Sentences with phrase «liberation theology»

"Liberation theology" is the idea that religion should be used to liberate people from inequality, oppression, and social injustice. It emphasizes helping the poor and marginalized and challenging systems of power and wealth that perpetuate inequality. Full definition
I will discuss the influence of liberation theology in the next article.
Whether in the south or in the country as a whole, we will not be able to understand what is going on unless we acknowledge the premise of liberation theology in this regard.
Another model is provided by Latin American liberation theology.
If he had done so, perhaps American white theologians would not have ignored the black freedom struggle and would have been less hostile toward the rise of black liberation theology.
Is there common ground evangelicals might share with liberation theology?
Several readers expressed interest in entry - level book recommendations on liberation theology for newcomers to the topic.
They insist that liberation theology at its deepest levels is primarily concerned with spirituality.
I'm actually glad about it because it gave liberation theologians an opportunity to share about liberation theology in a more public way.
He had some pressing questions: What does liberation theology mean to you people today?
Christian liberation theology is first of all theology; second and equally important, it is Jewish theology.
Because it enabled me to embrace liberation theology to the point [that] I have embraced it.
I am now suggesting that liberation theology needs to take seriously the diversity of perspectives.
What aspects of liberation theology still seem relevant to you?
Why do you think that video struck such a nerve, and what might the reaction to it reveal about common misconceptions about liberation theology among the American public?
I find Asian liberation theology especially provocative, but the least known to Western readers.
One point of contact between process theology and liberation theology depends on repentance on the part of process theologians.
I'm wondering how theologians like you felt about that sudden exposure and the way liberation theology has been discussed in the media.
The scriptures of all religious traditions address justice and the moral dimensions of social and economic life, as does much recent moral theology — from the social gospel through liberation theology.
His overall agenda for a black liberation theology is informed by this vision.
They lapse into sloppy ideology and gestures toward a vague liberation theology.
Yet liberation theology simply can not be understood without an appreciation f how these proponents struggle to hold themselves accountable first and foremost to the poor they serve.
Books on the subject tend to identify liberation theology with its most prominent proponents, usually academics.
Lesson and activities exploring liberation theology, including a group work task and key information.
This emphasis coincides with the best of Latin American liberation theology.
What is the nature of the political order that is sought by Black liberation theology?
Process theology, in spite of its claims to the contrary, is not very compatible with liberation theology and in fact often works at cross purposes to it.
The question now is whether there is any point of contact on the side of liberation theology for the concerns of process theologians in areas to which liberation theologians have paid less attention.
One could begin to speak meaningful of liberation theology in general as well as of its specific forms.
This may be because liberation theology was just at its beginning stage when the thesis was written.
The affinities of his theology of hope to the various liberation theologies soon became apparent.
Other liberation theologies include feminist theology, disability theology, womanist theology, ecological theology, gay and lesbian theology (to name a few).
This is the kingpin of all the arguments against liberation theology in the United States.
The Exodus liberation paradigm which had tremendous implications for liberation theologies in Latin America has extensively influenced the thinking and articulation of Dalit theology in India.
One may quote the stirring words of Deane William Fern at the close of his essay «Third World Liberation Theology: Challenge to World Religions in Dan Cohn - Sherbok, World Religions and Human Liberation, (New York: Orbis, 1992), p. 19.
This Pope has a Latin American background where Marxist Liberation Theology is popular.
Accordingly, I am organizing my remarks around five topics where tensions still exist between liberation theology and process theology, believing that reflection on these tensions can lead to fruitful changes on both sides.
Christians do not sit in racist liberation theology churches and call Rev Wright their spiritual mentor like Obama did for 20 years.
More generally, the loss of prestige suffered by international socialism after Tiananmen Square, and even more after the «velvet revolution» against socialist oppression in Eastern Europe, brought the «Marxist analysis» on which liberation theology so heavily depended into universal disrepute.
Your language filters preclude posting quotes from James H. Cone's book on that particular form of liberation theology because of the racist, hate filled nature of those quotes.
He contrasts Wright with James Cone, the 1960s proponent of black liberation theology who disparaged a focus on Jesus as Saviour as «Christofascism», along with others who contend that black folk should fnd their primary identity in race rather than religion.
Once considered exotic and fanciful, liberation theologies now have a good chance of becoming the way ahead for theology in the next century — if only they can manage to be true both to the aspirations of the oppressed and to the reality of the beyond in their midst [«Third World Theology, Fourth World Liberation,»...

Phrases with «liberation theology»

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