Sentences with phrase «in human patients»

Those false lines were used in the early trials of two drugs that were later tested in human patients with thyroid cancer.
However, it is still an experimental drug and has not been licensed for use in human patients.
But the stem cells also appeared to model the generation - to - generation repeat expansion seen in human patients.
Developing «designer» drugs is hard, and expensive, and testing drugs in human patients is the most expensive part.
These findings are somewhat surprising as abdominal pain is the key clinical sign of pancreatitis in human patients.
Besides its potential application in human patients, the newly developed skin tissue also could be used as an alternative to testing cosmetics on animals, the researchers said.
The rodents were given a battery of tests measuring lung and immune function, similar to what's done in human patients.
Ironically, the researchers say, one way to use this new knowledge in human patients might be to add even more calcium to the system.
Regardless, simply through the demonstrated clearance of amyloid in human patients this is a big step forward for the field.
Although commonly performed in human patients controversy exists regarding which material is most suitable.
As a true testament to the bond we share with our companion animals, some of these research initiatives will provide broader context for the way we approach cancer treatments in human patients.
The researchers now plan to tweak the nanoparticles for direct use in human patients, working to evaluate the safety of the method prior to potential clinical trials.
«We don «have clinical trials in human patients showing that adding tea to one's routine changes health outcomes for the better.»
A clinical trial to evaluate whether the ointment can treat antibiotic resistant infections in human patients is scheduled for 2018.
While collaborators in Germany will be pursuing clinical studies in human patients with neurodegenerative diseases, Lal and his research group at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering are particularly interested in testing anle138b on a variety of other diseases that are linked to toxic ion flow caused by amyloid proteins, including diabetes, tuberculosis and certain types of cancer.
«The fully defined nature of these synthetic bioengineered hydrogels could make them ideal for use in human patients in the event that HIOs are used for therapy in the future,» said Miguel Quirós, a University of Michigan postdoctoral fellow and co-lead author in the study.
Importantly, ATRA - induced Pin1 ablation degrades the fusion oncogene PML - RAR and treats APL in cell and animal models as well as in human patients.
For example, although early clinical trials of Listeria - based vaccines have shown that the neutralized bacterium produces only mild flulike symptoms in human patients with cervical cancer, the various methods of genetically disarming the bacteria should be explored to find the safest approach for people gravely ill with pancreatic cancer, because these patients are likely to already have weak immune systems.
The findings may help identify possible therapeutic strategies to treat cognitive defects in human patients
Further work in human patients and in other mouse models of HLH will be needed to generalize these findings to other HLH syndromes beyond FHL2.
Mice that underwent this procedure developed eye problems like those seen in human patients who have Graves» disease, while the control group of mice did not develop these complications.
Castro notes that if the drug proves useful in human patients, it could also be used for long - term prevention of recurrence in patients who have had the bulk of their tumor removed.
The changes also resemble those found in human patients with hippocampal damage.
Now researchers have achieved success in human patients with a ruse that turns the immune system against these growths.
Can young MSCs or rescued MVs turn back the clock of aged HSCs and improve bone marrow stem cell transplants in human patients?
Biomedcode offers preclinical testing using complex mouse models closely recapitulating the complexity of human disease as they also exhibit co-developing pathologies also observed in human patients.
Although this class of compounds has shown efficacy in a variety of cancers, interest in developing new topoisomerase I inhibitors, indenoisoquinolines, are currently being evaluated in human patients as agents with improved drug stability and measurable blood levels.
One of the results of this collaboration is that we were able to take a basic science finding from Andrew Huberman's lab that certain layers in the retina are affected early in glaucoma — and we're immediately able to develop engineering approaches to see some of those changes in human patients with glaucoma.
«Genetic tracking identifies cancer stem cells in human patients
Next, they did a very clever experiment, which was to measure the length of the CAG repeat length in the ataxin - 2 gene in human patients with ALS.
If this proves to function well in human patients, the combination of this therapy with patient - specific induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology and well understood differentiation techniques could further enhance this therapeutic strategy.
«A fundamental weakness inherent in this approach is that one makes assumptions concerning the relevance of the phenotypes and the mechanisms underlying them to the actual disease process going on in a human patient,» Gusella said.
Huang is now working with his collaborators in academia and the pharmaceutical industry to improve the compounds so they can be tested in human patients in the future.
At much higher doses, benzodiazepines treat epilepsy and anxiety in human patients now, including those with autism.
It works in cell studies and in mouse studies, but so far has proved frustratingly ineffective in human patients.
Prior to the new study, researchers had already developed a more basic type of skin substitute that had been used successfully in human patients, said Takashi Tsuji, a team leader at RIKEN Center forDevelopmental Biology in Japan.
The best way to test the effectiveness of Pezaris's prosthesis is to implant the electrodes in a human patient, a step that requires funding, approval from MGH's institutional review board and a volunteer whose condition is amenable to the treatment.
«We are now involved in studies which hope to determine whether some of the immunologic phenomenon we observed in our mouse models are representative of intestinal disease in human patients who harbor genetic mutations which predispose them to develop colon cancer,» says Chung.
«Gene variants modifying Huntington's symptom onset may lead to new therapeutic strategies: Genome - wide association analysis identifies sites associated with earlier - or later - than - expected symptom appearance in human patients
Given that in humans HTR7 is also expressed in the neurons that innervate the skin, this new gene may well be responsible for itch in human patients taking antidepressants.
They waited until mice had had an EAE attack, akin to a flare - up of MS in human patients, and then administered Del - 1.
As their results highlight the importance of GAG as a key virulence factor of A. fumigatus, they suggest that targeting GAG may be an effective antifungal approach in some human patients.
Although this study offered proof that gp96 is required to prevent colitis, further study is needed to connect the loss of gp96 to the development of colitis in human patients.
The findings are consistent with recent studies reporting T1 hyperintensities in human patients receiving multiple injections of linear GBCAs for MRI scans.
They created inflammation in the temporomandibular joints of the mice, and then measured bite force exerted by the mice to assess jaw inflammation and pain, similar to how TMJD pain is gauged in human patients.
Just as the technique restored kidney, muscle, and insulin - producing function in the mouse models, he sees a future for rejuvenating neuronal populations, maybe even one day in human patients.
Animal studies have suggested that overactivation of TLR7 plays a role in lupus, and a gene variant that increases expression of the receptor has been associated with increased lupus risk in human patients.
Hair thinning in a human patient and mouse with inherited loss of function mutations in WNT10A is shown.
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