Sentences with phrase «bullet sponges»

The phrase "bullet sponges" refers to enemies in video games that can absorb a lot of damage from bullets without dying easily. Full definition
Again, there wasn't much development with these characters so they felt more like typical bullet sponge enemies instead of people I hated.
Most missions will consist of going from one point to another, battling wave after wave of enemies or bullet sponge bosses.
It means again, that the levels are badly paced as you can get to a boss in 5 minutes, but then spend 5 - 10 minutes shooting a boring bullet sponge.
On the upside, she's a true bullet sponge.
These are usually bullet sponge enemies but what makes the fight interesting is how we are able to utilize our weapons and work as a team, since they don't go down easily.
Bullet sponge enemies with a campaign that was designed for more than solo play.
Enemies also felt like bullet sponges at times too, especially when using the submachine gun.
It's just that when you use the likenesses of real - life veterans (with living relatives, natch) as bullet sponges for your pseudo-philosophical hero fantasy, that's when you come out of this looking like an asshole.
There is no chance of a hardcore mode where infantry aren't bullet sponges for one another, and there's no toggling friendly fire.
I'm pleased that the bosses are more than just bullet sponges, but the patterns are relatively basic.
This often results in bullet sponge enemies.
Enemies don't react to your shots as you would expect them to, lending to a very miserable feeling of going up against bullet sponges.
Things like how, when you crank the difficulty up, enemies don't turn into bullet sponges but instead move faster, hit harder and are given brand new abilities.
The enemies are not bullet sponges and a headshot is a one hit kill.
All projectiles are slow - ish moving meaning you can easily navigate your way through the shower of bullets, and bosses while take on the form of giant bullet sponges, they are never a coin eating monstrosity that will fill the screen in bullshit for you to deal with.
Boss fights, however, are utterly broken, with most of them involving timed bullet sponge encounters that are just truly impossible unless you get a much stronger weapon or go to a much lower difficulty mode.
The enemies themselves are an interesting breed when it comes to action games: some trivially stupid grunts, some big / stupid bullet sponges [ed.
The giant mutants are tough enough when they appear on their own, but the demo I played had a pair of these massive bullet sponges coming at the same time.
You'll also face many robots, with the larger of which being irritating bullet sponges that you'll grow tired of firing at.
I went with the big, slow bullet sponge that is the Sentinel.
However, the fact we can vary the gameplay by always mixing our squad moves the focus from the boring getting bullet sponges to the very fun to play agents and motivating leveling system.
This basically leaves a six month window during Q4 2018 and Q1 2019 for Ubisoft's next bullet sponge festival.
I found the beta to be repetitive with limited exploration and stupid AI bullet sponges.
If it sounds familiar it's because it is, as it plays somewhat similarly to Borderlands, with players attacking and shooting bullet sponge foes until they die.
Back on topic, far cry 2 was annoying because enemies were bullet sponges yet respawned almost immediately and wouldn't leave you alone.
The players chased down a monster that seemed like an oblivous bullet sponge.
Phantom Pain also tends to misfire when it entirely abandons its stealth roots and throws you head first in to a hard - core third person action game against heavily armored bullet sponges that require nothing less than an overwhelming display of force to put down.
I think it was a bad mistake returning to boots on ground for Call Of Duty (bullet sponge special edition...
Lara isn't an immortal bullet sponge like many of the characters we get to control these days, so players will likely never feel overpowered when tackling combat scenarios.
Unfortunately, bosses are nothing more than bullet sponges designed to rob players of their ammo, and are considerably easy to defeat due to the glowing weak spots.
The giant bullet sponges walking off from you like monsters got better things to do is tedious for new players.
But relying on buckshot won't serve you in the boss battles, as while the new bullet sponges are measured in terms of semidetached houses rather than skyscrapers, as a collective they pose a solid if not especially numerous challenge.
Combat is predominately cover based and, particularly early on, survival ensures on taking advantage of this system and keeping your head down, as the enemies are quite literally bullet sponges.
For example, Roadhog fulfills his role as a tank through close assault bullet sponging, whereas Zarya tanks by creating shields and engaging in mid-range combat.
However I found turning the difficulty up to hard made the cultists bullet sponges.
Terrible AI that reduced non playable characters to lobotomized bullet sponges, unfinished half - baked mechanics and just an overall lack of fun factor all added up very quickly in the eyes of fans and Halo 5 quickly became what is largely regarded as the least favorite among the main - line games.
The one caveat being there are far less bullet sponges in this game when playing on the Normal difficulty setting.
One of the toughest endagames ever w / that bullet sponge jerk Trevaylan (sp) running around along with 200 of his henchmen.
The pick of the bunch being the standard Helghast assault rifle that had a single shotgun round, perfect for finishing off Killzone's notorious bullet sponge enemies.
VG247 noted that the boss at the end of the one strike in Destiny 2's beta is still a large bullet sponge like the previous game's bosses, which sounds less fun without high damage weapons like sniper rifles.
All they did was make it super easy so the enemies were no longer bullet sponges.
Bungie has designed cool missions that don't just take you through a series of alien - filled rooms that lead to a big bullet sponge of a boss fight.
The most maddening aspect of the game is not enemies that act as bullet sponges, nor is it even glitchy puzzles.
In Killing Floor 1 even the largest of non-boss zeds like the Scrake would stop and take a half step for a second when hit with a shotgun to the face but the big zeds in KF2 are just bullet sponges and you don't really get any reaction from them.
The challenge comes from wave after countless wave of enemies that all feel like bullet sponges.
Most enemies — whether organic or mechanical — are bullet sponges and usually arrive in large groups with multiple variations of ranged and melee fighters.
It is a grind though, and earning enough points to make my officer a bullet sponge took forever.
Bosses are bullet sponges, and some missions seem to require seemingly - impossible scenarios like taking out a foe with every round in the gun cylinder.
The first is that you're used as a bullet sponge, the second and possibly worst of these is your meeting with The Darkness.
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