Sentences with phrase «one's rectangle»

You should end up with a 5 x 10 - inch rectangle of folded dough.
Roll it again into rectangle shape of same thickness, fold it again like the above.
It's an odd shape — a sort of rectangle with curved sides.
I cut a large rectangle in half, then cut each square into four small squares.
Roll out one half of the dough into a 1/8 inch thick rectangle on a lightly floured surface.
Roll the dough into a 10 - inch by 16 - inch rectangle on a lightly floured work surface.
I was going to do that last paint step on the middle column's black rectangle with white paint in the center but ended up liking it as is.
Spread to large rectangle about 1 / 8 - inch thick or a little less.
Take it out of the fridge, roll it out into rectangle shape of 1.5 cm thickness.
When it's completely dry, carefully remove the tape and place new tape just above the height of where you paint the smaller rectangle of color.
There is granite washing stand with long rectangle mirror in this classy bathroom.
So it would look rather stupid to have a big plane white rectangle in the middle of the shirt.
Roll out the second color of dough to 1 / 4 - inch thick rectangle of the same size on a lightly floured surface.
It's one simple, lightweight rectangle from which you pop out the number you need.
I can (almost) guarantee you, you'll never get more emotionally attached to a colored rectangle than you will in this game.
Transfer dough to a floured work surface and pat to flatten bubbles and form into a slightly rounded rectangle of dough about 5 × 10 inches and about 1/2 inch thick.
Both contrast with the hard - edge geometry of a painted rectangle centered on the handle or step.
This is represented by a red rectangle on the side of your screen, though it turns transparent when you've set everything up.
Carefully stack the rolled white dough rectangle over the wheat dough.
A deep sky - blue rectangle sits atop a black one, the whole work 28 feet tall and 70 inches wide.
And paired with the matching Hand - drawn rectangle fabric my dinner table will truly stand out!
Cut a roughly 1/2 ″ - wide by 2 ″ - long rectangle out of a plastic «Garage Sale» sign.
Unless you're a six - foot tall rectangle body shape, a bell bottom pant isn't easy to pull off.
Fold rectangle, right side up, so short sides meet; stitch along that edge with 1 / 4 - inch seam allowance.
I was hoping for that beautiful rise but it was so flat, tasty but a perfect flat rectangle!
A vertical rectangle of exposed lead extends from top to bottom on the right side whilst a dark red and a white segment are stacked on the left.
The large grille is either a fat oval with chopped edges, or a big rectangle with chopped corners.
The design is generic: a black plastic rectangle with rounded corners.
Yet, many in our industry have not come to grips with the fact that the main door of the dealership is no longer that glass rectangle in the front of the building.
The design is a dead simple rectangle with rough angles, but it's thin, light, and easy to hold for long periods of time without getting tired.
Here's today's idea: Roll a slice of fresh turkey from the deli around a little rectangle of cheese.
Turn dough out onto prepared baking sheet and pat into a rough rectangle about 1 inch thick (it should be about 6 by 8 inches).
One oversized traditional rectangle frame is a simple and chic way to fill the empty space above the sofa, while adding light and dimension into the space!
Using a sharp knife, score a border within each pastry rectangle about two cm (3/4 inch) from the edge, being careful to avoid cutting right through the pastry.
If you have medium to small space of room, you may place rectangle chair set in the corner of your room.
Spread the mixture into 12 rectangle bar silicone cake baking mold and press down firmly to form the first layer.
Spray a large rectangle pan with nonstick cooking spray.
Lightly spray or butter a large, rectangle baking dish and spread the pasta mixture evenly on the bottom.
The gray rectangle behind them, painted directly on the wall, allows the red to «pop» out from the picture plane and into space.
You could also make one large rectangle instead of two smaller ones, bake and then cut in half.
For the charger plate I used my fine bone china oversized rectangle plates, and for the serving plates I bought some inexpensive black and white ones which had a great circle design on.
For the pocket, cut a 25 cm by 22 cm rectangle in plain contrast fabric.
The lounge is one long narrow rectangle stretching from right to left with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the airport apron.
With a flat spatula spread the cookie dough into an even rectangle.
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