regulations implemented in Europe, part of the masking effect of aerosol particles has been reduced, revealing the true warming of the Arctic by greenhouse gases,» says Annica Ekman, Professor at the Department of Meteorology (MISU) and Bolin Center for Climate Research, Stockholm University who also co-authored this study.
«Scientists have talked about Arctic melting and albedo decrease for nearly 50 years,» said Ramanathan, a distinguished professor of climate and atmospheric sciences at Scripps who has previously conducted similar research on the global dimming effects of aerosols.
Unfortunately, mean temperatures have risen much further when account is taken of the short - term masking effect of aerosols emitted from coal and oil, mainly sulphur dioxide and its oxidized products... «Thus, according to -LSB-...]
Fan went to China in 2008 for an ARM Mobile Facility field campaign studying the climatic effects of aerosols in that country's fast - changing atmosphere.
Even without the complicating effects of aerosols, things aren't that simple on Earth.
The PNNL - MMF is a more physically based way to represent the indirect effects of aerosols compared to parameterization, typically used to represent small - scale climate details in global models.
But they add more reflecting, by a negative (5 + / - 2 W / m2) TOA balance due to secondary effects of aerosols on cloud brigthness.
Held and collaborators (PNAS 2006) have implicated the joint effect of aerosols and greenhouse gases in the trend towards Sahel drought, and generally there are issues in what inhomogeneous aerosol forcing might do to things like the North Atlantic Oscillation.
The leveling off between the 1940s and 1970s may be explained by natural variability and possibly by cooling effects of aerosols generated by the rapid economic growth after World War II.
We don't have very good measurements of this effect; unfortunately the rocket carrying NASA's Glory satellite that had instruments to measure the climate effect of aerosols crashed two years ago.
If analysis of historical data on GHG rise and net effects of aerosols establishes beta = 0.5, then TCR = 1.2 C. But, beta is uncertain and might be as low as 0.4, in which case TCR = 1.3 C. But, TCR (1 + beta) = 1.8 C and only has uncertainty introduced by uncertainty in the historical GMST and CO2 level rise.
The cooling effect of aerosols never materialized but the warming effect of CO2 has steadily risen since Robock's simple model runs.
Then, after giving a talk to the Bush - Cheney White House, he agonized about whether he should have ignored the cooling effects of aerosols because it gave Cheney an «out,» enabling him and others to make the specious argument that aerosols somehow balance out the trillions of tons of CO2 emitted every year.
The authors of the Science journal report provide new calculations on the cancelling effects of aerosols and GHGs on tropical cyclones.
So even though environmentally friendly laws have successfully reversed the trend of ozone depletion, the lingering effects of aerosol use, and the link between the ozone hole and global warming, virtually ensure that this problem will persist until the end of the century.
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