Sentences with word «elegans»

Ambros first heard about the bag of worms at a 1979 lecture by Robert Horvitz, who had studied C. elegans in Brenner's Cambridge lab.
Schafer's team injected DNA that codes for their protein into the gonads of Caenorhabditis elegans nematode worms.
Moreover, ATP synthase has already been shown to control aging in C. elegans worms and flies.
Here we identify the protein encoded by the W01A8.1 gene in Caenorhabditis elegans as the closest homologue of metazoan perilipin.
Images of C. elegans embryos show inheritance and transmission of an epigenetic mark.
We resorted to a widely used C. elegans model of Parkinson's disease, where we can measure the correlation between lifespan determined by aging and neuronal loss because the condition is not fatal.
Of course, IIT does not downplay the vast gulf that separates the of the common roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans with its 302 nerve cells and the associated with the 20 billion cortical neurons in a human brain.
We used RNA - mediated interference to target 98 % of all genes predicted in the C. elegans genome in combination with differential interference contrast time - lapse microscopy.
While completing her postdoc, Murphy began to study C. elegans mutants that could live and reproduce twice as long as normal worms.
Approximately 10 % of Caenorhabditis elegans nervous system synapses are electrical, that is, gap junctions composed of innexins.
A study of the development of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans by Neda Masoudi, Oliver Hobert and colleagues reveals a novel function for a member of the basic helix - loop - helix family of transcription factors in controlling terminal neuron differentiation (rather than initial commitment to a neural fate).
Mutations that make millimeter - long transparent worms known as Caenorhabditis elegans live longer also extend the proportion of their lives the worms spend being frail, Heidi Tissenbaum of the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester and colleagues reported last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Adam Kupinski (Eckmann, MPG)-- «The Ste20 kinease GCK - 3 is essential for C. elegans development and regulates centrosome maturation during meiosis» (2008)
IHC - Wholemount of Caenorhabditis elegans larvae labelling RNA polymerase II CTD repeat YSPTSPS (phospho S2) with ab5095.
As with humans, he says, the oocytes of C. elegans also show an increase in chromosome abnormalities with aging.
CK: We have studies in C. elegans showing that the daf - 2 gene functions exclusively in the adult to control aging.
Based on similarity to C. briggsae, we found strong evidence for 1,300 new C. elegans genes.
Key aspects of ischemia - reperfusion can be modeled by a Caenorhabditis elegans behavior, the O2 - ON response, which is suppressed by hypoxic preconditioning or inactivation of the O2 - sensing HIF (hypoxia - inducible factor) hydroxylase EGL - 9.
While most C. elegans aging research has focused on measurement of lifespan as the outcome, lifespan is only one point — the endpoint — of a complex set of time - dependent physiological processes that depends on genetic, environmental, and random factors.
Apfeld J, Kenyon C. Cell nonautonomy of elegans daf - 2 function in the regulation of diapause and life span.
Scientists have discovered that a species of small, transparent roundworms called Caenorhabditis elegans possess a highly - evolved language in which they combine chemical fragments to create precise molecular messages that control social behavior.
Sophia Millonigg (Eckmann, MPG)-- «The translational activator complex GLD - 4 / GLS - 1 regulates germline stem cell self - renewal and differentiation in the adult C. elegans germ line» (2013)
Previously we showed that the innexin unc - 7 gene is essential for coordinated locomotion in C. elegans [9].
Wellcome Trust Career Development Fellow using C. elegans genetics to understand how animals respond to infection.
Lichens Hang In There Lichens like Xanthoria elegans thrive in harsh environments like Antarctica and the high peaks of the Himalayas.
While still an undergraduate, she attended a C. elegans meeting at the University of Wisconsin (UW), Madison.
For the study, the researchers incubated eggs from the Trachemys scripta elegans, a semi-aquatic turtle, under different temperature and moisture regimes to study the effect of the two environmental factors on developmental rate, egg mass, embryo mass and length, and sex ratio.
Tatar's research, along with simultaneous independent work by Linda Partridge of University College London, U.K., and her colleagues, demonstrated that an insulin - like signaling pathway controls diapause and aging in flies — similar to what had already been found in the roundworm Caenorhabiditis elegans (see «Growing Old Together»).
As a result, alcohol - exposed worms stop wriggling — the C. elegans version of the sluggish, uncoordinated behavior characteristic of inebriated humans.
Uncoupling lifespan and healthspan in Caenorhabditis elegans longevity mutants.
We identify W01A8.1 as the likely C. elegans orthologue of mammalian perilipin genes.
To that end, we will work to openly disseminate our protocols, hardware, and software to the C. elegans research community.
The tiny roundworm C. elegans shares over 40 % of its genetic information with humans and its short lifespan makes it especially well - suited for defining genes that influence healthy lifespan.
We conclude that there is no Unc mutation that maps to the left of lin - 2 in unc - 124 (hs10) strains currently held at the C. elegans Genetic Center, and that hs10 is an allele of unc - 7.
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