Sentences with phrase «to account for uncertainties»

In addition, the authors do not account for uncertainties in the simple model whose sensitivity is fitted.
The insurer had requested the increase to account for uncertainty around federal subsidies.
Even accounting for uncertainties in air temperature, snow and other factors, this suggests permafrost is around 20 % more susceptible to warming than previously thought, the paper says.
This definition assumes an average life expectancy of 20 years, beginning at age 65, plus a five - year buffer to account for uncertainty about life expectancy.
«Even accounting for all uncertainties and limitations, the temperature change could not be realistically explained by natural variability alone, implying a long - term human signal,» Will told me.
«The system's key insight is that it actively models and accounts for the uncertainty of not being 100 percent confident about where the drone is located in space.
These measurements become sparser as we go further back in time, hence trend estimates become more uncertain; of course we fully accounted for this uncertainty in our analysis.
Only a few estimates account for uncertainty in forcings other than from aerosols (e.g., Gregory et al., 2002a; Knutti et al., 2002, 2003); some other studies perform some sensitivity testing to assess the effect of forcing uncertainty not accounted for, for example, in natural forcing (e.g., Forest et al., 2006; see Table 9.1 for an overview).
Tesla Motors might still look to raise cash for de-risking the business and to account for uncertainty though.
«Given the size and scope of the IoT and 5G opportunities, we see IDCC's IoT goal as conservative as the company likely accounts for the uncertainty around monetization strategies and the timing / rate of incremental demand for its IoT related services and products,» analyst Darrin Peller wrote in a note.
The new approach contrasts with previous ways scientists analyzed and came to conclusions about sea level rise because it is «the only proper one that aims to fully account for uncertainty using statistical methods,» noted Parnell, principal investigator of the study conducted collaboratively with researchers at Tufts University, Rutgers University and Nanyang Technological University.
Furthermore, all approaches that use the climate's time evolution attempt to account for uncertainty due to internal climate variability, either by bootstrapping (Andronova and Schlesinger, 2001), by using a noise model in fingerprint studies whose results are used (Frame et al., 2005) or directly (Forest et al., 2002, 2006).
This helps to account for uncertainty with respect to initial conditions and determine the robustness of the results.
In our study the range of simulated ΔT 2x is affected by accounting for uncertainty in 11 model parameters, nine representing atmospheric characteristics (affecting parametrisations of cloud optical depth, height of clouds, lapse rate, tropopause height) and two describing mixing processes in the ocean.
«Even accounting for the uncertainties of the age of CO2, the deep sea warmed substantially before the CO2 began to rise,» Stott says.
[1] To account for uncertainty about life expectancy, we can add a five - year buffer to the average retirement horizon, resulting in a 25 - year expected withdrawal period.
While I don't disagree with the general point in Michael Tobis's post (that we should try to account for uncertainty which could matter due to the nonlinearity of costs as a function of change), I find it hard to swallow his claim that «we are at best hearing from the moderate middle and the more Polyannish tail of informed opinion».
Few studies undertook more than a very cursory sensitivity analysis to account for uncertainty around estimates of effect and cost.
These estimates for the response of the AMOC to future anthropogenic forcing rely on our «best guess» for many of the complex model details, and do not account for uncertainty in the model input parameters.
Musk clarified that Tesla, which just reported one of its best quarters ever, hasn't yet decided whether it should raise capital or not to account for uncertainty, to «have a larger buffer» and to «de-risk the business.»
Then add something like six months onto that runway for each one of those rounds to account for uncertainties.
10 [Editors note; Bohm's notes clarify this point as he writes: He accounted for the uncertainty of classical properties of the atom by means of a disturbance In general Heisenberg was influenced by positivism....
To account for that uncertainty, the new map describes probabilities over an extremely short, 1 - year interval.
Runs that doubled the solar forcing, to account for the uncertainty in that forcing would have been a start.
To account for this uncertainty, we also performed sensitivity analyses that set mortality rate to 30 %, 40 % and 50 % to determine how this impacted the outcome.
And once we account for this uncertainty, the break - even points become less about raw numbers (do I have to stay 19 or 22 years?)
Publications include articles on The Flaw of Averages in the San Jose Mercury News, and Harvard Business Review, and Accounting for Uncertainty, in the Journal of Portfolio Management.
Likewise, we may vary the initial conditions which are the input for a given model, accounting for the uncertainties we have with respect to those initial conditions.
«Second, we take the data as given and do not account for uncertainties, errors, and biases in selection, processing, in - filling, and smoothing of the data as well as the possibility that the data has been» snooped» (subconsciously or otherwise) based on key features of the first and last block.»
I can't think of one that I disagree with (in the form in which they have been very carefully written, to account for uncertainties and also a full range of anthropogenic influences not just GHGs).
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