Sentences with phrase «to reflect on one's own learning»

Unlike other approaches, learner - centered approach relies on practicing and reflecting on the learning experience.
I hope you will try some of the ideas mentioned above and give your students the chance to reflect on their learning in meaningful ways.
On a positive note, this article, at best, makes teachers reflect on their learning environments but to be honest the intentions are quite archaic.
At this point in the process students have had the opportunity to show what they know and reflect on the learning process.
Measuring student readiness should show that students deliberately reflect on their learning through involvement, schools, the education system, school improvement, and student voice as a whole.
Three reflective questions have then been included at the bottom to push students to reflect on their learned material.
It not only allows learners to reflect on their learning journey, but, on completion, provides a good set of notes that they can return to at any time.
It provides my students with a chance on reflect on their learning.
Your role, further, is to model reflective thinking, to encourage your students to reflect on their learning methods as well as the content they've learnt.
Importantly, she reports that students are thinking about why their data is not as good as it could be and are reflecting on their learning behaviours.
We can go back and reflect on their learning together by viewing a Learning Journey, or I can print out a grid and use the info for reporting.
In lieu of an exit ticket, consider offering students a chance to reflect on the learning goals and how well they feel they have met them.
Students are active participants in designing and directing their own learning, reflecting on their learning styles.
Giving students the tools to reflect on their learning provides meaningful feedback to adjust instruction.
It is important that pupils have to both reflect on their learning and use the feedback to advance learning.
Personalized learning pathways: give employees a way to reflect on their learning experiences and share their insights with their peers.
Then, later on in the unit, this information can be recalled so that they can reflect on their learning in context.
Then in turn it helped me to buy more into having my students reflect on their learning.
After co - planning cycles, master teacher observations, and a master teacher's reflection on her planning, novice teachers reflected on their learning.
The study provides opportunities for students to reflect on their learning using clear criteria that they helped to set.
Through guided discussion, students reflect on the learnings from the guest speaker / s excursion and shopping activity and establish a list of considerations that will support an enterprise activity.
This is the last lesson of the unit «Exploring Hinduism» in which pupils are asked to peer - and self - assess their posters, to reflect on their learning within this unit and to celebrate success!
The Summit Learning Platform is a free online tool that helps students track progress towards their short and long - term goals, learn content at their own pace and reflect on their learning with mentors.
If educators are empowered to incorporate lessons about the positive impact of reflecting on their learning and using specific strategies to improve academic performance from the early grades on, students will be better equipped with the skills they will need to thrive in school, in their personal lives and in the working world.
First we unpack the concept of stereotypes through deep discussion, and the students reflect on that learning by creating posters with phrases like: «Just because I am a boy doesn't mean I can't have long hair» and «Just because I am a girl doesn't mean I can't play football.»
Lin reflected on learning about the racist hate mail directed at her when she was chosen to design the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and said she's frustrated that she's still often described by her physical appearance in articles.
Portfolios allow students to regularly reflect on their learning process — deepening their connection to content.
It's important that we start small with implementation, and that we continually reflect on the learning and push ourselves to try new things for the sake of our students, their engagement, and their achievement.
Once the face to face or webinar section of a course is completed, the next step should be an online element where the learner reflects on the learning elements and take away from the session.
We create lessons in which children connect prior knowledge to a concept or skill, gather new information, have an opportunity to meld their past experiences with this new information and then reflect on their learning.
The last 10 minute component provides students with the opportunity to discuss, share, & reflect on their learning while enabling the teacher to identify if there are gaps in the learning and determine next steps in the lesson.
Rick Wormelli (ASCD / Learning Forward) reminds us that student learning is enhanced when teachers set aside the last 5 — 7 minutes of class time for students to reflect on their learning rather than trying to teach more information up to the very last minute.
In this week's post, Laura Bornfruend and Lori Connors - Tadros reflect on learnings from this blog series.
Once their study is completed, students reflect on their learning before presenting their Tema to the class.
As part of the SAAL project, teachers will record videos of their classrooms, and use these videos to reflect on the learning behaviors students are engaged in.
With the intaglio master printer Jacob Samuel, who has collaborated with Wood since 2013, the artist reflects on his learning curves, ambitions and inspirations drawn from Picasso, Piranesi and the Boston Red Sox.
Seattle About Blog A nurse - midwife reflects on learning, healing, mindfulness, and the sheer joy of being alive.
Toward the end of the Leadership Training Workshop, couples reflect on their learning and growth, evaluate the event and prepare a growth plan for themselves.
Brightspace ePortfolio is available on mobile devices, too: users can demonstrate or reflect on their learning experiences wherever they go.
A fun set of printable Christmas / Winter themed emoji exit tickets that enable students to reflect on their learning in a fun and modern way - ide...
In addition to quarterly PBL exhibitions, student further share and reflect on their learning through Student Led Conferences (SLCs).
Reflection — Students and teachers reflect on learning, the effectiveness of their inquiry and project activities, the quality of student work, obstacles and how to overcome them.
Individual or School Planning Time / Faculty Open Office Hours: Use this time to reflect on the learning from the day — individually, with a colleague, or with your team — and / or schedule a «shoulder - to - shoulder» work session with any of the Leadership Institute faculty members.
eLearning allows learners to reflect on the learning materials and their responses, and permits them to work at their own pace, regardless of race, sex, disability, or appearance.
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