Sentences with phrase «hand on the floor»

Stand with feet a little wider than shoulders (top left); squat down and place hands on floor in front of feet.
Start laying on your right side, balancing on that bottom hip / side butt area with your bottom hand on the floor in front of you for support.
Get into a bear crawl position with hands on the floor at shoulder - width apart.
Hold strap in left hand and place right hand on the floor outside of right hip.
Place your left hand on the floor about six inches outside and slightly forward of your left hip.
Place the right hand on the floor behind the hips to help rotate the torso to the right.
Keep hands on the floor, or challenge yourself and raise both arms along the torso.
If needed, put hands on the floor for support.
Keep legs straight, bend at hips and place hands on the floor directly in front of you.
Position yourself in a push - up position, placing one hand on top of the medicine ball and the other hand on the floor, slightly wider than shoulder - width.
Start laying on your side, balancing on that bottom hip / side butt area with your bottom hand on the floor in front of you for support.
Start: Sit onto your right hip with right hand on floor under your shoulder.
Place your opposite hand on the floor and bring the same side elbow towards the arch of the forward foot, allowing your front hip to flex and extend the opposite hip.
Place each foot outside the relative hands on the floor then jump your feet back to plank position.
Wearing lower leg weights, lie on your left side, laying your head on your upper arm, and place your correct hand on the floor before your trunk for bolster.
From standing, roll down to place hands on floor 3 feet in front of feet.
Get into high plank position with hands on floor, arms straight, and lower your upper torso down to the ground and then push yourself back up to start position.
Perform a push up and then roll the ball from your left hand to your right hand, placing your left hand on the floor and repeat.
Hold your right knee with your left hand, placing your right hand on the floor behind your right hip.
Place your left hand on the outer right knee, and place the fingertips of your right hand on the floor behind your right hip.
Position yourself in a push - up position placing one hand on top of the medicine ball and the other hand on floor, slightly wider than shoulder - width away.
Press your right hand against the inner right groin, where the thigh joins the pelvis, and your left hand on the floor beside the hip.
Exhale and twist the torso to the right, and press your right hand on the floor just behind your pelvis.
Once your right leg is positioned on your arm, release your leg with your right hand and place that hand on the floor about six inches outside and slightly in front of your right hip, fingers pointing forward.
Twist knees as far to the right as you can; place hands on the floor shoulder - width apart, right hand aligned with left little toe and left hand a few inches farther out.
Snug your upper left arm and shoulder as much as possible under the back of your left thigh just above the knee, and place your left hand on the floor at the outside edge of your left foot, fingers pointing forward.
It gives baby plenty of opportunity to wobble and allow baby to use hands on the floor or on the inflated nest.
Plant hands on the floor, then walk feet back into plank position and repeat.
Then take the outside of the raised leg with the opposite - side hand (turn the thumb down toward the floor), and press the same - side hand on the floor behind you.
Lie on the abdomen, hands on the floor wider than the shoulders.
Lie flat with your arms at your sides, prepared to lift Roll up onto your abdomen holding yourself up with your elbows bent and hands on the floor Hold the pose for ten to fifteen seconds, breathing in and out with focus on your abdomen
Keep your spine erect and hands on the floor adjacent to the hips.
Exhale and roll forward, placing hands on the floor pushing the body up into an inverted v position, arms and legs straight and heels pressing towards the floor, as in a downward dog.
Get started: Lie on left side with left hand on floor beneath left shoulder, right fingers behind head; let inside of right foot rest on floor in front of left foot.
Exhale, turn your upper body in front of the right leg and place your right hand on the floor beside the right foot.
Place hands on floor directly under shoulders, hips lifted and extend legs with feet together and toes curled under.
Place the opposite hand on the floor in front of the navel for support, and stack your feet.
Start in a push - up position with hands on the floor and toes close together on a Swiss ball («A» in the image below).
Set one hand flat on the bench and the other hand on the floor a few feet away from the bench.
Side V - Ups (alternate) Start laying on your side, balancing on that bottom hip / side butt area with your bottom hand on the floor in front of you for support.
With another exhale turn further to the right and lean the torso down, placing the left hand on the floor inside the right foot.
Support your head with your left hand and balance yourself with your right hand on the floor in front of you.
Put your right hand on the floor behind you, twist the torso toward the inside of your right thigh and set your left upper arm on the outside of your right thigh, near the knee.
For those who want a more intense workout, flip the position placing your feet on the bed and your hands on the floor for a decline push - up.
See, you can't get up without puttin» one hand on the floor, and so I couldn't protect myself.»
And Sam Feuring getting T'd up for slapping her hands on the floor?
In order to transition from seated into hands and knees position, your little one will need to learn to shift her weight over one hip and thigh and place both hands on the floor beside her - a skill called «rotation».
It's never too late to start, so if you notice your baby places her hands on the floor fisted or is resistant to placing her hands on the floor - increase the amount of tactile sensory play she gets daily.
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