Sentences with phrase «one's aerobic fitness»

This sustained effort requires a high level of aerobic fitness.
Notably, the improvements in energy and fatigue were not related to increases in aerobic fitness.
Some of the best benefits include improved aerobic fitness and stronger muscles.
Which develops aerobic fitness more effectively: long runs or high - intensity training?
The effects of low to moderate intensity training on aerobic fitness are well documented.
Among the 95 programming schools, researchers found larger gains in the percentage of youth that achieved national health standards for aerobic fitness between 2012 and 2015.
Scientists have linked aerobic fitness in kids to bigger brains, specifically, the part involved in paying attention.
Having a «base» level of aerobic fitness is important; I agree with that.
We all (think we) know how to improve aerobic fitness: cardio.
If I am expected to plateau in aerobic progress after about 6 months, then what is the long - term plan for progressing in aerobic fitness?
Your body needs time to both develop aerobic fitness and adapt to the impact and repetitive motions running involves.
Postmenopausal women with mild knee osteoarthritis, who may avoid strenuous exercise due to pain, can safely promote cartilage health and improve aerobic fitness with intensive aquatic resistance training.
Regardless of gender, young adults who have greater aerobic fitness also have greater volume of their entorhinal cortex, an area of the brain responsible for memory.
Tabata - like protocols improve both the anaerobic and aerobic fitness at the expense of less time [vii].
Cardiorespiratory Fitness — Physical fitness of the heart, circulatory system and lungs that is indicative of good aerobic fitness.
Moreover, older adults with high aerobic fitness have higher hippocampal volumes and better spatial memory, providing additional protection from the age - related decline in brain volume.
The first thing HRV can be used for is to measure the current aerobic fitness level of the athlete.
Soccer builds aerobic fitness, leg strength, and balance.
M. Smith, et al., «CrossFit - based High Intensity Power Training Improves Maximal Aerobic Fitness and body Composition.
He also stated that, «Improved aerobic fitness from the exercise was a much better predictor of psychosocial benefits than weight loss or reductions in body fat... Throw away the scale and get out there and start moving, and the activity can improve your emotional well - being even if it does not lead to any measurable change in weight or body fat.»
Aerobic Fitness Instructor February 1999 to March 2001 Fort Buchanan Sports and Fitness center - Guaynabo... exercises.
The results from these tests were combined and extensively statistically analysed to explore the associations between aerobic fitness, Stroop reaction time and brain activity during the Stroop test.
The activity wing includes the SARC Fitness Center, aerobic fitness studio, tumbling / gymnastics facility, dance studio, art / craft / kitchen facility, multipurpose rooms and parent lounge.
Both aging sexes might also wonder whether increasing aerobic fitness later in life can increase mental fitness.
Better aerobic fitness however does not appear to impact hippocampal volume, another area in the brain responsible for memory.
Entorhinal and hippocampal volume was determined using a method known as voxel - based morphometry and then regression analysis to examine whether recognition memory and aerobic fitness predicted brain volumes.
During the day, giant pandas walk on average just 27m in an hour, but their presumed low aerobic fitness may not concern them because they no longer have predators to worry about.
Aerobic fitness refers to how the body uses energy when there is enough oxygen, such as the energy burn that occurs when running at a comfortable pace.
In summary, our data indicate a role for the Gly482Ser genotype in determining aerobic fitness.
For instance, in isolation, the science says that vigorous high - intensity exercise increases aerobic fitness more effectively than moderate - intensity exercise, Yujin Lim, exercise physiologist from Optimal Health Exercise Physiology in Melbourne says.
You should complete this assessment of aerobic fitness feeling like that, even if your life depended on it, you couldn't have run it any faster.
I just have a nagging sense that form work has acquired enormous importance that is out of proportion to its value, when the real barrier for most beginning runners is still aerobic fitness.
The new study, on the other hand, used subjects with higher initial aerobic fitness («recreationally active,» not trained athletes).
The result, Polar OwnIndex, evaluates your maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and tells on what aerobic fitness level you are compared with people of the same age and gender.
Studies over the past twenty years have shown that maintaining lean body mass and aerobic fitness reduce risk of developing diseases such as type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, respiratory conditions, and many forms of cancer.
The Mayo Clinic recommends exercise include aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, stretching, core exercise and balance training.
About Blog Easy to learn, faith - based dance exercise & aerobic fitness with Christian Hip - Hop music.
For example, performing just half an hour of HIIT three times a week, can deliver the same improvement of your anaerobic and aerobic fitness as taking one hour of cardio exercises five days a week.
These included blood lactate, power output and peak oxygen consumption — a complex measure of maximal aerobic fitness.
Aerobic Fitness Instructor February 1996 to November 1998 Miguel J Frau Fitness Center - Bayamon... attending group fitness classes.
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