Sentences with phrase «image of god»

These range from images of gods to objects used in worship.
What are people going to do when we make contact with alien life, who certainly won't look anything like our most prevalent images of a god?
= > You are the one who has added limitless possibilities for God so what we have is mans image of God as what man seeks rather than God who is.
The sheer abundance and diversity of images of God in the Bible bears witness to the futility of focusing on any one image as the ultimate exemplification of God.
These possibilities run counter, it is true, to the old ethic and the old type of religion associated with it; they have the advantage, however, that they are in a position to combine the vitality of our new image of man with the new and transformed image of God which is emerging.
But the revelatory image of a God who identifies with social outcasts, who embraces those sectors of human life that do not seem to «belong,» has the existential implication of retrieving also those portions of our private selfhood that may have become lost to our explicit consciousness.
snif Christ was the full reflected image of God so we could see and understand the full attributes of God.
In the prophetic literature, various specific kinds of familiar person are the analogues for images of God as King, Judge, Shepherd, Husband, Father, etc..
Images of God do not describe God but express ways, experiences, of relating to God.
This may have happened to attract people who were used to seeing images of gods and goddesses and to help them understand Buddha's message, even if they could not understand the language.
The model for the paintings are the memories and images of God when the artist was a child.
The refusal of much traditional theology to place the kenotic image of God at its center has led to impossible tangles in its attempts to interpret the world and human experience.
(We will not be able to develop in this book how the kenotic image of God also has potential for illuminating interreligious conversations, especially those taking place between Christianity and Buddhism.
In the beautiful expression of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the bishop is typos tou Patros: he is like the living image of God the Father.»
Images abound as one lives in close contact with small children, and as I entered into those relationships I began to reflect seriously on the significance of the biblical images of God as parent.
I believe that Pagan holidays and pagan rituals and pagan beliefs, and all the old stories and tales and myths from pagan religions are actually the cry of the divine image of God in man to return to what was lost.
Sony Interactive Entertainment shares a few new images of God of War, that will hit a PS4 near you sometime in early 2018.
We said in the previous section that man is made in the spiritual image of God.
It belies the typical Christian images of the God of the so - called Old Testament as a wrathful, vengeful, punishing foil to the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
I am becoming increasingly resistant to participating in, much less leading, liturgy from which dark, erotically empowering, woman - loving images of God are absent or concealed.
Origen argued, as Besançon puts it, that «if Christ alone is the perfect image of God properly speaking, he is so only by virtue of his divinity.
Although none of us can give definitive answers to these questions, our central revelatory image of God as self - emptying love may be invoked here once again at least as an experimental hypothesis to make sense of this puzzle.
True, the Israelites did, from time to time, use images of God in worship (Exodus 32, I Kings 12:25 - 33, II Kings 21:1 - 18).
In faith's response to its kenotic image of God there lies a surprising way of bringing new meaning to our normally confused sense of mystery, to our puzzlement about evolution and other recent discoveries about the physical universe, to our perplexity at the broken state of social existence, and finally to our own individual longings and sufferings.
They, too, reject images of God as spatially transcendent or above.
That, I maintain, is not possible without a restored sense of sexual identity; a sense of what it means to be a man, what it means to be a woman, what it can mean to show together a better image of God.
So my call for guys to write blog posts that honor women and celebrate the feminine images of God in Scripture has been absolutely overwhelming.
This observation rings true to me, but Caesar's lawyers do not have to have the last word and Christian theology does not need to protect an idolatrous image of God anymore.
Process thinkers have rebelled against images of God that depict the divine as a despotic tyrant or as a cosmic puppeteer pulling the strings on the creaturely puppets.
So powerfully internalized are societal and religious criteria of personal worth, that often we can not conjure up any other images of God than those modeled on significant persons before whom our societal performance is ordinarily executed.
Instead I hope these conversations of practice return us to the unique image of God our churches were meant to reflect in our local context.
The sculpture of Ancient Greece, often of Olympian deities, was admired but the exuberance of much Hindu art was puzzling and Pöhlmann writes that «what is annoying about many images of the gods is their kitsch», although he adds that kitsch is a very relative term.
It demonstrated to the ordinary reader the extent to which profound dissatisfaction with the traditional image of God in the Christian world was being voiced.
Jesus was the brightness and express image of God the Father.
If strong images of God impassion evangelizers and attract converts today, Stark reasons, such images should also explain the historical appeal of monotheistic faiths.
«Care involves structured and intentional organization in response to specific educational, relational, and existential needs,» says Larry Kent Graham (Discovering Images of God: Narratives of Care Among Lesbians and Gays).
In the reading from Luke we confront stark and conflictual sayings of Jesus that sit poorly with contemporary images of God.
Far from being a subservient afterthought, the woman is the often - neglected half of the male's incomplete image of God.
You look for a tangible that fits your man made preconceived image of god even though this nonexistant god is intangible.
I think this is a helpful picture in comparison to the more violent images of God in the Old Testament.
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