Sentences with phrase «of actuality»

One should never reduce web page of the actuality of the issue.
Form: This is, as said above, the principle of actuality in existing things.
These possibilities are capable of abstraction from any particular instance of actuality with its emotional freight and can be felt in a variety of ways, depending upon the freedom of the individual.
In one sense, every occasion of experience enjoys some freedom in forming itself into whatever it becomes in its moment of actuality.
His feelings are only conceptual and so lack the fullness of actuality.
Some elements in our past are eliminated because of the very nature of actuality itself.
The question is: what sort of actuality does the historical being in question have?
The initial aim guiding each act of becoming to fruition is a pervasive feature of all actuality, yet only humankind, to our knowledge, is consciously aware of it.
Thus, without importance for the whole, there would be no measure of an actuality's value.
When events are taken as the ultimate units of actuality, the difficulty of relating «mind» to «matter» is reduced.
The essence of actuality is the aim at «self - formation» (MT, 131).
Anything, but look at the mirror of actuality.
But to suppose that temporal advance is wholly predictable is to deny that the future brings genuine increase of actuality.
No longer is it the latest verge of actuality, since there is now a richer reality, including the latest one.
Are you annoyed of actuality abandoned and having no one to allocation to?
Everything that is actual participates in the same kind of existence, what might be called the essence or nature of actuality.
And this is not necessarily in conflict with Cobb's emphasis on «persuasive power» which respects desires and wants of individuals (humans and other forms of actuality in his complex pan-psychistic universe).
Both the «principle of relativity» (PR 22) and the «reformed subjectivist principle» (PR 167) indicate that any conception of an actuality apart from its interrelations with other actualities, or apart from its satisfaction of subjective aim, would be high abstraction.
We can define what we mean by things going on without reference to the idea of stuff, but we do require the notion of an actuality which emerges from a potentiality.
The process theory of sequential societies of actualities, each of which is created and then persists thereafter as an objectified datum of prehension in later actualities, seems calculated to take the complexities into account more definitely and naturally than any talk about a rigorous continuity of action defining a single, identical, yet changing individual.
Faith, then, can be understood as a total valuational response to the qualitative structure of another actuality prior to any clear specification about what is in fact good or bad, trustworthy or untrustworthy about the other actuality.
Is this doctrine grounded in a religious apprehension of the togetherness of the universe, leading to an understanding of actuality as complete togetherness — «togetherness of otherwise isolated eternal objects, and togetherness of all actual occasions» (SMW 251)?
Many believe that this divine knowledge of evil, pain, and degradation is not possible apart from the actual physical prehension of the actualities of the world as they happen.
I need to emphasize the actuality of the superject (or, what is the same, the superjective existence of the actuality) because the misinterpretation of the principle of process has often gone hand in hand with the mistaken belief that «actuality» can be properly predicated of an occasion only while it is in the process of becoming.3 This widespread and deeply rooted mistake deserves more attention than I can give it here without digressing extensively from my main thesis.
The category of perceptivity that we apply to all occasions of actuality allows us to envision them as actively synthesizing the past into themselves.
It is obvious that if the definiteness of an actuality preexists the actuality as a possibility, the actuality preexists itself, granting that definiteness is actuality.
This of course would correspond to the primordial Spirit, innocent and deficient of all actuality and experience.
and value he identifies with the occurrence of actuality for itself as opposed to its effects on others.
But there could not then have been these modes, for each mode represents a synthesis of actualities which are limited to conform to a standard.
It may be said now that Cobb's emphasis on persuasive control represents a sensitivity to the multiple levels of actuality of the «raw material.»
God's uniqueness is explained in terms of God's fullness, the most complete degree of actuality that is possible.
«The consequent nature of God is the fulfillment of his experience by his reception of the multiple freedom of actuality into the harmony of his own actualization» (PR 530).
«We perceive other things which are in the world of actualities in the same sense as we are» (PR 240, cf. 78f.
But thc function of universals to explain the Platonist's problem of formal possibility precludes their being conceived as proceeding from actuality; they are necessarily the antecedent condition of actuality.
Insofar as the several occasions are mutually supportive of one another, they also contribute, but should they clash, or be individually trivial, they detract from this final unity of all actuality within God.
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