Sentences with phrase «one's exhalation»

To release from the pose, on exhalation bend your knees and come down to the floor into Childs Pose.
Once mastered, these practices are integrated into a single sequence: three Ujjayi breaths with no breath holding, three Ujjayi breaths with exhalation retention, and then three Ujjayi breaths with inhalation retention.
Scrutinizing an advance PDF copy of the book that my minimal Mac skills failed to enlarge, I had the pleasant sensation of being a novice monk peering at a miniature manuscript filled with cryptic exhalations of Zen - like wisdom.
The opposite happens during exhalation as the diaphragm returns to its original position.
Then stay in the pose and maintain the 8 - second Inhalation and 8 - second Exhalation for 3 - 4 breaths.
Breathing that focuses on a short, full inhalation and long extended exhalation will have the greatest effect.
With the next exhalation let the arms drop.
Upon exhalation, make a humming sound as that of a bee.
Make a long exhalation as you deadlift and press overhead, inhale on the way down.
On exhalation bend your knees in to a squatting position, (make sure your knees are above the ankles and pressing back).
The second activity involves a combination of forced exhalation, pelvic floor muscle activation, and varying ranges of motion.
Carbon dioxide is primarily generated by exhalation from people inside the building, according to the EPA.
As a group, dolphins may come to the surface, issue a forceful exhalation through their blowholes and then all inhale, sharing aerosolized particles expelled from adjacent dolphins.
After the seventh exhalation in the Seated Forward Fold, inhale and gently roll back to sit straight.
I prayed this at the beginning of the day, taking a deep inhalation when the first half of each sentence and a deep exhalation on the second.
And the longer he fought, the more he felt an increase of strength going out from him to balance the strength of the tempest, and from the tempest there came forth in return a new exhalation which flowed like fire into his veins.
That is why emphasizing long flowing exhalations helps facilitate the «rest - and - digest» response and turns off the alarms in your brain.
One of the simplest techniques is to lie on the ground and breathe long, slow inhalations and exhalations into the heart.
Diaphragmatic breathing involves actively engaging the diaphragm during the inhalation phase and allowing the diaphragm to relax during the mechanical exhalation phase.
«Short, sharp exhalations through the nose on repeat.
To release from this pose, on exhalation bring your gaze back to the floor (if its not already), lower the left leg back down to the floor and return to Warrior II.
Focus on pelvic floor activation and deep inhalations and exhalations while practicing the poses.
On exhalations stretch the left leg out in front as much as you can and keep the hips forward and square.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are next, culminating in New Years and a major exhalation onto a sofa with a good book.
But he certainly would have breathed a dying breath, a final exhalation of some 25 sextillion gas molecules.
The LDA approach uses powerful computer techniques to overlay the CT scan taken during a full inhalation with an image taken during a full exhalation.
She then began training Canadian clients and physiotherapists in hypopressive technique — a series of flexed postures and movements, breaths, held exhalations and rib cage expansions.
N99CV Vogmasks are printed microfiber outer layer, N99 particle filtering media, carbon filter, and one exhalation valve for facilitating exit of moisture and CO2 from the interior of the mask.
Another important point here is that both twists and forward bends are done with prolonged exhalation, which facilities the parasympathetic activation (rest - and - digest mode).
Most exercises for the abs use exhalations during the lifting and contracting, causing a chain reaction that shortens the entire front of the body.
The inhalation or exhalation happens at the same time as you are assuming the pose, not before.
Do the same with the space between exhalation and inhalation.
In series of experiments, the researchers have shown that the cells of the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) are linked to cells that control tension in the abdominal muscles, enabling vigorous exhalation, and the muscles in the larynx.
When I do talks about this, I say the quick lesson is that a long relaxed exhalation is really important to mindful breathing.
With an expressive exhalation, swing your right arm around behind your back and grip the right foot.
On your fifth exhalation remain in the forward bend, breathing as fully as you can.
Then, on your fifth exhalation remain in the pose, breathing as deeply as you can.
Tap into the natural core lift that a complete exhalation brings.
At the end of the seventh exhalation, bend your knees gently and look forward.
Drop the knees down on the last exhalation of the Downward facing dog pose.
TRICK: On Exhalation do not round your upper back, like you would in a Cat pose.
With passive exhalation, the muscles that's been contracting on the Inhale relax and return to their original position.
The new moon energy corresponds to the end of exhalation when the force of apana is greatest.
With a powerful exhalation, press down through your inner elbows and wrists and lift your chest to raise your head off the floor.
Herr has tested the leg at the state - of - the - art Gait Laboratory in MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence building, donning a mask that measures his oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide exhalation to calculate how many calories he is burning.
On each inhalation and exhalation focus strong attention of the flow of air - sensation at the rims of the nostrils.
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